ENDING 2. True hero.

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Before we begin I want to clarify something. There's not a cannon ending for this book, both endings are cannon since the choice is made by the reader and not me, I'm only writing what would happen in both scenarios. With that being said, enjoy the ending!


Y/N:"Thanks Ryuko, Satsuki. Now I know what I have to do."

Even with all the pain he went through thanks to her, even with all the reasons she gave him to seek vengance... he refused. His heart was filled with kindness.

Y/N passed the sword to Satsuki, who seathed it with a proud smile on her rostro. All Might and the rest of the heroes also smiled, already knowing this would be the choice Y/N would make.

Tomiya sighed in dissappointment. She fell to her knees, giving up. Kurogiri, Overhaul, Geten and Toga also gave up, they knew there was no way they are defeating Satsuki, The elite 4, All Might and the rest by themselves.

Tomiya:"To be honest, I knew you would do that, you're a hero afterall."

Y/N:"I'm glad you decided to give up tho, I didn't want to face you after working together, even if it wasn't for long."

Tomiya:"Told you earlier, I'm not gonna fight against you, no point in doing so. I guess, a life inside a prision cell is way better than inside a coffin."

The boy could only feel sympathy, even if she's a cold hearted killer. Maybe it's the wrong thing to do, but it's His Way.

All Might arrested Ragyo and knocked her out, just to make sure she doesn't try something funny. Mirko grabbed her body, a little on edge due to who she was holding.

The number one hero walked towards Tomiya, standing in front of her. She did not try to look at her, she simply stared at the ground, knowing what he's gonna say.

All Might:"...you know what's gonna happen, right?"

Tomiya:*Sigh* "Let's get it over with."

All Might nodded, crouching down. He simple pinched her neck, putting her to sleep.

While everyone was arresting the other villains, Y/N could only look at the sky and smile, knowing it's finally over. They won.

6 months later...

Yet again, all the glory and fame was given to Y/N. The heroes told how Y/N stopped a villain from destroying not only the city, but the entire world. He was given the title of "The True Hero", the one everyone should aim to be.

The city got rebuilt from the ground up, building a big house for Y/N as one of his many rewards for saving the world.

The government recognised his heroic task, providing him with a subsidy of millions of dollars, enough for him to live without having to work at all and still be able of living a life filled with luxuries.

All Might eventually retired, his body wasn't able to fight anymore, but he still teaches in U.A along with Y/N who started to enjoy being a teacher.

Tomiya and the rest got arrested, all of them imprisioned in Tartarus. She didn't gave the guards many troubles so they granted her one wish, to see Y/N once a week. They talk for hours about the life outside and the news in his private life. Tomiya wants to be free and maybe, one day, be with him.

From all the villains, Toga had it easier. Due to her age, insanity and the nature of her quirk she didn't need to be in Tartarus to be in check, so she went straight to a prision cell. Y/N managed to pull some strings and made a deal with her, if she forgets about her previous life, she would be free. Toga accepted and is now living a life along with the hero, working in his house as a maid.

Ragyo was also imprsioned in Tartarus, but her quirk was more difficult to contain. In the end, with the help of Satsuki, who inherited REVOCS, they managed to erase her quirk. Ragyo became quirkless, she will never be a threat to the world.

Y/N, with a new house and money decided to lay down for a while. His quirk dissappeared from a couple of months, but it came back after a while. He had to rest tho, so no more heroic stuff. For now.

Obviously, after seeing his state, Nemuri couldn't just stay there and do nothing. She, along with Mirko, Ryuko, Dabi and surprisingly Satsuki moved in with Y/N. They took care of him till his quirk appeared again.

Nemuri also retired, both from being a pro hero and a teacher. She dreamed once of being Y/N's housewife, and now she can finally make that dream reality... even if there's another 4 annoying girls on her house, 4 girls that brought her joy and happiness.

Class 1-A continued with their studies, Y/N being Midnight's substitute. He finally made Jinketsu his proper hero name, so everyone in the school addresses him either as 'Hero' or 'Jinketsu'. Anyways, as I was saying, Class 1-A resumed their studies, happy that everything was finally over and they could have a normal life.

Dabi became a pro hero. With Y/N's help, she also became a teacher instead of an assistant. Teaching was not her cup of tea, but it's better than withstanding Toga's jokes and puns.

Y/N was really happy with his life. He sometimes wonders what would've happened if he ever choosed the other option, to kill Ragyo, but he doesn't care, he's happy with his choice. Besides, he has more important things in his mind, like choosing who to marry first...


Y/N's house, an enormous building with two plants, a backyard with a pool and a little garage with cars Dabi liked.

One of the windows was opened. This window leaded to Y/N's bedroom. Our hero was peacefully sleeping on a kingsized bed, today is Saturday and the boy is dead tired from all the work he has to do as a teacher.

The door opened, a girl who was once a villain now dressed as a maid went in. Upon seeing her "master", an idea grew in her head.

She tip toed towards the boy. Once she was close enough, she jumped on top of him, shaking his shoulders.

Toga:"Maaaasteeeeer! Wake up, wake up! Breakfast's ready!"

Y/N woke up all of the sudden, startled by the shakes. Once he realised who she was, Y/N grabbed her hips and pushed her to the bed, tickling her to death.

Y/N:"How dare you wake me up like that!"

Toga:*Laughs* "M-mercy, have mercy!" *Laughs*"

Y/N stopped, realising the position they were in. Toga was under him, their foreheads pressed on one's another. Toga was panting, a little blush on her cheeks.

He sat up and got out of bed, scared of the reaction of his little friend down there.

Y/N:"I-It would be better if we moved downstairs and have breakfast."

Toga cursed under her breath, she almost had it...

After having breakfast, Y/N went to the graveyard. He passes a lot of time there, mourning his parent's deaths.

His peace was interrupted by the sudden embrace of a girl. When he turned around, he was surprised to see Katsuki Bakugou there.

Y/N:"Kat? What are you doing here?"

Katsuki:"The fuck is that question?! My boyfriend decides to go to the graveyard to see his parents and I can't be here to give you morale support?!"

Y/N:"I didn't say that..."

Katsuki:"You better, because I'm not letting go till you're over here!"

Happy to see his girlfriend here, he placed his hands on her cheeks, making her blush.

Y/N:"You know what? Now, I'm so relieved that I gave you a second chance that day. You're so sweet, so kind... so beautiful."

Katsuki blushed in a deep shade of red. She hugged him tightly, hiding her head on his neck.

Katsuki:"I-I'm... also grateful that you did..."

Then, he realised something. He now knows who should be his special one.

Y/N:"Then, Kat, I have something to tell you..."

Would you marry me?

H-Huh?! You think this is the right place for this, in front of...

Yeah. Maybe, they can't be there to see the wedding, but they can at least see this.

You're so confident... Yes, Y/N. I'll marry you. I love you.

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