Chapter 10. An eye for an eye

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All Might has been fighting Nomu for a while now. Nomu has increased it's speed and strength a lot, being able to match All Might. Thanks god he came.

Tsuyu and Mineta grabbed Aizawa and got the hell out of there, searching for a safe spot. The others were all around me, protecting me.

Now that we are on the subject... I'm currently kneeling, trying to regain some energy back. Overdrive tires me a lot, and it's a double edge sword. I can't move right now, I'm vulnerable. If those other two attack now, they could-

???:"Did you forget about me?"

I rolled out of the way the moment I heared her voice. It was the hand girl.

She almost grabbed me. I don't know what her quirk is, but, I'm asuming she utilizes het quirk to inflict damage. Let's not test it.

Eijira stands in front of me, assuming a battle stance. The villain scraches her neck in a wicked way.

Handy girl:"Hmm... you are quite fast... and, you are very powerful indeed. We could use someone with your strenght, you know?"

Y/N:"I pass."

Handy girl:"Funny. You think you have an option?"

The mist guy opened a portal on my feet. Once I fall through the portal, I was right besides him. He grabbed my hair, and opened a portal next to my head.

Weirdo:"All Might. I have one of your students. Stop this fight, or... a head will roll."

Nomu and All Might stops the fight. He looks at me, shocked. Everyone is surprised and angry.

The hand girl simply walks slowly towards me.

Handy girl:"Killing All Might was our main objective, but this kid... will be useful for our master. We won. Let's go, Kurogiri."

The weird guy, now known as Kurogiri opened up a big portal. He grabbed the neck of my coat, dragging me towards the portal. His partner was aiming her hand at me, prepared to kill me if someone did something...

Is this really it? I'm going to get captured by this idiots?

I could hear voices in my head, saying those things that always made me mad.



???:"Look at him! He can't do anything by himself! He needs to copy other's quirks!"

???:"That's bullshit! You can get the quirk you want?! Cheater!"

???:"It doesn't matter though... even if you have that quirk... you can't do nothing with it."





The red aura came back to me, stronger than last time. Everything moved so slow, like if it was slow motion. I can feel my heart beating too fast, almost as if it was going to burst.

I opened my palms and aimed at both my kidnappers. The explosion I made was so big, it threw both of them far away from me.

I got up, and reinforced myself. My armor looked way tougher and thicker than last time. I turn my head to the right the moment I heares big footsteps. Nomu was charging, yet he was so slow... I have all the time in the world to think...

When he was close to me, I used Momo's quirk to create spikes all around my body, imapling Nomu. The sudden pain stunned the monster, giving me enough time to punch him in the head, launching him far away from me.

Nomu got up, mandible dislocated. He quickly regenerated, but now I know I can hurt him.

I used my explosions to rush him. Since they were bigger, I was way faster, and managed to reach Nomu really quick. I used the momentum to twist my body, and kick his face, launching him again.

While I was boosting towards him, I created Scorpion's spear. I used it to make him go towards me. I wanted to shout GET OVER HERE so badly, but, I was to focused in winning the fight.

When Nomu was close, I threw a kick to his mandible, breaking it again. I folowed it up by punching his ribs two times. I could hear bones breaking. After that, I placed my hand on his chest, and made an explosion, making him crash on the ground.

Nomu recovered quickly, getting up, ready to fight. He started throwing punches and kicks, but none of them actually hitted me. I dodged them effortlessly. He was getting slow. Maybe, it's regeneration has a limit?

I had an idea. Everytime I dodged, I threw a punch to his head, hurting him. After 20 punches or so, he was getting tired, and slowed the pace of his attacks. Heh, this is going to be fun.

I punched with all the strength I had on his stomach, forcing him on his knees. After that, I grabbed his neck and lifted him up. He kicked around, trying to escape. Don't worry, I won't hurt you...

Gravity will.

Since the roof was made out of glass, I aimed my palm at his torso, and made the biggest explosion I ever made so far, launching him through the window, the monster falling god knows where.

Silence. Everyone was shocked, and silent. No one expected me to beat the monster. My friends, slowly started to smile and cheer. Without Nomu, it was impossible for the villains to win.

The handy girl was scratching her neck faster than last time, repeating "It's not possible" over and over again

But... all good things must come to an end...


He... he did it! You crazy son of a bitch, you did it!

Everyone was happy for Y/N's victory, but something's not okay. Y/N is just standing there, that red aura completely dissappeared. We can't see the expression on his face. What is going-


He just... vomited blood, and fell on the ground. Thankfully, Shoto appeared behind him, and cusshioned his fall. I instantly rushed him, checking his condition. His eyes were closed, his skin is pale. He looks...

Like a corpse.

Fear invaded my heart. He... he can't be dead, right?

Izuki and Eijira kneeled besides him, trying to wake him up.

