4) Ol' Man Howard

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I finally got to run past Route 1 and into Viridian City. But there was a wierd old man lying down complaining about a cup of coffee. I was going to a Poke Mart when a dude asked me about if I had come from Pallet Town and to bring something to Oak. I brought it to him and I'm pretty sure Brother...? was stalking me because-OK, he did what all bullies do. Let's just keep it at that. So, Oak opened the box and took out ten Poke Balls. "These are for you guys. They let you catch Pokemon. And now for the big surprise!"

"What is it?" We both asked.

"Oh, right! I have a request of you two. On the desk there is my invention, Pokédex! Come and take it!" We took Pokedex.

"Why do you want us to have this?" I asked.

"To make a complete guide on all the Pokémon in the world... That was my dream! But, I'm too old! I can't do it! So, I want you two to fulfill my dream for me! Get moving, you two! This is a great undertaking in Pokémon history!"

"Okay, then I'll do it aaaall maaaaiiii seeeelllfff!" you know who said. I went back to Viridian, and the old man got up and said his name is Howard, and immediatly started playing Poker with me.

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