Chapter 20

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Taehyung's P.O.V

I had absolutely nothing to do. That was my excuse. I had been extremely bored, even after brushing my teeth and eating plain rice I'd found in their fridge. Even after feeding and watching her small fish swim aimlessly. It's not like I had anyone to call other than Rachel. Namjoon wasn't answering any of my texts and Nabi hated me at the moment. I had nothing else to do rather than snoop. So I did, and I was not disappointed. The book shelf that I was sitting next to now held numerous notebooks, filled with Nabi's scrawling handwriting. They were all stories, and none of them had an ending. I was immediately interested after glancing in the first one, and so I had been reading for almost an hour when I was struck with a lightbulb.

I got up in excitement and stepped towards her desk, laying my favorite one by far on it. I grabbed a short pencil from the dusty mug that sat next to the fishbowl. I was bored, and that was my excuse. Besides, Nabi probably won't see this until like a year from now. I assured myself as I began scribbling from where she'd left off. I had never actually tried writing for my own enjoyment before, and I realized it was actually almost fun. I wrote until my hand began cramping, and then some more. It was interesting to be able to make whatever I wanted happen. I was getting really into when Nabi's phone was suddenly buzzing. I was surprised to see it was a phone call and not a text. But more so because it was a call from my own phone.

"Nabi?" I asked immediately after hitting the "talk" button.

"Um, hey. What are you doing right now?" She asked quietly.

It was such a relief to hear my own voice, even over the phone.

"I'm wr--" I began, freezing in realization.

What are you doing?! I yelled at myself mentally. Of course she had to call at the moment I was doing something so questionable.

"What?" She asked.

"I'm sort of just sitting here," I lied quickly. "It's so boring," I whined, hoping she'd pity me.

"Oh, okay," she replied awkwardly.

"Did you need something?" I continued after a pause.

"Well, see..." She trailed off, I began tapping my fingers against the desk in impatience.

"Did you call to forgive me or what?" I burst out.

The line was silent, and I immediately regretted asking. Way to go. Pabo.

"Maybe it is better for us to...stick together. You know, until this is all over," she said, even quieter than before.

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that," I said in relief. "Where are you right now?"

"I'm sitting on your front steps," she replied.

"Okay, stay there, I'm coming over."

I quickly hung up before she could object. I was so relieved and I didn't know why. It was just so nice that she finally wanted to see me. But I frowned. Why do I care what she thinks of me? I thought. I shrugged and slipped on the boots from before, then I ran out the door.


"Wow, that was really fast," Nabi said in surprise, looking up at me.

"I'm surprised you actually listened to me," I said.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you actually stayed here, just sitting on the steps."

"Oh. Yeah." She slowly stood up. "Do you want to come inside?"

"This is my house," I reminded her.

"Not at the moment." Nabi turned and opened the door, letting me pass in front of her.

"Just so you know..." She said as I began walking towards the staircase, "I haven't completely forgiven you yet."

"Yeah," I sighed. "I know."

She walked pass me up the steps and I followed in silence.

"Taehyung! Is that you?" Someone called.

I suddenly felt a little sad at the sound of my mother's voice.

"Oh, Eomma." Nabi turned to her, who had just walked in from the kitchen.

"Well, aren't you going to introduce me?"

"Right...Nabi, this is m-my mother. Eomma, this is Nabi. Gam Nabi."

I bowed with a small smile, but inside I felt strange. My own mother asking for my name was a strange experience. A sad one.

"It's nice to meet you, Nabi," she said.

"You too, Eomma," I replied.

"We're going to my room, okay?" Nabi said.

"Okay, tell me if you need anything," My mom said, turning back to the kitchen.

"Let's go, V," Nabi said to me, quietly.

When we got to my room, I was surprised to see it in a nice and clean state. My bed was made and there were no clothes on the floor. All of my school papers were neatly arranged on my desk.

"What did you do?" I looked around in awe.

"I was bored and it sort of really bothered me. Do you mind?" She asked.

"N-no, no. It's fine." I went to my dresser and opened it to see all of my clothes nicely folded. "This is really nice."

"Thank you," she said, sitting on my bed.

I sat beside her and we were silent.

"I heard about that battle of the bands thing," she told me.

"Aish. Don't remind me," I complained.

"Why don't you like performing?" She turned to me.

I looked back at her.

"I do like performing, it''s just that I don't."

"That makes sense." She actually looked serious.

"Are you being sarcastic?" I asked.

"No. I can see what you mean. There are pros and cons in performing for you. I just don't know what the cons are that make you so apprehensive for shows."

I was surprised at her. She was right.

"I messed up a really important show last year, by injuring Junkook." I couldn't believe I had told her so easily, but it sort of just slipped out.