He doesn't.

I looked around me for the villains. I wanted to kill them right here, right now. I was too late though, All Might tried to catch them, but they escaped just in time. When he turned around, I could see pure hatred on his eyes.

All Might came to us, sympathy on his eyes

Izuki:"A-All Might... he isn't dead, right?! He can't!"

All Might:"...young Y/N is a strong boy. I'm sure he will be okay. Let me carry him. We will bring him to Recovery Girl."

All Might grabbed him, and carried him outside. The heroes came in just when All Might went outside. Kinda late.

Everyone was shocked to see Aizawa's state, but upon seeing Y/N, they all cried.

Both of them were hospitalized. Aizawa was recovering, he was completely okay, just needed to lay low for a while, and obviously, not to use his quirk for a while.

Not like he can, the badages around his face stop him from doing it.

Y/N, in the other hand... he was alive, but using that... "Overdrive" hurted him too much. Pushing his body too much forced his brain to "shutdown" in order to regain his energy. Or at least, that's what the doctor theorised. He alredy said, he can still be a hero, but he can't that Overdrive too often.

He must wake up first, tho.

Please, Y/N, wake up... I beg you...


After the U.S.J incident, U.A decided to let the kids go home for a week. The police investigated the place, and founded Nomu not too far away from U.S.J, with burned marks, completely passive. He didn't attack any police officer, so it was easy to imprision him.

The news quickly covered the inccident, doubting U.A's safety. They tried to talk with Y/N's family, getting as much info as they could. Y/N's parents refused to talk.

Talking about them, they were depressed about their son's condition. They spended all day being in the hospital, besides you, hoping you get better as soon as posible.

Ojiro spended his free time with you, talking about all the things you two could do once you wake up. He sometimes shed a tear, but he managed to pull through.

Katsuki was strong on the outside, acting all brave saying how you are going to be fine no matter what. In reality though, she was scared. She was scared of losing you. She had nightmares of that day, about you loosing to Nomu. About you actually dying.

Izuki and Momo couldn't sleep. They cried and cried, devastated about your current state. They even prayed to god for the doctors to save you. It was a hard week for those two.

Shoto was dissapointed at herself. "If only I were faster... the one I love wouldn't be here." That and many other "What if's" and "If only I..." thoughts runned through her head. She made a promise. No one will ever hurt you again. They will have to kill her before they hurt you.

The rest of your friends were really sad. Ochako, Mineta, Tsuyu, Koda Mina were crying all day, just hoping you got better. Iida, Eijira, Denki and Shoji were angry they couldn't do nothing to stop it from happening. Tokoyami, Sato, Sero and Hagakure tried their best to help everyone stay cool, for their health and most importantly, for you. Aoyama was like Katsuki, all tough and such, saying how you are always fine, but he cried a lot when he saw you like that.

2 weeks has passed since that day. And, in a hospital room, a certain kid starts to wake up...


We were in Y/N's room, in a hospital. Since... that day, the class and I decided to take turns to visit him. We all wanted to take care of him, but we all need some time to rest too. Today, it's my turn, alongside Mineta, Katsuki and Denki.

The little pervert was on top of Y/N, loudly crying. Even if he is... well, a pervert, he still has a heart. He misses his friend.

Denki was charging our phones in order to distract himself with something else. He took care of Y/N's phone, messaging his close ones about his state so everyone could see him. He was the one to call his parents about Y/N's state.

Katsuki was holding Y/N's hand, caressing it. She tried really hard to make Mineta get off Y/N, but she doesn't have more strength to keep trying it.

I was... looking at him, thinking about how maybe, if I followed him... maybe things were different, and he wouldn't be there. We would all be happy and-

Wait, did he just...

I think I saw him moving his finger... there it is again!

He started to open his eyes. No one else noticed it besides me.


I stood up, looking directly at me. He slowly followed the sound of my voice. He opened his mouth and...

Y/N:"Sup...birdie... where am I?"

We were all shocked, and happy to hear his voice again. Katsuki throwed a squeal of happiness and cried on his neck. I guess, she was acting a facade.

Mineta was so shocked, he couldn't believe he was talking, eyes opened, and looking around the room. He thought he was dreaming.

The moment Y/N talked, Denki went outside, shouting for a doctor to come ASAP.

Tokoyami:"Y/N! Y-You finally awake!"

Y/N:"Yes... I'm here now, guys" He hugs Katsuki "What happened though?"

Mineta and I explained everything to him. He was sad to hear how everyone was depressed at his state, but now, he can repay them.

Denki came in with a doctor. The doctor made Mineta and Katsuki to leave Y/N alone. He started doing some tests. After a while, he says the results.

