Chapter 18

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Nabi's P.O.V

At lunch, I was silent. V's attempts to gain forgiveness made me feel almost tired for some reason. I was tired of being this way. Tired of not seeing my mom. Tired of missing Rachel. Tired of being mad at V. But that didn't mean I was ready to forgive him. Obviously, I didn't even know who he really was. Until I actually knew him, he would remain unforgiven.

"Yah, Taehyung, what's wrong?" Jungkook nudged me.

"I'm just tired." That was part of it, so I wasn't really lying.

"What? My bed not comfortable enough?" Jin asked jokingly.

"You slept over at Jin's?" Jimin asked. "Why his place? You could've come to my house, you know."

"Sorry. It's not like I planned it out or anything." I shrugged.

"Why, though?" Suga said.

I looked over to V before answering, he was shoving food in his mouth hungrily. I wrinkled my nose and turned back to them.

"He's up--" Jin began before I kicked him under the table. "Yah!" He snapped before noticing my pleading gaze.

The group watched our suspicious exchange but no one made a comment. Having enough, I got up to leave.

"See you guys at class."

"But you haven't eaten!" Jin called as I scurried away.

V and I made eye contact as I hurried out of the cafeteria; I hoped he didn't take it as a sign to follow me. I didn't really know where I was going, but I ended up right in front of the bathrooms. A voice made me jump as I mentally prepared myself for the boys bathroom.

"I had the same problem yesterday." V came up beside me.

"Oh. You mean after you broke your promise or before?" I asked, not looking at him.

"Nabi. Come on!" He almost shouted.

I jumped and looked around, luckily no one was watching.

"Don't you think your making too much of a big deal out of this?! I mean, you let me go to the bathroom, why not change my clothes?!" He continued.

"That's different! When you have to go to the bathroom, you go! But you don't have to change clothes! Aish, That's not even the point!" I argued, finally turning to look at him.

"Well, then what is the point?!"

"The point is I trusted you!" I shouted in frustration.

I was getting so frustrated.

"You made a promise and I trusted you. But you broke that promise," I finished quietly.


"I'm not mad at you. You're just a boy, you break promises, you're perverted." I sighed. "But I trusted you. So I guess I'm more angry at myself."

I walked into the bathroom, not caring if he followed. If he did, I wouldn't have spoken to him. I had nothing more to say.

Taehyung's P.O.V

I watched her walk into the boys bathroom in silence. It was a harsh reminder of her leaving the night before. Pabo. I told myself again. Running a hand through my hair, I turned around, almost walking into Namjoon. He stared at me in shock.

"N-Namjoon. Hello," I said slowly, praying he hadn't just seen everything.

But instead of replying, he watched me in silence, studying me.

"Did you...I mean..." I didn't want to act to guilty, in case he hadn't actually heard us calling each other our real names.

"Nabi?" Namjoon asked finally.

"Ye--" I started in relief.

"Or Taehyung," he finished.

I felt my stomach drop, my hands grew cold.

"What are you saying, Namjoon? What do you mean?" I got out without stuttering.

"Why? Why were you calling V Nabi? Why was he calling you V?" Namjoon leaned closer, a suspicious look in his eyes. "What were you even fighting about?"

"N-Nothing," I replied, getting a little disturbed by his behavior.

"Taehyung." He took a step back. "I know it's you. It's insane. And it's impossible. But I know it's most definitely you."

I slid to the floor.

"Yeah. It's me, hyung." I covered my face with my hands. "I-I don't know how the heck this all happened."

He sat down next to me slowly.

"You're taking it pretty well." I turned to him.

"Actually, I think this might be some sort of dream."

"How did you know it was me?" I asked.

"I've actually been suspicious of you for a really long time. Ever since you started acting strange, I knew something was wrong. And then you guys started hanging out together, and I noticed how similar you and V were."

I smiled a little.

"It's really nice that someone else knows now," I admitted. "But you can't tell anyone."

He held up a hand. "I promise."

That made my stomach twist a little. Nabi.

"What were you guys fighting about, anyway?" He wondered.

I couldn't even smile sheepishly. I just felt ashamed to admit it.

"Well, I...I broke a promise."

"What kind of promise?"

There really was no point in hiding what I did.

"I kind of changed her clothes, even after she specifically told me not to." I looked away.

"Nice going."

"Now she won't talk to me. When she does, she makes me feel even more guilty. You could say she has a way of making people feel like crap. Those who deserve it, at least. Like me."

"What are you going to do?" Namjoon asked.

"I don't know."

He chuckled a little.


"Sorry. I'm just realizing why you were so horrible at practice." He smiled.

"Oh. Yeah. Has she gotten any better though?" I asked.

"Actually, she's gotten a lot better."

We sat there in silence. I was relieved that Namjoon knew, it felt as if some weight had been lifted from my shoulders. But Nabi was still angry, and that still weighed on me. And Namjoon knowing wasn't exactly going to help us. My moment of happiness had passed. The bell rang, and although I was tempted to stay and wait for Nabi, Namjoon suggested that I should just give her space. I didn't know if that would help, but I got up and followed him to class.

I didn't see Nabi for the rest of the day, and for some reason, I felt depressed. Almost as bad as after the Junkook incident. The worst part was, I had no idea why I was taking her unwillingness to forgive me so badly.


That night, I got desperate enough to text Rachel for Nabi's room number.

"Nabi? Are you okay? Don't tell me you're having some mid-life crisis." She replied.

"Maybe I am. Can you just remind me?" I asked with an eye roll.

"303." She texted back.

I dashed up the steps in relief, not even checking for an elevator beforehand. When I got to the right floor, I was out of breathe. Nabi's gotta get into better shape. I thought, gripping my cramping stomach. I grimaced as I remembered that I had no key. When I got to the third door, I just took a chance and knocked. The door opened and a middle-aged woman with tired eyes answered.

"Nabi!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me into the apartment. "Where have you been?!"

"E-eomma," I muttered. "I slept at a friend's house remember?"

When I'd failed to get the room number, I had decided to just stay in the lobby. There were a couple of yellowing couches, and I had Nabi's old phone in case of an emergency. After jolting awake in remembrance of her parents, I'd searched her contacts and texted her mom before going to sleep, that I had decided to stay at a friend's house.

"I know, but you never contacted me after that, I was worried, Nabi." She pulled me into a hug.

Surprisingly enough, it was actually pretty comforting. Even if it was a woman I'd never seen before. My own mother never gave me enough hugs. When she pulled back, I felt kind of cold, but I turned and headed for Nabi's room.

"Good night," she said quietly.

I closed Nabi's door softly and stood for a moment. It seemed less small for some reason. Maybe because I was feeling lonely.

I waited for it to be silent in the apartment before I began searching for the bathroom. Wasn't exactly hard to find, though. I was desperate so I grabbed a random toothbrush. After brushing my teeth, I turned to the toilet. I'd already gone to the bathroom twice while in Nabi's body. Of course, both times I kept my head straight up. But now that we'd fought about this sort of thing, I felt sick even thinking about it. Who cares if you pee in the bed. I told myself.

I crawled into her bed in utter exhaustion. After tomorrow they only had four days till the showcase. I had know idea what we were going to do.

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