Chapter 16

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Taehyung's P.O.V

I convinced Rachel to go home with me, because I still didn't have Nabi's apartment location memorized. She didn't really seem to mind, probably because she felt guilty for making me stay so late at the mall. I decided not to tell her about my run in with Got7. I was pretty sure she knew who they were, but I didn't want to let it slip that I'd accidentally gone into the boy's bathroom. I still groaned at the thought.

"Yah, thanks again for coming with me," Rachel told me as we stopped at the entrance of the apartment building.

"Sure. But don't expect me to go again for a really long time, okay?" I replied.

"Got it." She giggled.

After a quick goodbye, I stepped inside the building. Then I paused, realizing I had no recollection of which room- let alone floor -she was in.

"Aish," I groaned, grabbing Nabi's old phone from my pocket. "Remind me which apartment is yours?" I texted.

When she didn't respond, I moaned and went back outside, taking a seat on the outside steps.

"Take your time, Nabi. I can sit here for hours if I need to."

Great, now I was talking to myself. But in a way, it made sense. It was getting pretty lonely without the guys. I decided to give her five minutes, then I would call.

"Did I even have a key?" I asked aloud.

That's when I noticed a tall figure walking towards me slowly. With a gulp I stood and watched the person draw nearer. I pondered whether or not I should go inside, but before I could make a decision, I recognized the mysterious figure. It was me.

"Nabi?" I called.

"Huh?" She asked with a jolt, as if waking from a trance.

"What are you doing here?" I looked around in confusion.

"What do you--Oh." She looked up in realization. "Whoops. Guess I wasn't paying attention."

"I'll say! What are we supposed to do?" I groaned as she walked up to me.

I ran a hand through my hair in thought. Not noticing how silent she'd become.

"Any ideas?" I looked back at her.

I realized she was staring at my clothes. Crap. I had completely forgotten to change back into her original clothes. Pabo.

"Oh my gosh." She looked from my clothes to me to the clothes again. "You..."

"Look I'm sorry, I can explain, I--"

"Why am I not surprised?"

Her quiet voice unnerved me.

"Look, I--"

"What excuse could you possibly give?" She asked, her voice was still barely a whisper.

"Nabi. Listen."

"Listen?! You perverted jerk!" She shouted. "You completely disregarded everything I asked! Everything I begged!"

I stood in shock. The last time she shouted it wasn't even half as bad.

"Is this some sort of game for you?! Do you enjoy being in some girls body?!" She continued in rage.

"Nabi! You don't--"

"No, stop! Do you think I enjoy this situation?! Do you think knowing that some arrogant, pompous teenage boy has control over my body right now is okay for me?!"


"I actually trusted you enough to leave you alone! I thought you would respect me!" Her voice quivered. "I've never been so tremendously and completely wrong. Ever."

She burst into tears.

"Nabi, I didn't even look, I stared up the whole time, I--"

"Why? Why did you do it?" She gave an accusing glare.

She had me there. I'd done it simply because I felt dirty in the day old clothes. I'd done it because some oblivious girl convinced me. Nabi was right.

"I'm not like that okay? I'm not some pervert."

"But you still did it." She shook her head. "The worst part is I have to deal with it, because there's no way for me to get my body back."

My stomach and head hurt as if a knife was repeatedly being stabbed into me. I ventured forward to comfort her. It was so terrible to see my face twisted into a sobbing mess.

"Stay away!" She stumbled backward. "I have to deal with this. There's nothing I can do, so go ahead and enjoy your time having my body." She snapped. "You disgust me."

Nabi turned and ran into the darkness. I stood there helplessly and watched her disappear. I thought it wouldn't be a big deal. But Nabi was right. She trusted me and I'd broken it so easily. I sank to the ground, feeling dirtier than I had in her old clothes.

And I still didn't know her room number.

Nabi's P.O.V

I had no idea where to go. I was completely lost. And it was dark. I shook in anger and disgust. And disappointment. He was exactly how I'd imagined. And I had been stupid enough to trust he would be respectful. I was so stupid. Maybe it was more my fault then anyone else's. I dropped to the ground when I realized where I'd run to. The park.

"Why is this happening to us?" I called to the stars.

It was unlikely that someone was there, but I didn't care if anyone heard or saw. I laid my head on the grass and stared up at the night sky.

"Why are you crying?" I asked myself.
"You should be angry, not sad."

But I knew why I was sad. V. Maybe I had felt almost closer to him. Like we might have actually become friends. Despite his annoying and shallow attitude, I'd seen something deeper in him.

"You imagined it all," I whispered to myself.

My imagination was growing untamable. Probably because I hadn't written anything for almost three days. That was a long time for me.

I was tempted to just stay there in the grass. To stare at the stars and feel sorry for myself. But I knew I couldn't. I sat up and pulled out his phone.

"I'm really sorry. But could you let me spend the night?" I texted Jin.

He had been the nicest earlier at practice. But then I realized I might have made a mistake when I remembered how many questions he'd been asking about my well-being.

"Sure. What's wrong? Where are you? Are you okay?" He replied in less than a minute.

"Aish. Wrong decision." I grumbled.

But I texted him my location anyway. And he arrived in record time.

"Tae. Have you been...crying?" He stared at my face as I buckled up.

"No, can we please just go?" I asked quietly.

We drove to his place in silence for which I was very grateful. The questions didn't come until after we walked into his room.

"What happened? Were you with a girl?" He gasped.

"No, nothing happened," I insisted.

"Are you still worried about the show? Do you want to talk?"

"I'm fine, please stop."

"Then why did you need a place to stay?"

I froze. What kind of excuse was I supposed to come up with?

"Uh. Trouble at home?" I said, it came out like a question.

"Yeah, right. Look you don't have to tell me. But just know I'm here to talk to." He put a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah. Thanks, hyung." I pulled away, uncomfortable from his touch. "What room am I sleeping in?"

"Huh? Here, of course." He headed for the bathroom.

"Um, w-what?" I stammered.

"V you're really acting strange." He shook his head.

I turned away, freaking out, as he closed the bathroom door. Sleep. In here? With...Jin? I gulped. No way. I had to find some way out of it. When he came back out, I turned to him, only to see he was shirtless. I let out a strangled sort of yelp and turned away quickly.

"Tae! What is with you?" He came over.

"N-nothing. I'm just tired." I quickly laid on the ground.

"Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything?" He pulled on a t-shirt and I gasped in relief.

"Nope. Nothing. Goodnight." I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Aish! Get up! You can't sleep on the floor!" He started dragging me.

I wriggled in discomfort, but he was strong. Why did these boys have to be so affectionate? Sharing a bed? But I also knew I was acting extremely suspicious.

"Okay! Okay!" I finally pulled away.

In a swift movement, I jumped under the covers and scooted till I was teetering over the edge of the bed.

"Don't you want to change--"

"No. Good night," I snapped.

"Fine, fine. Good night." He slipped into the bed next to me.

I was frozen and my face burned. All I could think about was the tall boy in bed next to me. It was the most uncomfortable and awkward situation I'd ever been in. But at least my mind was off of V.

This was going to be a long night.

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