A Different Kind

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I woke up to a bustling city. My apartment was surrounded by the constant noise. Angry drivers who honked their horns, construction jackhammers doing a job that would take longer than needed to complete, and the scuffling of feet that mindlessly moved. I threw the covers off myself, and jumped out of bed. For some reason, it felt good to get out of bed. I stretched, reaching for my ceiling.

Suddenly, several loud knocks came at the door.

"HEY! OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!" an angry male voice yelled. I smirked.

"Here we go again," I mumbled. This was putting a little damper on my mood, but I knew I could change it. I quickly got dressed, packed everything in my backpack, and set it next to the door. Before the man on the other side could bang on the door, I opened it with a wide smile.

"Hello. Is there an issue?" I questioned politely.

"Yes, there is," he answered harshly. I saw a shadow move behind him. It wasn't his because it was too far down the hallway. I assumed it was another individual he invited up here with him.

"May I ask what is the issue?" I asked. He scowled.

"Well, a little individual broke into my apartment complex, sneaked passed by my man at the front desk, and shoved themselves into one of my apartments," he explained. I nodded.

"I understand. Honestly, I don't see why you would take pride in a place like this. It's a dump," I insulted. I felt that I was in a harsh environment and I wasn't welcomed.

"Why you little garbage rat! Arrest him!" The landlord yelled at the shadows. There two police officers sprang out.

"I knew it," I stated.

"What did you say?" The landlord demanded.

"Nothing of your concern," I answered. I snapped my fingers and everyone stopped moving. I grabbed my backpack, and maneuvered around the landlord and his two cop buddies. As I was rounding the end of the hall, I looked back. The landlord standing there with his face red, and the cops getting ready to attack like guard dog.

I smiled then, unsnapped my fingers. The cops ran into the room, and fell on top of one another. In less than a minute, the realization came.

"See ya, losers!" I yelled, booking it for the stairwell.

"Get him!" The landlord squealed. I laughed. I was halfway down the stairs when the two bumbling idiots with uniforms started the top of them.

"Halt!" One yelled. I jumped over the railing. The wind rushed passed my ears. I twirled around looking at the cops. Right as I was close enough, I threw out my grappling hook. It caught one of the railing and swung me into another floor of stairs. Of course, there was only one floor left to run down. I stopped, leaned over the railing, and looked up.

"Too late, slugs!" I jeered, then started running again. I shoved into the door. It was right into the alley where I had left my bicycle. I jumped on it, and started pedaling. I stopped and waited.

The two policemen came running out the door.

"Stop!" the other yelled. I gave them a big toothy grin, then pedaled into traffic. I dodged cars in both lanes. Several times I got a horn blower at me. I only laughed and kept pedaling. I heard sirens in the distance, but I knew there was no way they were going to catch me.

I swerved off the road, and onto the sidewalk. Pedestrians all moved out of my way. Those who didn't, I was able to avoid them. I heard more sirens, but they weren't behind me. They were coming towards my front.

That's when I saw them. They were coming off a side road from upfront. They drifted and blocked the intersection off. Everyone yielded to them. I knew they were trying to trap me. I made a sharp turn left, thinking it was a shortcut to another sidewalk. Once I took my eyes off the cops, I found I was at a dead end.

"Crap," I sighed. Now, I was really in for it if I didn't think of something quick. The sirens were getting closer. In less than a minute, I noticed the alley was lighting up light colors of red and blue.

"Freeze! Put your hands up to where I can see them!" an officer commanded. I sucked in my breathe and slowly held my hands in the air.

"Now, keep them there! Do not move or I will shoot!" the same officer commanded. I did as I was told. I felt the cop touch my arms, and bring them around my back.

"Officer, one thing," I stated.

"What's that?" He demanded. I snapped my fingers and he froze. I wiggled out of his grip, took my bicycle, and walked out of the alley. I think I was done with the adrenaline rush for today.

"I'll unfreeze you guys once I'm away," I said to a frozen officer. He was perched behind his police car door. His gun was in his hands, and he was aiming down the alley where I had been only a few moments ago. I started casually walking down the sidewalk.

"You know if you keep doing that eventually you'll get caught," a voice pointed out. I swirled around, looking for its source.

"Who said that? How are you unfrozen?" I questioned.

"I did," the voice answered. A young women stepped from the crowd. She stood out so much more than the rest of the crowd. It was a wonder I hadn't seen her earlier. I wasn't paying attention either. She had a multicolored toboggan. She had flowers sticking out of it as well. It looked like she had freshly picked them and stuck them in her hat.

Her hair was long and crimson red. It reached at least the middle of her upper thighs. She had a smoothened face, light red cheeks, pale pink lips, and her eyes were dark green. She wore thick black glasses that outlined her eyes. She had a white shirt that was splattered with several paint splatters. She wore a light distressed denim jacket, and black blue jeans.

She carried a messenger bag. It was covered in band pins and patches. It was also covered in a few paint splatters. Like she had been painting and forgot the bag had been there. She carried a certain attention with her that no one else had. It was captivating.

"You done?" She demanded, placing her hand on her hip.

"Um. I wasn't doing anything," I answered defensively.

"Yes you were. You were evaluating me. Or observing. Whichever you prefer," she claimed. I scratched the back of my neck.

"I feel a little awkward knowing that someone can't be froze," I stated.

"Well, I am not awkward. I think it's cool. We both have the same power," she remarked. I gasped.

"You can do the exact same thing?" I questioned.

"Well, yeah. How do you think I am not froze right now?" She asked.

"I don't know. I thought you might be stronger than me or a magician," I answered.

"Heh. You're funny. No, if anyone is stronger than us, it's only in myths or tales," she commented.

"Isn't our power something that might be in a tale?" I demanded.

"That's not important. What is important is that I haven't seen anyone else like us," she explained.

"So, what now?" I asked.

"I don't know. We could steal some candy. You up?" She said.

"Sure," I replied.

So, I actually like this idea. I might continue it at a later time.

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