ENDING 1. Vengance.

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Before we begin I want to clarify something. There's not a cannon ending for this book, both endings are cannon since the choice is made by the reader and not me, I'm only writing what would happen in both scenarios. With that being said, enjoy the ending!

Y/N:"Thanks Ryuko, Satsuki. Now I know what I have to do."

Our hero stared at Ragyo clodly, no trace of mercy or remorse in his eyes. He remembered all the lies, pain and suffering she made him and Ryuko go through. There was no way on earth he's going to let her live. He will end this right here and now.

Y/N putted the sword close to Ragyo's neck, who simply closed her eyes in advanced, smirking.

All Might:"Young Y/N, stop it! You don't have to do it! Drop the sword right this instant!"

Tomiya:"C'mon, Y/N, do it. Just one swing... and it's over."

Ragyo:"You won't do it. You do not have the balls to-"

It all happened in slow-motion for all the people present there. Y/N made a quick swing, the katana going completely through her neck. Blood splattered everywhere, Ragyo's head rolling down the street.

Tomiya and Toga started to laugh as if they went completely insane, amused at the sight of Ragyo's headless body. Overhaul sighed in relief, for a second, she thought Y/N would betray them. Ryuko could only spit in Ragyo's body. She didn't believe what Ragyo said about Ryuko being her daughter, she took it as an offense to her father, so, for her, Y/N made what was right.

Satsuki smiled, content with his choice. Finally, it's over. Her mother is gone and the world is safe.

But the heroes didn't thought the same way... All Might had his vision darkened, dissapointed at the young hero. The others were shocked, in disbelief of what they were looking at. They genually believed Y/N would not kill her. Guess they were wrong...

All Might:"What have you done..."

Y/N:"Justice. After all she's done... this is what she deserves. I would do it again."

All Might:"...you've gone mad, Y/N, you're not thinking straight, but... I warned you of the consequencies of doing this."

Ryuko and Satsuki turned to All Might, entering a fighting stance. The bulky hero was walking towards Y/N, his eyes shining in a deep blue. Mirko and Ryukyu wanted to stop him, but they were no match for the Number 1 Hero. Y/N only stared back with those new cold eyes of him.

Tomiya cracked her neck, also standing in defense of Y/N, but there was no need to fight at all. Kurogiri was there and Y/N knew it. He's going to escape.

Y/N:"All Might, I understand that you're just doing your work... but you're in a bad shape, against at least, two villains that can take you on. Even with the help of the other heroes, are you gonna risk getting one of them killed?"

All Might stopped moving, knowing he was right. Everyone is on a weak state, and the villains have the advantage in numbers. It's gonna be a bloodbath.

Y/N:"Kurogiri, take us out of here, somewhere safe."

Kurogiri:"Oh? You're my boss now?"

Tomiya:"Yes, he is. Y/N will take the lead from now on, so open a portal, now."

Kurogiri nodded, making a big portal for everyone to leave. The villains started to cross it, along with Ryuko and Satsuki. Tomiya stayed behind to aid Y/N on his walk since he was limping. Before he could leave, All Might had something to say.

All Might:"Young Y/N... from now on, I will pursue you. I will find you, and bring you to a court."

He looked back at All Might, a little saddened by that comment, but his emotions were hidden behind that cold stare he gained.

Y/N:"...looking forward to it."

Tomiya then crossed the portal, escaping the battle with her beloved hero, now turned into a criminal...

6 months later...

After the battle, All Might and the other heroes that witnessed how Y/N executioned Ragyo told what happened to the world, which turned to a mistake on the long run. The world got caught up into flames, some defended Y/N, saying he was just doing justice, while others labeled him as a criminal, a killer.

Due to the news, many young heroes decided to follow Y/N's path and became vigilantes, doing a hero work on their own, fighting and killing criminals. Criminal rate dropped to almost cero, but the mortality rate also grew exponentialy specially between teens who decided to became vigilantes, only aggravating things between both sides.

Many heroes and students from hero courses started to change their ideals, supporting Y/N and his decision of slaying Ragyo. Some went as far as leaving the schools they were studying or even retiring from their jobs to join Y/N on his new group.