Doctor:"Okay, Mr. L/N, you are okay. Your body took a lot of damage thanks to your "Overdrive" ability. It places a lot of stress on your muscles and bones, so be careful when using it. Don't use said ability or any of your quirks whatsoever for a week or so, your body is still sore. You'll stay here for the night, tomorrow, you are free to go."

Everyone cried tears of happiness when the doctor gave Y/N his results. The doctor went outside, giving us some privacy.

Denki:"Y/N, dude... you're back... oh my god, we missed you so bad!"

He hugged Y/N quickly, and helped him sit up.

Y/N:"Missed you too. How much time has I been awaken?"

Tokoyami:"2 weeks. Everyone is worried sick, so, I think I should call them and-"

Mineta:"Why don't we do that tomorrow? Its 11:50 PM, some of them live far away from the hospital, and it's too late."

Denki:"He is right. But, we should call your family though, so they can see you. Maybe, they can convince the doctors to let you go tonight!"

Katsuki:"Is not a bad idea."

Denki:"I'll call your parents."

Y/N:"How do you-"

Denki:"I've been taking care of your phone. Don't worry, I didn't look through it, just used it to call your parents if something was wrong."

Y/N:"Thank you, Denki. Really."

Denki nodded while giving him a thumbs up. He went outsude and called them. Meanwhile, Katsuki, Mineta and I told Y/N everything we talked or studied in class.

Suddenly, the door opened. It was Denki, and he had a confused face.

Tokoyami:"What's wrong, Denki?"

Denki:"It's... weird... they are not picking up the phone."

Katsuki:"What do you mean?"

Denki:"I called his father and later his mother. None of them picked it."

Mineta:"Maybe they are busy or something?"

Y/N:"My dad could, but mom is always home at 10:00, so..."

Katsuki:"All right, I'll call them."

Katsuki picks her phone, and rings Y/N's parents phones. None of them picks it. She later calls Y/N's landline. No one picks it.

Y/N:"Call Ojiro. Put it on speaker."

Denki calls Ojiro using my phone. He picks it almost instantly.

Ojiro:"Denki? What's wrong? Why are you calling me with Y/N's phone?"

Denki:"Ojiro, is important, Y/N wants to talk with you."

Ojiro:"Y/N?! You are awake?!"

Y/N:"Yes, I'm here."

Ojiro:"Y/N! Oh my god dude, I missed you!"

Y/N:"Me too, but, Ojiro, I need you to do something for me."

Ojiro:"Of course. What do you need?"

Y/N:"Can you please go to my parents house? Make sure everyting's okay?"

Ojiro:"Yeah, sure, but, why wouldn't they be?"

Y/N:"They aren't picking the phone and my mother should do it. She is always next to the phone."

Ojiro:"Okay, I'll check it out."

We hear a bed creaking. He got up of his bed. After going down some stairs, Ojiro told her mom he was going out to Y/N's house, with the excuse of he forgetting something there the last time he went there.

He goes outside, and walks to Y/N's house.

Tokoyami:"Is any light on?"

Ojiro:"No, all lights in his house are off."

Y/N:"They... shouldn't..."

Y/N starts to sweat, and to get nervous. Something's wrong.

We hear the sound of wood creaking.

Ojiro:"I'm looking through a window, but I can't see anything. And the door is locked."

Y/N:"In our garden, there are three rocks. Just three. One of them has a spare key. Grab it."

Ojiro went behind the house, where the garden is, and did as told. After that, he unlocked the door, and went inside.

Ojiro:"Hello? Mr.L/N? Ms.L/N?"

No one answers.

Y/N:"Look around the house."

Ojiro:"Okay... it smells weird here."

We hear the sound of light going on. More footsteps. He turns yet another light on. After that, he gasps, and gets nervous.

Ojiro:"Y-Y/N... there'a blood... in the kitchen..."

Everyone is surprised at what Ojiro said. Y/N gets really nervous, and stopped talking.

Tokoyami:"Okay, Ojiro, calm down. Where' the blood?"

Ojiro:"I-In the ground... those are footsteps, they go down some stairs towards the window in the kitchen..."

Tokoyami:"Okay, go up. Check the dormitory."

Ojiro did as I told him. He went up cauteously. He could be in danger.

After some seconds, Ojiro stopped moving. He started whispering.

Ojiro:"The footsteps... go inside Y/N parents' dormitory... what do I do?"

Tokoyami:"Go in."

Ojiro gulps, and slowly go inside. He opens a door slowly, and turn the lights on. After that, he shouts, scared of something.

Denki:"W-what's wrong Ojiro, what's happening?!"

Ojiro:"Y/N parents are dead! They are in their bed, there's blood everywhere!"

Ojiro sounds really scared. He is not faking it. Y/N starts hyperventilating. Mineta and Katsuki try to calm him.


Ojiro:"T-There's a note!"

Tokoyami:"Read it!"

He grabs the note.

Ojiro:"It says..."

An eye for an eye

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