Keep Running

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I have been running from them since I was able to run on my own. Who? I don't know. Why? My parents told me to. It's been a never ending running sequence my entire life. I can't stay in one place, and I can't get caught by all six of them.

I know they have colors. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and black. Keep an eye for these colors or those colored. I don't don't know why my parents told me to run and keep running from them.

The earliest memory I have of this important reasoning started when I was seven. We had settled in a small town outside of Albany, New York. I remember playing with rocks and sticks. I usually built things out of natural resources. My parents always told me I was inquisitive. My feeble mind did not understand such big words at the time like inquisitive or organizational. Those words were foreign to my vocabulary.

I was enjoying my newly made stick tent when my mother rushed out the door.

"Come on!" She urged me.

"But mom, my tent!" I argued.

"We don't have time," she stated, pulling me by my arm to the car. My father came out a second later with everything packed into three suitcases. As my mother and I made it to the car, my father stuffed the suitcases in the trunk. I was hurriedly pushed into the car. Both of my parents jumped into the car, and strapped themselves in. As the engine was coming to life, I strapped my seatbelt as well.

As we were driving down the driveway, I saw the door being kicked down. Once it fell, there was a black entity in its doorway. I quickly turned around in my seat, afraid to face it anymore. Our drive took several days as we drove through the majority of the United States. Finally, we had settled into Colorado. It was a semi-rural place.

I remember we stayed at a ramshackle motel for a good month while my mother and father worked minimum paying jobs. We didn't have much, but we never had enough time to get more. Yet again, we were on the move again after that month was over. This time the entity was red. It wasn't a bright red, but more of a crimson color.

Every time we leave, the entity I peeked at was always a different color than the previous one. Eventually, I got use to moving every month or week or three months or however long it took them to find us. I never questioned anything my parents did. Never. I never questioned about those things. Those entities that are different colors.

I couldn't leave my parents either. We had each other's back. They never had another child after me, so I was all they had. As far as I knew, I never saw my aunts or grandparents, so I had no idea if I even had any. I could also tell my parents were worried for me from the very beginning. I think they were afraid that if I left, I would get caught and they would never see me again.


Yeah. I am going to end this here. I ran out of ideas and plot to continue to carry it out.
Word count: 556

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