Dead Roses

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You did nothing to prevent this or even remotely tried
Nor did you give into my screams for help
You just stood there as I was blazing in a fire
Holding the matches to drown me in it

You stood there with a smile
Telling me to smile back, and I listened
I smiled through the fire as it turned my skin into mush
Draining my thoughts into nothingness and my heart to burn with it

You held the matches, but didn't light the flame
You held the matches, and added to it
You all crowd me, screaming, yelling
Smile, be happy, your fine, it's a phase

I'm not going to be happy, I'm not fine, it's not a phase
There's blood on my hands, your smile in my mind
You burned me to nothing
And gave me dead roses excepting an apology

I kept that smile on
My skin melted from my body
My brain leaking from my skull
My heart turned to charcoal

As I crumble to nothing
The fire bursting around me
All you say is, "your being so dramatic"
My thoughts are why am I so useless.

Why can't I do more for you?
Why can't I do anything right?
Why couldn't I be more happy?
Why can't I just do something that will please you.

But you give me dead roses and all they do is add to the fire you helped create.

Word count;217

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