Chapter 15

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Nabi's P.O.V

I had pretty much given up on V. There was no way I could depend on him any longer. Although, I hated the thought, I knew that, for the time being, I had to learn the showcase song. Even if it meant working my butt off for the next week. All V had to do was lounge around and act girly, until we had this situation resolved. I, on the other hand, was not as fortunate. My stomach dropped at the thought of being V for any longer, and my face twisted into a scowl at the thought of V doing whatever he pleased, leaving me to figure things out on my own.

In a strange way, despite all of his complaining, it almost seemed as if he enjoyed being me. Or at least someone other then himself. And although he did seem genuinely eager to switch bodies back, he also seemed almost pleased with our predicament. My head hurt in thought of all our complications.

"Still not feeling alright?" Hoseok asked.

We were sitting at Namjoon's house, waiting for the rest of the members to show.

"No, no. I feel great," I replied. "I'm going to do a lot better today. I can just feel it."

"Uh. Okay," said Hoseok, unsurely.

"Are you guys gonna warm up or what?" Namjoon walked in, throwing us some water bottles.

I hastily reached for the bottle I'd completely failed at catching, while Hoseok jumped up to find a phone charger.

"Hello all," Jin sang as he walked through the door.

"Where's the rest of them?" Namjoon asked.

"I don't know, I came from the convenience store."

"Aish! Don't they know we only have so many days left till the show!" Namjoon threw his hands up.

"Chill." Jimin walked in, with Jungkook behind.

"Took you long enough."

I sat and watched the ordeal, wondering if this was how their practices always started. I kept quiet, not wanting any attention. It was a bit uncomfortable to be there without V.

"How much do you think you'll mess up today?" Jungkook asked me jokingly, sitting beside me.

"He says he can feel that he'll do a better job today." Hoseok laughed while plugging in a white phone charger.

"Good to hear." Jin sat on the other side of me.

"Oh. Am I late?" Suga appeared.

"What do you think?" Namjoon asked.

"I'll take that as a yes," Suga replied dryly as he took a seat.

"Guys. This is really serious. We have only a week till the showcase. Our performance is the most anticipated in the whole show! You have to take our practices more seriously." Namjoon scolded as we all sat in silence.

"Sorry, hyung. We didn't mean to aggravate you," Jungkook said quietly.

Everyone mumbled their apologies. Except for me. Maybe I was silently hoping that no one would notice or something. But everyone ended up giving me a stare. We sat in awkward silence as I realized I- or at least V- was the one who need to apologize the most.

"Uh." I cleared my throat. "I'm really sorry for the way I've been performing. I'll try harder."

I guess they all approved, because we jumped right into practice after that. And if I'm being honest, I did a lot better then I thought I would. Maybe it was easier when V wasn't there. If that made any sense. I guess it was less pressure when the person you were trying to act like wasn't there judging all of your mistakes. Or something.

It was fun to be able to sing so confidently. Because after I got the part down, I realized how interesting it was to sing with someone else's voice. And I wasn't scared for them to hear it. Who cared if I messed up when it's not even my voice?

By the end of the practice, I began realizing something. Something I never imagined I would think.

Maybe singing in the showcase wouldn't be so bad?

Taehyung's P.O.V

In attempt to act normal and maybe have a little fun, I agreed to go shopping with Rachel. She seemed thrilled that I'd said yes, so it made me wonder how many times Nabi actually went out. I also realized I'd been wondering a lot about Nabi. I supposed that happened when you switched souls with someone. We went right from school, so I was still in the clothes Nabi had forced me not to change.

"Okay, so change of plans," Rachel said as we stood at the bus stop, looking me up and down. "How many days have you been wearing that?"

"I don't even know." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, ew. We're totally stopping at my place and getting you something better to wear."

I didn't respond. I felt guilty, but I didn't argue. I let her drag me to her house and into her room. I didn't even say anything until she'd begun holding shirts up to me. That's when guilt did set in. I felt like I was doing something wrong, even just considering changing clothes.

