A Writer's Thoughts

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I made the character
But changed it halfway through

No longer is this fighting
And action
And drama
But romance
And heartbreak
And trauma

I fight through my tears
And my pain
To get this done
For everyone out there
To enjoy

Writing on holidays
Late into the night
On school days
Between classes
Falling asleep while forming scenes in my mind

My fingers forever tap and fidget
Itching to type and write
My thoughts may have been replaced by song lyrics
But they always race with figurative language and how to make things interesting

The sights
I know them all, turning ideas to words

Scrapped scenes are sometimes better than what is canon
But the context doesn't fit

Sometimes I overlook things
Sometimes I make contradictions
Because the characters are still being developed
Yet overall
It turns out to be something I'm proud of

Maybe I'll rewrite it later
But I have too many ideas
My head is spinning
I need to write them down
Or I'll forget them all

But it has been completed
And for now
That's all it needs

So I rest my pens
I close the Google Doc
And I get to work on something else
So the cycle may continue

(A/N: This is not as much of a poem as I would've done, but I just kinda let my thoughts lead me. And I'm proud of it)

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