Chapter 19

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Nabi's P.O.V

"Namjoon knows." The text said.

I didn't really know how to feel about that. I was mostly just surprised. Maybe a little relieved, though I knew it didn't change much. With a yawn, I laid my head back down on V's pillow. His text had woken me up a few minutes before, but I was grateful. So grateful for morning. After a few more minutes of just laying there and staring up at his pristine ceiling, I pulled myself from the bed.

"Oh, you're up early, especially for a Saturday," a sweet voice suddenly said.

I jumped and turned to see a woman with short brown hair and a square jaw, peaking her head through the door.

"Mm. I guess so," I agreed.

I decided it was his mom.

"Well, do you want something to eat?" She stepped into the room.

"Actually, I think I'm going somewhere with Jin," I lied.

I didn't want to eat with V's family, scared of them noticing something strange about me. And it would just be so awkward. Too awkward for me to handle.

"Oh, really?" She turned to leave. "Have fun, then."

I sighed in relief as she closed the door behind her. Well, that was awkward. I thought, cringing. Was V not very close with his mom? His family? She had seemed almost...distant. I frowned while grabbing V's phone.

"Jin, can we go out for something to eat together?" I texted.

I chewed my lips while waiting for a reply. Of course I knew he would be bombarding me about my feelings, but since I'd spent the most time with him, I felt a bit more comfortable being with him than any of the others.

"Sure! Jimin and I just made plans. I'll tell him you're joining." He replied.

I cringed at the thought of someone else coming, but I supposed it would be less awkward. With a sigh, I texted him back.

"Okay. Will you come pick me up?"

"Be ready 15 minutes." He said.

I changed my shirt, not really caring how much my pants were starting to smell. I just hoped no one else would notice. I went ventured into his large bathroom and found a toothbrush, feeling so clean after brushing. I also found some deodorant for which I almost shouted for joy. I was ready with five minutes to go.

"Bye, Eomma!" I called as naturally sounding as possible, before slamming the front door.

As I sat and waited for Jin, I pulled out the phone again, and contemplated the text about Namjoon. But how did he find out? Was what I wondered. But I didn't want to text back V. The anger at him had still ceased to calm down. Jin honked his car horn at that moment, and I jogged up to join them.

"Where are we eating?" I asked while hopping into the car.

"Hyung's still deciding." Jimin rolled his eyes.

I nodded and leaned back in the seat, as Jin grabbed his now ringing phone.

"Hello?" He said. "Sure! Jimin and Tae and I are headed somewhere now, want us to swing by and pick you up?...really? Okay, then...see you in five."

Jin turned to us as he set his phone down.

"Namjoon's coming with us," he announced.

"Good. Maybe he can decide for us then," Jimin said.

I, however, gulped. Now that Namjoon knew about us, what was I supposed to say? Was I even supposed to say anything to him? What would he say? Had he told others? I began feeling clammy as we pulled into the driveway of his dark blue house. He jogged out of the house a few moments later. When he opened the car door, I immediately made eye contact. Even though that was the last thing I'd wanted to do. He watched me curiously as the car began to move again.

"Where should we go, Namjoon?" Jimin turned around to look at him from the front passenger seat.

"Why not our usual place?" Namjoon finally turned his gaze away.

"See? I told you we should just go there," Jimin said to Jin.

"Fine, fine. Let's go," he replied.

By the time we'd arrived, I hadn't spoken a single word. But Namjoon had kept throwing knowing glances my way. Even so, he didn't say anything to me, not until we sat down in a booth and Jimin and Jin went up to get us food.

"Nabi, right?" He suddenly whispered as soon as they were gone.

"Yeah," I replied, surprised at his sudden interaction.

"Woah." He leaned back in his seat. "This is crazy."

"I know. How did you find out?" I asked.

"I overheard your argument yesterday," he said. "But how on earth could this have possibly happened?"

"Who knows? It just kind of did."

He looked back up at me.

"Taehyung is really feeling guilty,
you know," he brought up, abruptly.

It left me a little bit at a loss for words. I didn't exactly know how to respond.

"I know what he did was pretty bad, but if you guys aren't working together to fix this, then what are you supposed to do?"

"Even before we were fighting, we were completely lost. I don't think making up will help much."

"Maybe not. But it sure would relieve a lot of you're stress."