"Um, on second thought, maybe I'll just wear this. It's better to be comfortable than stylish," I said, pulling away from the purple shirt she held up to me.

"No, no, no. You actually let me bring you this far! I know I'm pushing it with dressing you up, but please!" She whined.

"Sorry, I don't think--"

"Oh, come on! You owe me!" Rachel argued.


She had a point. But if Nabi found out...

"F-fine. But just make sure I get these clothes back before I go home."

"Daebak!" She squealed.

She eventually handed me a pair of black pants and a striped shirt. I took them slowly, and stepped into the bathroom.

"It'll be fine if I don't look...right?" I asked Nabi's reflection.

But just seeing her in the mirror made me feel guilty.

"Stop being like this. You can't control what I do!" I argued.

"You okay in there?" Rachel knocked on the door.

"Fine! Hold on!" I called.

With a gulp, I turned around. I tilted my head up to stare at the ceiling. I pulled off the sweat pants and felt around for the black pair she'd given me. After pulling them on successfully, I almost grinned in relief. But pants were just the easy part.

I stepped out of the bathroom, in the new outfit. I had successfully changed clothes without looking at her body. But I still felt a little ashamed as Rachel clapped her hands.

"Here pull your hair up, it's starting to look greasy." She threw me a hair tie.

"Thanks." I'd never actually worn a ponytail, so I kind of just winged it.

"Ah, messy style, I like it." Rachel nodded in approval and we left for the mall, my face burned for an inexplicable reason.


"So what do you think of this one?" Rachel asked.

She was holding up yet another dress.

"It's great," I replied half-heartedly for the sixteenth time.

"Look I know you don't like shopping, but maybe you could at least try to be more enthusiastic," she huffed.

"Yeah, I know. Sorry," I told her. "I'm feeling kind of faint. It's really stuffy in here."

"Oh. Wanna run to the bathroom?" She asked.

"Good idea." I hopped up. "See you in a few a minutes."

I practically ran out of the shop. It really had been getting stuffy. I wondered how girls survived so long in malls. Making a mental note to never agree to going to the mall with Rachel again, I headed to the bathroom. That wasn't a problem till I arrived in front of the bathroom.

Men or Women's. I knew what decision to make. I just didn't want to make it.

"Look who it is! Bangtan's popular cousin," a voice rang out from behind me.

I rolled me eyes. The day before had been pretty quiet. But after someone posted a picture of me and Nabi and announced that we were "cousins" it seemed everyone, inside and out of Jegug, knew. I'd done a pretty good job of keeping my head low, and ignoring the kids who did recognize me, but I didn't even think that someone at the mall would know who I was. I turned to see who'd called me out. A tall muscular boy with bleached white hair. He stood in front of a group of boys. I recognized them all almost immediately.

"Got7," I said aloud without much thought.

Chungju Academy's boy band. Our biggest rival. We were always neck and neck in school competitions and fundraisers, always trying to top each other's last performance. I hadn't given them much thought, since our next show didn't involve them.

"Ah, so you know us?" JB, the leader, asked.

"I've...heard of you," I said carefully. "Do you need something?"

"No, can't we just give our best friends' cousin a nice hello?" Jackson shrugged.

I chuckled a little at that.

"Something amusing?" Youngjae asked.

"'Best friend'?" I replied.

"Something like that," he said.

"Right." I crossed my arms. "Well, I have to go."

When the only acknowledgement they returned was a strange smirk from Jackson, I turned and walked into the boy's bathroom. I almost ran into an older man, who gave me a disapproving look. I froze and cursed, quickly backtracking. Sadly, the group was still standing outside in bewilderment. I cleared my throat and rushed into the girls bathroom. These were the moments that reminded of me how much I hated being Nabi.

Author's Note: Okay, so I've decided to add Got7. I feel like the story is kind of lagging, so I hope this addition will make it more exciting. If it's getting boring or confusing, please let me know! And like I said before about BTS, I know Got7 and their personalities, but I'm going to change them for the sake of the story. Thanks for reading!

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