You Changed Me

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When I lost use of my legs,
I also lost use of my heart
I was cold, emotionless, and mean
A block of ice, or maybe glass, trying not to shatter

Gradually, my heart warmed,
And thawed its case of frost
I began to feel,
Though I never was the same

Quiet, keeping to myself,
Instead of rambunctious and loud
Maybe a little sarcastic, maybe a little cynical
Because I felt something not many feel

I used to wonder if I was keeping true to myself,
True to my heart
But after I was paralyzed,
Those whispers of doubt
Became screams and cries,
I knew I wasn't letting the true "me" shine through

I wanted to ride again
To be careless again
To be a stupid teenager
Like you

I would walk
I would run
I would tap my feet to the rhythm of music
I would play sports
Like you

And then...
Then I finally met you

You opened me up,
Brought me out of my shell
You let me see that being paralyzed,
Being unable to stand,
Wasn't so terrible

If only you were there when I wasn't so used to it.

You let me ride again, even if I was holding onto you for dear life
You found within me the "me" I couldn't find
But I was already her

You silenced my screams,
With laughter and song
You set fire to my heart,
Melting the ice for real
And keeping it warm in this new dawn

I love you,
I do.
Why can't you see?

Without you, it's like I'm losing my heart again,
It's like I'm alone again
With you, I can stand,
If only metaphorically
Without you, I'm on the ground,
Unable to get up from a fall

I can't stand to have a hole in my chest again,
An empty space with nothing filling it,
A cavity where my heart should be

Because my heart is with you,
If you go, it goes too
I need you, but
It's okay if you don't love me too

I just want you to know-
To know how I feel
Because you changed me,
You let me heal

And if in time, we grow apart...
Maybe these feelings will die down too,
Falling from a need to a want
From a bonfire to flickering embers

And, my love
If you feel the same...
I doubt it.

Because we're just friends, right?

- Rosewater "Rose" Kim

No joke, I want to animate this.
I just imagine her smiling at the end, but looking so sad
And I'm angry because my drawing skills are bad-

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