Chapter 9. The fight is on.

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We were on a bus, going towards the USJ. I still have this feeling in my gut that something will go wrong.

I have a little headache. Yesterday, I unlocked something new with my quirk. I call it Overdrive.

Basicly, I can push my quirk's limits for a certain period of time, being able to use various quirks at the same time with their full potential.

The problem is, once Overdrive deavtivates, my body pays a price. Yesterday, I got knocked out once I deactivated it. My head still hurts...

Since there wasn't many seats, I sat in the front, next to Aizawa.

He was glancing at me sometimes.

Aizawa:"Everything's okay with you kiddo?"

Y/N:"J-just a minor headache. I'm okay."

Aizawa:"Look, there's a room you could use to rest if you feel ill."

Y/N:"No, I'm okay."

A ruckus is heared behind us. Katsuki was shouting at Denki and Tsuyu about something.

Aizawa:"I'm don't want to be a teacher right now, so, make them stop."


I got up and went to them.

Y/N:"What seems to be the problem?"

Mina:"We were talking about how if you wanna become a hero, you must act like one. And Katsuki doesn't very... heroic."

Denki gets up, and starts imitating Katsuki.

Denki:"StEp AsIdE, ExTrAs! "DIE, DIE, DIE" Deku, you-"

Y/N:"That's enough, car battery. Shut up, and sit down, we are almost there."

Denki complied, and turned his head to the one besides him, starting a conversation with him. I was about to leave, but Katsuki stopped me.

Katsuki:"You seem odd today. What's wrong."

Y/N:"Nothing, just my head hurts a little, don't worry."

She nodded, and returned to her seat. I sat next to Aizawa, waiting for the bus to stop.

Timeskip brought to us by a dark man, made out of black smoke, creating portals in front of hundreds or villiains.

The bus stopped. Aizawa and I standed up, while the others looked at us.

Aizawa:"I'll go and inform Thirteen. Y/N, make sure they behave."

Aizawa goes outside the bus, going straight to the building, looking for Thirteen.

Y/N:"Okay guys, before we exit, one more thing... let's show the U.A what we've made of!"

Everyone cheers, smirking. I got outside the bus, the class behind me. They were talking among themselves. It seems yesterday, we forged a bond. I'm happy to see us all together. Even Katsuki was... comfortable with us.

We stop at the big gates of U.S.J, waiting for Aizawa to pick us up.

Y/N:"Okay, while our teacher returns, I'll make a brief explanation of what we are going to do."

Stupid Aizawa made me come 2 hours sooner to school so I can memorize what U.S.J is while he attended some bussiness with Thirteen.

Y/N:"The Unussual Simulation Joint, or U.S.J im shorts, is a facility used to teach us how to properly use your quirks to save people from natural disasters, such as floods, per example."

Denki:"Like in Halo?"

Y/N:"Water floods, not green zombies, idiot."


Y/N:"Not everyhing is about fighting and defeating villains, sometimes, we have to fight nature's wrath to save people. In this test, we will have to cooperate, and use our quirks the best way we can. The tests are made to surprise us. They won't go easy on us, so get ready."

They all nod, determination in their eyes. We got this.

The doors are opened. Aizawa, and someone inside what seems a space suit are there.

Author's notes:Did you know, Thirteen is a girl? If you didn't, now you do.

Aizawa:"I suppose you told them what we are doing here?"


Aizawa:"Good. Less work to do."

We went inside the U.S.J. A lot of different tests were there, like a ship in middle of a large pool of water, a city in ruins...

We were standing on some big stairs, Thirteen in front of us.

Thirteen:"I've been informed that L/N alredy told all of you what we are doing here. Still, there's something's I wanted to talk about. Maybe 2. Or 3. 4. 5-"

How many things you wanna talk about?!

Thirteen:"Our quirks, are very powerful powers that can help us in giving a hand to those in need. But, at the same time, they can be very dangerous. Our main purpouse here is to make you understand how to use your quirk without putting you, or others, in danger."

Momo, who was besides me, tapped my shoulder. She was pointing at something.

Momo:"What's that?"

I looked at what she was pointing. It looks like a portal. Wait, what?

Y/N:"Aizawa, sir! I highly doubt that's part of U.S.J!"

