Chapter 11

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Taehyung's P.O.V

As I watched Nabi be attacked by a bunch of crazy students, I realized that, maybe, I should do something to help. But just as I began to think of a plan, Rachel came up and linked arms with me again. Aish. I thought in dismay as she dragged me away. Sorry, Nabi.

"Don't you want to see V?" I asked, looking back at Nabi, who was still hopelessly trapped and growing more panicked looking.

"I have this theory. If I act like I don't really care, like those other girls, maybe they'll notice me. What do you think?" Rachel replied.

"That's a great idea, you should share it with all of the girls in Jegug," I told her.

"Oh, come on. Then I would be back to square one." She shook her head. "I can't do what everyone else is doing."

I didn't respond, I was trying to catch another glimpse of Nabi, hoping she'd made it out of the situation. She was gone. And the girls were slowly dispersing. Huh. I frowned. How had she escaped?

Rachel brought me to her locker, chatting away. Soon all of her words just blended together, until I could hardly pay any attention. Once she'd grabbed her lunch from the locker, I was dragged to the cafeteria.

"Aish. It's so frustrating, you know?" She was saying as we entered the loud room.

"Oh. Sure," I replied.

"Are you even listening to me?"


"Then what were we talking about?" She asked.

Before I could mumble some lie, I noticed that Nabi was sitting with my band at our usual table.

"Nabi," I said under my breath.

How'd she get here? Maybe one of them had found her with the fans.

"That's right, Nabi. We were talking about you. And how V was sitting at your desk!" Rachel squealed.

"Of course," I replied turning to her.

"Ah. Do you think he likes you? I mean you've never even talked before," She chattered as we sat.

I chuckled a little. She had no idea.

"Not to mention the fact you hate can be so empty headed. You know that?" She shook her head.

"What? Hate?" I was finally paying attention.

"I mean, how can you hate such beautiful and talented men?" She said thoughtfully, chewing on an apple slice.

"Hate is a strong word," I replied.

"It is. So why do you use it all the time?"

"All the time?" I squeaked.

Nabi hated us? Me? Why? My thoughts suddenly turned to the day I'd first seen her. Watch where you're going, echoed in my memory. Okay. So that was harsh. But it wasn't a justifiable reason to hate someone. I scowled at my normal table.

"Actually, I think they're all quite attractive," I sniffed.

Rachel's mouth dropped open, the
apple slice she'd been crunching fell to the tray. She stared at me that way for a long time. Exactly how much does Nabi hate us?

"Att-attractive?" She finally stuttered.

"Oh. Why?"

"N-Nabi. Do you feel okay?" She reached a hand to my forehead.

"I'm fine." I swatted away her outstretched arm.

"Oooh! I see. You're joking!" She forced a laugh.

"I'm not kidding around. I think I'm starting to like them a lot. Especially V--" I stopped, suddenly remembering that we were supposed to be cousins.

"V!" She screeched.

Everyone turned to us, including the rest of the Bangtan Boys. Nabi and I made eye contact. She gave me a confused look. I waved her an "okay" wave. Still confused, she turned around. Thankfully, so did everyone else.

"No, no, no! Not V," I insisted as soon as she calmed down.

"You said V!"

"No! I didn't!"

"I heard you!"

"You heard wrong!" I hissed.

"I'm telling you! You said--"

"V's my cousin," I dropped.

I couldn't tell her I had said V. She would find out about my "cousin" soon enough, and then things would get really weird. I waited for another scream from Rachel. But instead of speaking, she suddenly stood and, without even glancing my way, walked out of the cafeteria. Whoops. I wondered what I had done wrong.

Nabi's P.O.V

"When were you planning on introducing us to your cousin?" The one I now knew as Hoseok asked.

"You've already met her," I reminded him.

"Well that wasn't exactly a proper introduction," he argued.

I sighed, wishing that V hadn't fabricated this whole "cousin" ordeal. If he'd just said we were friends, then things might have been okay. But now? When we changed back to our normal selves, what was I supposed to do then? If you change back. I gulped and forced the thought out of my head.

"V!" Someone suddenly screeched.

Rachel? I turned to see if it really was my friend. And my thoughts were confirmed. She was staring down at me. V. Who was looking up at her in surprise. Had he just told her who he really was? But, Rachel wouldn't believe that. He looked over at our table and we made eye contact. I tilted my head at him, confused. He waved a hand and me dismissively and turned back to Rachel.

"What was that all about?" Jungkook asked as I frowned.

"Do they know you, Tae?" Jin questioned me.

"N--" I paused. "Actually that was my cousin and her friend."

"I guess they were talking about you." Jimin said.

"Oh. She was probably telling her that we're related," I replied with a sigh.

Now my best friend knew. One of the boys' biggest fans. How would she react, knowing I had kept it a secret? Even if it was just a lie?


Somehow, I didn't see V for the rest of the day. Maybe because his friends were stuck to my hip or maybe because I was attacked by multiple girls whenever I stepped into the hallways. I didn't remember what classes we had together, since I hardly paid attention to him in the first place, so I was never sure whether or not I would see him. One of his friends were always walking with me to his next class so I didn't have trouble with his schedule. I supposed we only had classes together in the beginning of the day, because I didn't see him again after lunch.

By the time the final bell rang, I was in full panic mode. If I didn't come across V before leaving school, what would I do? Go to his house? Hang out with his friends? Act like I was him? And where was he? Was he still with Rachel? So many thoughts ran through my mind, that I couldn't even recall what classes I had with her. So as I walked out of my-or I guess his-last class, I was deciding on whether I should camp out at school, or go back to my apartment to see if he was smart enough to head there. But Jimin interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey, you wanna head to practice with me, today?" He looped his arm around me.

Why were all of these people so touchy-feely?

"Ah. Um. I don't know..." I replied, slowly pulling away.

"I know you usually go with Namjoon on Thursdays, but I wanted to grab a snack at that new place on the way." Jimin frowned to himself. "Jin already went, he says the food is on the salty side...but I'm still interested. What do you say?"

"I don't know...I'm feeling a little sick. Man." I forced a cough, then sniffled, finally pulling away from his arm completely.

"Wait, you aren't going to practice?"

"I--I's just.." I wanted to scream.

I'd done more stuttering that day, than I had in my whole entire lifetime.

"Yah! Tae-hyung!" A voice suddenly called.

I turned to see V running towards me. I almost grinned, breathing a sigh of relief. I also wanted to scowl and strangle his now skinny neck. My skinny neck.

"V? Is that..." Jimin began, as my real self caught up to us.

"Where are you headed?" He-she asked me.

"We were about to go to practice." I gave him a where-on-earth-have-you-been look.

He shrugged in reply.

"Hello...I'm Jimin." Jimin gave him a slight bow.

"I--my name is...Nabi. Nice to meet you," V replied carefully.

We were all silent for a moment. I turned to Jimin, who had just been so talkative a second ago. He was quietly staring at V. Who was in my body. As the awkward silence continued, I prayed the stare didn't mean what I thought.

"You should--you should come along to practice with us," Jimin suddenly suggested. "Watch your cousin sing."

"Actually that's--" I started to decline.

"A perfect idea, thanks for the invite," V agreed.

I tried to give him another look, but he wasn't paying attention to me. He was already walking past us. Before, I would have been so grateful if V came, even in my body. I would've needed the support and guidance, that he might have given. But now that I'd seen Jimin's reaction, I decided it was a horrible idea. After all, if he ended up liking Nabi, he would actually be falling for V. And he would be completely oblivious to the fact it was one of his best friends.

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