"I can't exactly forgive him for the sake of stress," I said.

"Yeah, I guess not."

We were silent for a moment. I was sort of annoyed at him for bringing up something that he had no business in. But it was nice of him on V's behalf.

"Just know that he's really upset. He isn't what you think," Namjoon said. "And if you need anything just give me a call."

"Here guys," Jimin said, suddenly beside the table, placing our orders down.

Jin came up behind him.

"Taehyung, I got you a little something extra, okay?" He set down a bowl of steamy rice in front of me.

"But...all I asked for was hot chocolate..." I said.

"I couldn't just let you have that for breakfast, it's unhealthy." He shook his head and sat beside Namjoon.

In reality, I was pretty grateful for the food. I'd ordered hot chocolate only, because I didn't have any money, and I felt guilty for them paying for my meal.

"We only have five days till the showcase, you know," Namjoon said as we dug in.

"Aish. Don't remind me," Jimin groaned. "We're still a mess."

"We just have to work harder. Five days is a lot of time to practice," Jin said.

I sat quietly as usual, just listening to their conversation. I noticed a few boys who looked to be around our age walk into the shop. There were three of them to be exact, and for some reason, they seemed oddly familiar. I watched them as they ordered, and as one of them turned our way. He looked me straight in the eye. Surprised, I quickly looked down at my rice and began eating, trying my best to act normal. But Jin noticed.

"What was that about, Tae?" He asked, turning his head to see where I was looking.

By now, they were already approaching us. Was it really so bad to make eye contact? Were they angry with me for looking? I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment.

"RM, long time no see," a deep voice said.

Still looking down, I breathed a sigh of relief. I knew they weren't talking to us. No one in our group was RM, I knew that for sure. I glanced up to see who actually had that name, and was shocked to see them standing right beside our table, one of them looking at Namjoon. He was tall with bleached-white hair, wearing a black tank top that showed off muscular arms. Next to him was the one who had seen me looking. He had blond hair and a blue t-shirt. Lastly, on the other side of the muscular one, was a boy with light brown hair. I turned to Namjoon in confusion.

"Hello, Jackson," he said with an unfamiliar chillness in his voice. "What brings you here?"

But wait, who's RM? I wondered.

"We came to eat, of course," Jackson chuckled.

"I mean, why are you at our table, speaking to us?" Namjoon asked.

"Just seeing if your ready for the competition coming up. You only have two weeks to prepare," The one with the brown hair spoke up.

"Don't worry, Mark. We're prepared," Jimin snapped.

"We most definitely were not worried," Mark replied coolly. "I'm sure you'll do just fine."

"Just not good enough to beat us," The blond one joined in.

I was still completely confused about this whole interaction. Who even are these guys?

"You should come to the showcase, get a taste of what real winners sound like," Jin sniffed.

"Count on it," Jackson said.

"If you'd please let us get back to eating," Namjoon spoke again.


They began to walk away, but then Jackson paused and turned to look straight at me.

"Oh and V, we ran into your cousin the other day." He smirked. "Not bad. You should give me her number."

Jimin tensed up beside me, and Namjoon gave me meaningful look. But I watched Jackson walk away, frozen in place. He'd seen me the other day. The real me. I shivered, imagining the look on his face.

"Those Got7 members are so cocky and full of themselves," Jimin snapped in anger.

"Not as much as we are, of course," Jin reminded us.

"I just want to punch that smirk right off his stupid face." Jimin clenched his fists.

"We just can't let them get to us," Namjoon began eating again. "We just have to focus on our music, not what the enemy's doing. That's how we win."

I felt sick, and worried. They were our enemy? Got7. Is that what Jimin called them? I decided I strongly disliked Jackson. And I hoped I'd never meet him when I got my own body back.

"What was he talking about? Another show?" I spoke up.

"Yeah. Remember? The annual battle of the bands. Let's see, what other schools got to the final round?" Jin said thoughtfully. "Us, of course, Got7..."

"I think B.A.P did too," Namjoon added between slurps of food.

"And that really big group from Bugil High, Exo." Jimin was still glaring at the Got7 members.

"I think that's all," Jin told me. "Are you nervous?"

"N-no, I'm fine. Two weeks right?"


By that time, I was almost positive that this battle of the bands would be V's problem. Because there was no way I'd be in his place any longer.

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