Aizawa looked at what I was talking about. His eyes widened. He placed his googles on, and moved in front of us.

People started going out of the portals. They don't look really friendly. But, there were two of them that looked special.

Eijira:"The tests alredy started?!"

Y/N:"I doubt so! Aizawa, what should we do?!"

Aizawa:"I'll buy us time. Thirteen, protect the kids. Get them out of here."

Thirteen:"Got it!"

Aizawa jumped to the hundreds of villains down there, fighting them. My friends turned around, running witg Thirteen to the exit. I didn't.

Momo, realised this. She stopped running.


Y/N:"Go with Thirteen. She will protect you. Don't follow me."

Momo:"What do you- Y/N!"

I jump down, using my explosions to go towards Aizawa. A villain was about to fire something, but I used Katsuki's quirk to knock her out with a explosion. I land besides Aizawa.

Aizawa:"I think I told you to get out of here."

Y/N:"Running away when they could hurt someone is not what a hero would do."

Aizawa nodded, and keeps fighting more villains.

Two of them charged at me. They had guns. Real guns. They aimed at me while shooting. I reinforce myself, the bullets doing nothing. When they got close, I grabbed their heads and make them headbutt each other, knocking them out cold.

Another three went towards me. One of them, a girl, throwed her hair at me like some kind of whip. I grabbed the hair, and spinned around, hitting a lot of villains.

Once I was safe, I throwed the female villain away, crashing on the ground, unconscious.

I glance at where the portal should be. The weitd black guy isn't there, but the girl with a hand mask is still there, looking at me, her head tilted.


But... there was one more thing even creepier...

What the fuck is that?!

The handy girl pointed at Aizawa. The big ugly thing runned at him. I was about to intercept it, but more villains showed up.

One of them was very big, and muscular. He had a big club, like if he was a big ogre from a videogame.

He tried to smash me with the club, but I rolled out of the way and punched him on the stomach. Since I was still reinforced, I damaged him a lot. Two more appeared. One of them used his quirk. It seems he breathes fire.

He tried to fry me, but I used my explosions to dodge to the side. I used the momentum to spin, throwing a roundhouse kick, hitting him right in the jaw. The guy was defeated in one move.

His friend has blades for arms. He tried to stab me, but the blades broke upon making contact with me. It hurt him. I used this chance to punch him in the face. Another one down.

The big guy tried to grab me from behind. I simply used opened my palm on his torso and threw an explosion, launching him into the air.

I turned around, looking for Aizawa. He was in the ground, the weird big guy sitting on him. I must save him!

I run towards him, but Aizawa stops me.

Aizawa:"No! Get... her!"

He points at the handy girl. She was running towards a distracted Tsuyu, who was looking at us, distracted.


I used my explosions to boost me towards the girl. She looked at me, surprised. I was about to punch her, when she jumped away. I stood infront of Tsuyu. Mineta and Izuki were there too.


Handy girl:"I must say... that was close. You are very intetesting, boy. Nomu, kill him"

The moment she said that, the "Nomu" was alredy besides me, looking down at me. He was way taller and bulkier than me.

I opened my palms and make a big explosion on my hands. Smoke was everywhere, I couldn't see him.

Once the smoke cleared, nothing was there...

Mineta:"LOOK OUT!"

I turned around, just in time for a punch to hit me right in the face. I was launched away, crashing on the ground, making a big hole.

The reinforcments in my face were alredy broken...

Just how strong is he?!

I got up, and slowly moved out of the hole. The headache from before, combined with the pain in my face was starting to be too much.

The Nomu was running at me at an incredible pace. I used my explosions to get really high in the air. I should be safe here.

Or that's what I thought. The Nomu jumped, and grabbed my leg. He threw me back to the ground. While I was falling, I opened my palms to make an explosion, hitting his face.

He tanked it like it was nothing.

Before I reach the ground, I used the explosions to slow my fall. After that, I quickly used them to boost me the fuck out of there, since Nomu crashed there.

Shit. He is too strong, and fast. And I'm getting tired. His punches can destroy my armor... it is time then. This is gonna hurt in the morning...

A red aura starts to surround me.


