Chapter 10

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(I'm sorry if the story is getting confusing. Just remember that V is now in Nabi's body, and Nabi is now in V's. If it gets too confusing, let me know.)

Nabi's P.O.V

"Yah, Tae-hyung," The boy sitting next to me hissed.

I looked out of the corner of my eye too see if he was actually talking to me. He was. So this was Jin?

"Where were you?" He asked after seeing my acknowledgment.

"Busy." I tried to look focused on the teacher, but he continued whispering.

"Yah! Where were you?" He said a bit louder.

"I'll tell you later, hyung," I replied, flinching, praying that he was older than V.

I wished that he would just shut up and face forward again.

"Aish..." And he did.

I breathed a sigh of relief, then slowly turned to V, who was sitting in my desk, next to my best friend. When he noticed me looking, I gave him a scowl, quickly turning around so I wouldn't see his reaction. Luckily, Jin didn't try to talk to me for the rest of the class, but I still couldn't concentrate on the lesson. Was there really any point, though? I just hoped that V was paying attention. I wasn't about to let my grades drop because of any carelessness on his behalf.

When the bell rang, I shot out of the class room before Jin could continue pestering me. Tae-hyung caught up with me about a minute after I left.

"Yah, slow it down." He grabbed my arm.

"I'm trying to escape your band mates." I yanked my arm back.

"No point. You'll have to sit with them at lunch, anyways."

"No way. I can't!" I complained.

"Don't worry, I'll go with. We're cousins now, remember?" He replied with a smirk.

I made a mental note to never make that face once I got my body back. It made me very uncomfortable.

"What about Rachel?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Ah. Right. Guess she'll--" before he could finish, a bunch of girls began bombarding me.

"Oppa!" One cried, grabbing my arm. "You have to tell us the song you're doing for the showcase!"

"Can I have a hug, Oppa?"
"Please tell us!"
"Can you eat lunch with me?"

I looked to V for assistance, but he shrugged. Really? I tried smiling at them. But it probably looked more like a grimace.

"Uh. The song is to be determined, here's your hug." I reached down, still uncomfortable with my new height, and hugged the blue-eyed girl who'd asked. "And sorry. I'm eating with my band."

V gave me a thumbs up, but I scowled at him, despite feeling quite pleased with myself for how I'd handled the situation. Before I could become more confident, however, their requests started coming faster and louder and the girl I had hugged looked ready to faint.

"Ah! Can I have a hug?"
"Me too, Oppa!"
"You gave her a hug!"

Whenever I tried speaking, another girl would talk over me. I began feeling sweaty and overwhelmed. And extremely claustrophobic. Have I always had claustrophobia? I thought, dizzily. Everything seemed to sway, as the noises all blended together. Is V claustrophobic? I tried steadying myself, noticing V was gone. Or maybe I just couldn't see him anymore; it was getting harder to focus.

"Ah! Here you are!" Jin was suddenly next to me.

He linked arms with me and began pulling us away from the crowd of girls that had grown increasingly larger.

"Are you feeling okay? You look a little green." He patted my arm.

"I'm fi-fine," I muttered.

Maybe being in someone else's body made it easier for me to grow sick, because this was the second time in three hours.

"Maybe you just need some food in you," he decided, still dragging me along.

By the time we got to the cafeteria for lunch, I was feeling better. But as I'd grown more aware of my surroundings, I'd also become more uncomfortable. Jin was extremely close. I tried pulling my arm away, but he held firm till we arrived at a table in the back of the cafeteria. I looked around in dismay. V was nowhere to be seen. Which meant I was on my own.

"Yah, V! Tell them about your cousin, they don't believe me," the one V and I had run into on our way to the library, said as we sat down.

"You were joking right?" A round-faced one asked me.

"We would've have known if you had a cousin," another one added.

"Cousin?" Jin asked in surprise.

"Um, yeah. It's true. I have a cousin," I confirmed.

"Why didn't you tell us?!" The last one asked.

"Tell you what?" Namjoon was suddenly sitting beside me.

But the boy didn't reply, he just looked at me and waited for an answer.

"Jungkook! What are we talking about?" Namjoon repeated.

So this one was Jungkook.

"I thought you all knew," I responded carefully.

"Yeah, right," The one from earlier said.

"Knew about what?!" Namjoon asked again, exasperated.

"I can't believe you didn't tell us V," another one sat down.

How many were there?

"Yah, how did you know, Jimin?" The round-faced one asked the newcomer.

"Word travels fast."

"Wait, what?!" I finally spoke again.

How did everyone already know? We only told one of them. How was I going to explain this to Rachel? Then I remembered who I was at the moment. Does word really travel that fast? V. I realized angrily. He must have spread the word. I looked around the large room. Where is that jerk?

"Suga! What are you all talking about?!" Namjoon still hadn't found out.

"V's cousin goes to this school, but he never told us."

"Really? Come on, Tae!"

I was too busy trying to go over their names in my head to reply.

So round-face is Suga. Baby faced is Jungkook. The one next to me is Namjoon, the other one is Jin. The newest one is Jimin.

But I still didn't know who the one I'd already met was. My thoughts were interrupted from a whack on the back of my head.

"Ow!" I turned to Namjoon.

"What's going on with you?" He asked. "You're hardly talking, just spacing out. You wouldn't tell me why I had to bring you to school. And now you have some cousin we've never known about?"

"This is all correct," I replied, rubbing my head.

"And this! You're just acting weird!"

Everyone at the table was watching me in silence. I felt my face burn, seeing all of these boys staring at me. Even though, I wasn't even me. I looked down, trying to come up with some explanation. Where was V when I needed him?

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