Review-5 (Romance genre)

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Way Heart takes you



Cover looked more like an aesthetic. It would be good if you request a cover and do make it an interesting one.
Title is very good. It is very much suitable for romantic stories.
Description was way too long and boring.....a little bit. It will be good if it is short and suspenseful or wonderful. It isn't always necessary that we need to make long description.

First chapter was incredible but I felt this book to be an act more than a story. Try to use P.O.V's instead of making it acts.

Character development is good but I wanted to see more twists in them. I liked the way Suman changed from being a bully to a good person and the same case was with Pushkar too.

Plot was good but could be better, only if you would have described their feelings in a more good way, it would be way better than I thought.

Grammar wasn't much good. I would repeat again it would be best if you would stop using short forms.

Rating: 3 out of 5.5

Everything I said was my opinion if I have said anything wrong then please forgive me!
And all the best of your future!❤️

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