My armour starts grwoing, getting thiccer. My senses come back to me, a new strength comes into me. The Nomu charges back at me again, but this time, I was fast enough to react.

He tried to punch me, but I dodge to the side, and punched him in the side. I manage to hurt him a little. He kicks me, but I block it. This time, it doesn't hurt my armor.

The Nomu keeps throwing punches, all of them getting dodged. But, he was increasing his speed, I must defeat him, now!

I quickly used Momo's quirk to create a flashbang. I pulled the ping, and throwed it at my feet. Nomu throws yet another punch. This time, I roll away, and closed my eyes. The grenade exploded, blinding Nomu. He placed his hands on his eyes, shouting in pain

Now's my chance!

I went to him, and climbed his back. Once I was on his shoulders, I started punching were his brain is showing, combining punches and explosions to hurt him as much as I could.

The brain started to bleed a little, but the Nomu recovered. In at desesperate attempt, I opened both my palms and placed all my strength on a last explosion.

The explosion was so big, it created a large boom around the facility, cracks showing on the roof, and even destroying some parts of the tests.

The Nomu falls, headless.

I...killed it...

I weakly stand up, walking away...

But suddenly, I heared something behind me. The Nomu started to stand up, without a head. He was regenerating...

Y/N:"You... you can't be serious..."

Handy girl:"That was really impressive, if this Nomu wasn't an advanced version, you coulda have defeated it! You truly are powerful! More reasons to dispose of you. Nomu. Finish him."

The Nomu, lunges at me. I try to fight back, but that last explosion was all I had. The Nomu hitted me with all his strength in the gut, breaking my armour.

I fell to my knees, coughing blood. I clenched my stomach with one hand. The Nomu throwed a kick, so I used my other arm to block as much as I can.

The kick throwed me away, landing on my back. I was lying there, no more strength remaining. All of my armor dissappeared, the wounds starting to show up, the red area went away too. I couldn't move.

I heared the footsteps of the Nomu, going towards me, he was taking it slow, playing with me.

Time...slowed down...

On my right, I can see Tsuyu and Mineta crying, shouting at the Nomu to stop. Izuki was charging at it, preparing an smash.

A little bit more on the right, Katsuki and Eijira were going for the Nomu aswell, both shouting insults at the big guy, anger filling them.

Aizawa was on the ground, crawling towards me, trying to do whatever he cans to save me...

But it was useless.

The Nomu finally reached me. He grabbed me head with his hand, and-


The Nomu suddenly gets punched in the jaw by a big hand.

He drops me, and tries to retailiate, but is throwed away by...

All Might!

All Might:"Do not worry! Why?! Because I am here!"

Hope starts to fill me and the others, little smiles on their faces. I try to get up, but I can't.

All Might helps me get on my feet, and clean my clothes.

All Might:"Young L/N... I'm sorry for not coming sooner. Now, rest. Let me save you and the others."

Y/N:"Give him hell, teacher."

All Might nods, and goes to fight Nomu. Izuki manages to get to me, and hugs me.

Izuki:"I thought... I thought Nomu was going to-"

Y/N:"Shhh... I'm okay, don't worry..."

I pet her hair while looking at All Might' fight. Eijira and Katsuki arrives, making sure I was okay. Katsuki gives me a quick hug, and stands next to me like a body guard, not leaving my side. Same can be said for Eijira.

Tsuyu and Mineta arrives carrying Aizawa, who was unconscious. They both gently drops Aizawa on the ground, and hug me. I return the hug to Tsuyu, who silently cried. Mineta was so little, he couldn't reach my torso, so he hugged my leg instead.

Mineta:"Y-you had us worried, idiot! Why do you guys want to die so badly?! You can't! You are my friends! I don't want you to die!"

Tsuyu:"Don't do that again... please..."

Y/N:"No promises. Now, pick Aizawa and carry him to safety."

Izuki:"And you?"

Y/N:"I'll stay here. If All Might needs help, I'll be there."

Katsuki:"What?! Idiot, you can't even properly walk, and you want to help All Might?! Are you insane?!"

Y/N:"I can use Overdrive again and-"

Eijira:"That... red thing is what made you unable to walk in the first place! God knows what would happen if you do it again!"

Then let's hope we don't need it.

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