"How badly?"

"Does it matter? It was all my fault. And he couldn't perform for months afterward."

"He's fine now, though."

"Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that it could happen again, with other members." I argued.

"That's true, I guess." She tilted her head. "But doesn't really matter, you know."

"Of course it matters! I don't want to hurt anyone else!"

"There's always a chance for someone to get hurt, though. You could be in the hospital tomorrow. I could be dead by next week. You never know, V. That's why you need to just live life right now, not in the future or the past." She was quiet after that, but then she smiled a little.


"I shouldn't really be talking." Her smile was replaced by a frown. "I'm too scared to try anything myself."

I laid back on the bed in thought. Nabi was right again. She always seemed to be right. But it didn't make me feel any less guilty for hurting Jungkook or her. I was surprised when she laid back too. We were laying next to each other, inches apart, just staring up at the ceiling.

"How did this happen to us?" She asked quietly.

"I wish I knew." I sighed.

"You wish you knew..." Nabi trailed off, then suddenly sat up. "Omo. V. I think I might know."

I sat up beside her.

"What are you saying?" I asked.

"I made a random wish the night before we woke up in each other's places," she said. "I wished for--well did you do anything like that?"

"Actually I did. I wished that night too! Nabi! Do you think that's why we're like this?" I was getting excited now; if we found out how this happened, then maybe we could finally reverse it.

"It was my birthday. I mean, the numbers of the time were my birthdate," she explained.

"December 30," I said.

"Yes." She looked at me in surprise. "Is that your birthday, too?"

"Yeah, it is."

"So we wished at the same time," Nabi concluded. "But...what did you wish for?"

"I wished...I wasn't afraid. I was scared for the showcase," I told her.

"I wished for courage."

We looked at each other in amazement. We had wished for the exact same thing at the exact same time.

"Daebak..." I said slowly.

"But that doesn't get us anywhere." Nabi frowned. "Why would we exchange bodies if all we wanted was bravery?"

"I don't know," I admitted, laying back again.

"So we're back where we started," Nabi said, laying back with me.

"It looks like you'll be doing the showcase after all," I told her.

"I figured as much."

She stood up after that, and turned to me.

"Could you get up?" She asked.

"Why?" I frowned at Nabi.

"I want to look at you." She motioned me to stand up with her hands.

"Fine." I stood in front of her. "Happy?"

"No." She wrinkled her nose. "My hair looks disgusting."

I reached my hand up to touch my head.

"I guess so."

"Do you have any shampoo?" She asked, wandering into the bathroom.

"Of course, I do!" I scrambled after her. "I'm not completely unhygienic, you know!"

"Okay, I got it," she said, holding up some hair products. "Please grab a towel and sit."

I didn't really care much about what she was going to do, so I did what I was told. I grabbed a towel and sat on the toilet seat. She told me to wrap the towel around my shoulders, then she began to wet my hair.

"Why are we doing this?" I asked as she massaged my scalp with soap.

"Because my hair looked horribly greasy. I don't usually care much about what I look like, but if you're going to wear the same clothes for days, then at least your hair should smell nice."

After a few moments of silence, other then the scrunching sound of soapy hair, she spoke again.

"You never told me exactly why you broke your promise."

I sighed at her bringing it up, but replied anyway.

"Rachel. She wanted to go to the mall, but while we were on our way, she dragged me to her house."

"You did it because Rachel told you to?"

"Look, I know it was an awful reason. But I didn't want her to get suspicious. And if I'm being honest, I just felt really gross," I admitted. "I'm sorry for the horrible excuse."

She didn't respond, she just continued cleaning my hair. Suddenly, a voice sounded through the room.

"Yah, V! Are you in here?" It was Jimin's voice.

Great. How are we supposed to explain this one? I thought in annoyance. Jimin peaked around the open bathroom door to see us. In his eyes: V washing Nabi's hair.

"What's up? Man," Nabi said casually.

"Uh. What are you guys doing?" Jimin frowned in confusion.

"Just washing my cousin's hair, ya know?" She chuckled.

"Yeah. But why?" Jimin looked from me to Nabi and back to me.

"I needed my hair shampooed," I explained.

"But...V, you're not--you're not...what are you doing?" Jimin babbled.

I felt bad for him catching us in this situation.

"Like I said: I'm just washing her hair. Wanna sit and wait on the bed?" Nabi repeated.

"Yeah. Sure," Jimin replied awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

He disappeared behind the door, and Nabi quickly washed out the hair product.

"Okay, clean," she said, drying it off with the towel.

We hurried out of the bathroom. My hair dripping and Nabi's hands wrinkled from the water. Jimin sat on the bed. Still looking throughly confused.

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