Chapter 17

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Nabi's P.O.V

Jin gave me a shirt to wear and insisted on lending me a pair of pants too.

"It's fine. Are we even the same size?" I asked.

And I would feel guilty for changing pants. Especially after my argument with V. I felt sick thinking about it that morning. I yawned as Jin and I stopped at a coffee place for breakfast. The night before had only given me about five hours of sleep. Not nearly enough to give me energy or make me less grumpy. Luckily, Jin had eased up on the questions about my strange behavior.

"What are you getting?" Jin asked as we stood at the counter to order.

"A c--just what I usually order," I requested tactfully.

Still thinking straight, even after a ton sleep deprivation! I congratulated myself.

"Okay, hot chocolate it is." He turned to the cashier to order.

"Yah, hyung!" Namjoon jogged up to us in line.

"Namjoon, what're you getting?" Jin asked.

"Just my usual. Oh, hi V," Namjoon turned to me in surprise. "You don't usually come here."

"He spent the night at my house," Jin explained, paying for our drinks and grabbing the receipt.

"Why?" Namjoon asked as we went to a table to wait for our order to be ready.

I wished Jin hadn't told Namjoon. Now the subject of the conversation was going to turn to me.

"I still don't know. He just texted last night from the park." They both turned to me with questionable glances.

"V, is something going on?" Namjoon asked.

"No, noth--"

"Okay. That's it. You can't hide anything from us. We know somethings's wrong," Jin pressed. "Please talk to us."

I looked up at V's hyungs. What was I supposed to tell them? Oh, V and I switched bodies, so I'm actually Nabi. Also we aren't even related? I had to come up with some sort of explanation. One that wasn't the truth.

"I'm just..." I began, they stared at me expectantly. "I...I'm just really nervous for the showcase...?"

"Of course. I knew it was that. But why can't you talk about it?" Namjoon asked.

"It'll make you feel better if we talk," Jin insisted.

"Okay. Okay, let's talk," I agreed, I couldn't exactly hold them off any longer.

"Why are you nervous?" Jin asked in relief.

"Are you still upset about Junkook?" Namjoon added.

"...yes...?" I answered carefully, watching their expressions.

"Tae, you know you couldn't help that. It was an accident," Jin said.

"He forgave you right away. We all did," Namjoon said.

"I guess...I just haven't forgiven myself..." I replied slowly.

I was pretty convincing for someone who had never even undergone this event they were talking about.

"What's up, guys?" Suga slipped into the chair beside me at that moment.

"We were talking about--" Jin started, but I threw him a pleading glance.

Luckily, he got my message.

"The showcase, you know? Do you want me to order for you?" He stood.

"No, hyung, I got it." Suga stood and went to the counter.

Namjoon and Jin turned to me again, looking like they both had a a reply for my heartfelt profession. At that moment, someone called out our order number. I refrained from breathing a huge sigh of relief as Jin got up to grab our drinks. We headed to school with Namjoon and Suga.

As we headed to our classes, I thought about how sweet their closeness was. I wondered if V was the only perverted one. It seemed so. Frankly, it was interesting to be friends with such a large and unique group. But that didn't mean I was hoping to stay in V's place for any longer.

When I got into V's first class, I saw V alone in my usual spot. He was wearing the outfit I'd found him in the day before. That surprised me just a bit, but I shook my head and took a seat. We still had a bit of time before class began so I sat staring ahead. Praying that V wouldn't approach me.

"Nabi. We need to talk," I heard that familiar voice behind me.

I didn't turn around.

"Nabi," he repeated, coming around and sitting at the seat in front of me.
"Please just listen."

I turned away to stare out the window. Looking at him made me feel sick to my stomach. Looking at myself.

"I didn't do anything--weird, or whatever to your body. I promise, can't you just trust me on that?" He asked.

"Like how I trusted you not to change your clothes?" I turned to face him.

He said nothing and stared back at me. I'd gotten him.

"Please, V. Just stay away from me, until this thing sorts itself out. Obviously there's nothing we can do," I said, a little surprised at how cold my voice sounded.

"Fine." He pushed the chair back and stood up, stalking back to his seat in anger.

Why did he even care? Why did he care whether or not we talked or whether or not I wanted to see him? He didn't care before, when he left me to figure this out on my own. But now that I'm mad he's acting all noble. I scowled and stared ahead again. Just go back to not caring.

Taehyung's P.O.V

I didn't know why I felt so guilty. Was it because I hurt her? But since when did I care that much about hurting her? Sure, I would feel bad, but why did my head and my stomach ache so badly? I'd never felt this much like crap since the incident with Junkook. With that realization, my eyes widened. My emotions were all over the place, but there was one thing I was sure about. I had to make it up to Nabi.


"Please V," She repeated.

"You can't call me that in public you know," I told her.

"Well, you call me Nabi in public," She argued.

"Fine. From now on I'll call you V in public," I decided.

"No, you won't." Nabi stopped and turned around.

I'd been following her around since first period, and now we were headed to lunch. I could tell she was getting annoyed. But that was part of my plan.

"And why not?" I asked.

"Because we aren't going to be talking to each other. In private or in public." She sighed.

"Come on, Nabi." I ignored her statement and continued walking, hoping she would follow.

When she didn't, I turned.

"I know what you're doing, V." She watched me carefully.

I hated the way her eyes looked at me. Like they could reach into my soul and find out all of my secrets. She looked at me in a way that made me feel inferior. And she wasn't even trying.

"I'm not doing anything." I shifted uncomfortably under her gaze.

"You're trying to wear me out," she accused.

"Is it working?" I ventured.

"No. It's just making everything worse."

"Come on, Nabi. I slept in the apartment lobby last night. I deserve at least a small break."

She watched me with a strange emotion in her eyes. Anger? Sadness? Disappointment? It was way too hard to tell with her.

"Yah, V! Nabi! You guys gonna eat with us?" Hoseok came over and wrapped his arm around Nabi.

"No, Nabi's eating with her friend today. Let's go," she said in reply.

Hoseok gave me a confused glance, probably noticing her cold attitude, but followed Nabi. They left me alone in the hallway. And the look that had been in Nabi's eyes told me to not follow.

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