In U.A, Class 1-A didn't believe what Y/N just did. Some, like Katsuki Bakugou or Shoto Todoroki defended Y/N in his choice of revenge, eventually leaving the school to go and look for him. Others like Momo Yaoyorozu or Ochako Uraraka didn't know what to believe, understanding why he did it but also having second thoughts of it. Lastly, others like Izuku Midoriya and Tenya Iida didn't supported what Y/N did, hating his choice.

The pro heroes from the academy also had different opinions. Some like Snipe or Ectoplasm left their jobs to join Y/N. Others like Midnight or Mirko also left just due to "personal" reasons, looking for Y/N.

Dabi, who's life was saved by him, obviously left U.A inmediatly after hearing the news of Y/N being labeled as a criminal. She wasn't gonna stand there and watch everyone insult the one that saved them all.

Satsuki builded an underground facility for Y/N's new organization. The goverment have a suspicion Y/N is hiding there, but they have no way of knowing if he truly is, specially since they don't even know the facility exists to begin with. She also took the throne for herself, continuing the REVOC'S clothing brand. All the money went for Y/N's operations and the likes.

Ryuko became the most loyal member of Y/N's organization, The Watchers. She did whatever was tasked of here, not caring about the consequencies of their actions. She will do as Y/N asks.

Tomiya and the other villains became Y/N's frontliners in many operations. They were happy with their new life, they can still kill and also "help" the world by cleaning it from criminals, murderers and so on. Tomiya and Overhaul created a rivalry to see who was gonna become Y/N's right hand.

The Watchers, a "terrorist" organization who's motives where simple. End the corruption of this world. The group was made out of freelancers, vigilantes and mercenaries with good intentions, but weren't scared of getting their hands dirty. Thanks to them, Musutafu's criminal rate dropped quickly, many villains were more scare of them than the heroes themselves.

Y/N... changed his personality a lot. He got more cold and cruel. He was not a bad person, he still loves and cheerishes his friends, even those that didn't join him, but after all he's done and saw during these 6 months... he can't just act as if nothing happened. His quirk eventually came back to him, giving him another reason of why killing Ragyo was the right choice, after all, her quirk would've come back.

He never regretted his choice, but he sometimes wonders what would've happened if he didn't kill her... would things become different?

All Might never stopped pursuing Y/N to try and capture him. Even if he was the one that kill Ragyo, All Might blames himself for everything. If only he stopped Tomiya that day and saved Y/N from getting captured...


Y/N was sitting on a throne inside his underground base, looking at a banner of his organization. He was silent, waiting for one of his most loyal members to return to him with a list of his new recruits. He needs more people on his side.

The ruler looked at his hands, realising something. His dream was to become a hero. Many would say he failed, since the world treats him like a monster, but, is he truly a monster? Or a hero?

His thoughts were interrupted by Snipe, entering the room. He changed the color of his outfit to a completely black one, fitting for night missions. He had a list on his hand, the list of the new recruits.

The rogue hero walked to Y/N and passed him the list. Our 'hero' inspected the list, reading all the names of the people joining him.



Rumi Usagiyama (Mirko)

Nemuri Kayama (Midnight)

Ryuko Tatsuma (Ryukyu)

Moe Kamiji (Burnin)

Enji Todoroki (Endeavour)

??? ??? (Snipe)

??? ??? (Ectoplasm)

Keigo Takami (Hawks)


Katsuki Bakugou.

Shoto Todoroki.

Eijira Kirishima.

Denki Kaminari.

Fumikage Tokoyami.

Mashirao Ojiro.


Toya Todoroki (Dabi)

Tomiya Shigaraki

Kai Chisaki (Overhaul)


Himeko Toga.



In the list, there was also an individual description of each one of the new members, excluding Ryuko and Satsuki due to personal reasons.

Y/N:"You didn't put your first and last name?"

Snipe:"Confidential, sir."

Y/N chuckled, understanding he wants to keep some things for himself. The boy scanned one particular part of the list:

Reason of joining.

