Chapter 9

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Nabi's P.O.V

The boy who was me dragged me down the hall and out of the school. I kept my head low, not because I wanted to go unnoticed, but because I was sure if I brought my head up, I would get sick right in front of everyone. But it worked both ways; no one ran up to us, squealing. Although, I'm sure a few glances were thrown out way, we were, after all, some girl half-carrying a green looking boy down the hallway. When we'd gotten out of the crowded school, I gulped in the fresh air.

"Please don't puke on me," He-she begged.

I couldn't respond, afraid of opening my mouth. I had no idea where we were headed, and I don't think he did either. We ended up in a patch of trees a ways from the school. As soon as we were covered, he dropped me on a log.

"Ow," I finally spoke.

My stomach had calmed down a bit, but I wrapped my large arms around it anyway. I looked up at Him. He stared down at me. We just studied each other, as if hoping that it was just our imaginations, and that we would suddenly wake up in our own beds. But nothing of the sort happened.

"Aish!" She/he ran his fingers through my long red hair, tousling it up. "What's your name?" He turned back to me.

"Nabi," I replied in his deep voice, then waited expectantly.

"What?" He noticed my stare.

"What's your name?" I frowned.

"Wait. You don't know?" She stared at me in surprise.

I shook my head.

"Kim Tae-hyung. But just call me V."


"Just call me V."

V sat down on a tree stump across from me. It was so strange to see myself from someone else's perspective. I squinted to study my features. He did the same. He was still wearing what I'd put on the night before, my favorite sweatpants. Then I remembered my dislike for him, and my squint turned to a scowl. V frowned, too.

"So. What now?" I asked after a few silent moments of staring.

"Here's an idea: We go back to our own houses, go back to sleep, then wake up, realizing that I was right all along and this is all a bizarre dream." He nodded, apparently approving of his notion.

"But..." I chewed my lips. "What if this--"

"Don't say it. Please don't say it." He actually covered his ears.

"Well, I mean, we have to consider the possibility, maybe we can get someone to help us," I insisted.

He scowled.

"Fine. Let's pretend this is actually happening. What are we going to do? Tell everyone we know?" He crossed his arms, and I felt uncomfortable at seeing them so close to my chest. "I'm sure they would all believe us, then maybe we can go consult some doctor, this kind of thing does happen all the time, after all--"

"Okay! I get it!" I exclaimed, thoroughly exasperated.

He seemed surprised at my outburst; it was the loudest I'd been since we'd encountered each other. I laid my face in my hands. What were we supposed to do? I wanted to believe that this was a dream. But it was just too real.

"Then, what do we do?" I said, quietly.

"We have to find a way to reverse this," he replied after a minute.

Well, that was obvious. It's what I thought we were trying to find out from the beginning.

"What do you suggest, then?" I asked.

"I...don't know."

I got up and began to pace. Think, Nabi. What did I do whenever I had a problem? Write, of course. But that wasn't going to solve anything. What is the only place that might actually be able to help us?

"We should go to the library," I suggested, stopping mid-pace.

"What?" He looked up from his hands.

"I know it sounds stupid, but it's the only place that has even a chance of being helpful."

"Fine. Not like we have any other ideas."

Taehyung's P.O.V

And so we set off for the library. She was right, it did seem like the only place that could help us. But it certainly wasn't a definite that some books would be our key to normality. We walked back to Jegug in silence, but I glanced over at her every few moments. I was glancing over at myself, walking. I would smirk in pleasure at my good looks, but right now the situation was too strange and grim. As we neared the school, I noticed Hoseok was jogging out of the building. We neared him, and he looked over at us with what seemed like relief. But his eyes focused on me, and his expression turned to a smirk.

"So you cut first period to hang out with some girl?" Hoseok asked Nabi.

I still wasn't used to my friends treating me like this.

"Ah, um...well." She looked over at me, her eyes cried for help.

"No way! We see--" I stammered through broken words while he watched me expectantly. "We're cousins, that would be gross."

Nabi turned to me in shock, Hoseok tilted his head.

"Why didn't you tell me about your cousin?" He turned to Nabi.

"Oh, well...I thought you already knew! Man."

"I think I'd remember her." He turned back to me and gave me a once-over.

What a strange experience this had been so far.

"Anyways..." I glanced at Nabi. "We should really get to class."

I grabbed her arm, and pulled her away from Hoseok, into the school. With irritation, I noticed him following us.

"We should," he agreed, checking his phone. "We have about three minutes till second period."

And so the three of us walked in awkward silence, until Nabi leaned in.

"Cousins? Really?" She hissed into my ear.

"It's called panic," I whispered back.

"This is going to require a lot of explaining to everyone..." She grimaced at the thought.

"So, V, I was thinking we should go see that new movie you've been talking about." Hoseok was suddenly beside Nabi, and to both of our horrors, putting his arm around her.

Why did my band mates have to be so affectionate? Nabi was turning bright red. Obviously, she'd never had any male contact.

"I don't know, man," she stuttered. "I'm kind of busy."

"I didn't even tell you the movie times, Tae." He shook his head, grinning. "What's up with you?"

We arrived to the classroom before she could answer, and Nabi quickly pulled away in relief and raced to a desk in the back. Her usual desk. I gave her a look. We both glanced at my usual seat, then back at her's. She shook her head and gave me a pleading stare. Before I could give her a glare, someone came and linked arms with me. I turned in surprise to see the girl she'd been with, the day we ran into each other.

"Okay, Nabi. I've decided to quit bothering you about the showcase. If you don't want to do it, I'll be a good friend and I won't pressure you," she said to me, reassuringly.

"That's...nice," I replied stiffly, uncomfortable being so close to her.

"Really? Nice? That's all you have to-- Oh my gosh!" She finished her sentence in English. "What is V doing at your desk?!"

"Huh? Oh."

"Maybe he wants to apologize! Omo, what if he's interested in you?!" She squealed. "Come on!"

She began dragging me to the desk, where Nabi/me sat looking very surprised. And maybe even a bit jealous?

"Okay class, let's just jump right into the sixth chapter, please take out your books." The instructor's voice boomed over the chatting students.

Nabi and I made eye contact once more, and I gave her a little head nod to my seat that was closer to the front and right next to Jin. With a sigh, she hopped up.

"Wrong seat," She muttered to us as she walked by.

"Aigoo! Why're you such a slow-poke?" Nabi's friend asked in annoyance as we sat.

"Who knows?" I replied.

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