Moving Day

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The acrylic chandeliers light up the paintings on the wall.
The terracotta carpet lies, unwanted, in the hall.
Cardboard boxes stacked, four feet wide and five feet tall.
It's an emotionally moving, moving day.

It's only 8.30 am I'm already tired and low.
There is still a lot of packing, see the boxes grow and grow.
Why we decided to move, I shall never, ever know!
It's an emotionally moving, moving day.

Look, here come our removal men, van and his man.
They've obviously been abroad they've quite a lovely tan.
I sigh as twenty six years of clutter starts to fill the van.
It's an emotionally moving, moving day.

Wet footprints on the carpet when I try to keep it neat.
Why did it have to rain just now, all those muddy feet.
Perhaps they'll have a steam clean and it will come up quite a treat?
It's an emotionally moving, moving day.

The van disappears up the road, I'm having kittens, me.
We can't move into our new flat, we still haven't got the key.
Expected our plans to go wrong, so not disappointed, we.
It's an emotionally moving, moving day.

At last we're in our brand new apartment, I'm so tired I could cry.
And, if we've made a huge mistake, I think that I will die.
But at least we have a lovely view, as we are up rather high!
What an emotionally moving, moving day.

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