During the interview, Snipe wanted to know why did the recruits joined their organisation. Many were simple, they liked Y/N's ideas and motives, but some like Nemuri only wanted to see Y/N again, to live with him.

Snipe:"I would be catious with some of them, sir, they may not be ready to take someone's life."

Y/N:"Not all of them have be deployed in missions."

Snipe:"True, true."

Y/N:"That would be all, Snipe, you're free to go."

Snipe nodded, walking out of the room. He opened the door, exiting the room. Before it fully closed, Tomiya opened it, walking towards Y/N with Overhaul and Kurogiri.

Tomiya:"Sweeetieeee~ I'm back from my patroll~"

Tomiya was... way different compared to the one Y/N used to know. She was more gentle and kind, at least to those close to her. When she interacts with anyone else she's still the same one.

Y/N:"All good?"

Tomiya:*Sigh* "Not really... there wasn't anyone in the streets trying to rob someone... kidnap someone... rape... no, everyone is so nice nowdays."

Y/N:"Thanks to us."

Kurogiri:"While I'm grateful for the peace and quite I also enjoy a little bit of action from time to time."

Y/N:"Go join a fight club Kuro, we're not killers."

Kurogiri grunted, leaning on a wall, already bored. Overhaul and Tomiya walked closer to Y/N, their little game still there.


Tomiya:"Well, I'm patrolling the streets to make sure people are safe, like you said. Shouldn't I get a reward?"

Overhaul:"I was there too. Using villains as vigilantes... quite the balls you have."

Y/N sighed, knowing what the girls want.

Y/N:"Okay, c'mere."

Tomiya giggled, grabbing Y/N's shoulders and kissing him deeply. Lately, she founded a way to keep her quirk 'sealed', that way, she can finally grab things without instantly destroying them.

Overhaul pouted, unnoticed by everyone since she stills wear her iconic mask. She wants a piece of him too, but her pride stops her from making any advance. Still, she promised to herself, she will try to change, after all, Y/N wasn't gonna do the moves at all.

Some days passed and Y/N finally had the opportunity to come out without having to be in a mission. She went towards the graveyard, where her adoptive parents rest.

Still, even then, he's being followed. Satsuki tasked the Elite Four to become Y/N's shadow everytime he goes outside. Also, Tomiya and Toga were following him too, just in case.

Y/N sat next to his father's grave after putting some flowers in his mother's grave. The boy stared in silence, mourning in peace, till that peace was disturbed.

A blond man, resembling a skeleton approached him. As soon as he did, it started to rain...

All Might:"Young Y/N."

Y/N:"Not here. Not where my loved ones rest."

All Might:"I'm not here to fight, I'm not foolish. I'm aware of the vigilantes on your trail. Besides, I doubt I would be able to stop you."

Y/N:"Then? What do you want?"

All Might:"I only wanted to ask you something. Are you happy with yourself? With what you did?"

Y/N:"I told you once. I would do it again."

All Might:"Just to ruin the lives of the people you loved again too? Parents, teachers, heroes, friends and loved ones... all of them either crying for the sudden dissappearance of their child or because his brother, aunt or even father gave their back to them, just to join you."

Our protagonist didn't answer, he just stared at the gravestones in front of him, listening closely to All Might's words.

All Might:"You were supposed to be our hero, our savior but in the end, it was you who ruined our lives, our careers... our world."

All Might sighed, the rain soaking the coat he was wearing. Y/N remained in silence, refusing to talk back. The hero in retirement decided to walk away but the voice of Y/N stopped him in his tracks.

Y/N:"I don't regret anything. Ragyo had it coming. My choice wasn't the trigger for the people's rage, it was the way you handled the news. If it wasn't for that big mouth of yours... nothing would've happened. Keep that in mind."

That was the last words All Might heared from him. Without noticing anything, Y/N used Kurogiri's quirk to teleport himself and the people hiding to his base.

As soon as they arrived, Tomiya faced Y/N, a little worried.

Tomiya:"So, what the fuck did he wanted?!"

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

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