The Terrorist - (My Dentist)

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Right now I am somewhere

Where I don't want to be.

My dentist is a terrorist,

Well, he's terrifying me!

I sit clinging on to the chair,

Trying so hard to relax.

I count back from one thousand,

To give my brain a tax.

However hard I try,

I'm more on edge... and hey

I wish I had the courage

To jump up and run away!

This horrid drill is droning on,

Weeee, Weeee, Weeeeee,

It's not nice being somewhere

Where you don't want to be.

When the 'terrorist' has finished he says,

"You need another half hour session."

Oh, how I wish I'd never come,

Why can't I learn my lesson?

And then to cap it all,

I have to pay him money,

Which after all the pain and suffering

Really isn't funny!

He points to a diagram

"Next time I'll clean your pockets."

I pay him, placing my receipt

In my purse, with all my other dockets.

I close his door dejectedly

And walk out into the rain.

And think to myself, despairingly,

"I hope I don't ever see you again."

I never have returned,

But don't worry he's doing fine,

'Cos he's already cleaned out my pockets

At forty five pounds a time!

March 2018

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