Chapter 21

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Nabi's P.O.V

I stared at the phone in contemplation, thinking back to what Namjoon had said. "He isn't what you think." He'd told me. That didn't exactly turn around the whole situation. But it did influence me to at least least consider calling V. Besides, I was feeling so lost. How could I manage in someone else's place, when that person wasn't even there to help me? I stood up, trying not to give in. I even began cleaning, after that I couldn't stop, so it was a whole half hour before I sat back down on the bed and stared at the phone again. With a frown, I grabbed it and slowly made my way downstairs, taking a seat on his front steps. I sighed in relief as a nice breeze passed, then I looked back to the phone.

"It's not that big of a deal," I told myself. "It's not you like you'd be forgiving him, exactly."

I sighed again, finding my phone number in the contacts and hitting "call" before having another thought. But after it started ringing, I got nervous. What was he doing? Would he even want to talk to me after all the ignoring I'd done? My actual voice suddenly answered before I could change my mind.

"Nabi?" It said.

"Um." I gulped. "What are you doing right now?"

"I'm r-" he began.

"What?" I frowned at the sudden pause, checking the phone in hopefulness to see if we'd been disconnected, but he kept talking.

"I'm sort of just sitting here. It's so boring!"

"Oh. Okay," I replied quietly.

"Did you need something?"

"Well, see--," I mumbled.

"Did you call to forgive me or what?" He cut in.

I was surprised at his sudden boldness. And a bit annoyed.

"Maybe it is better for us to stick know, until it's all over."

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that." he sighed over the phone. "Where are you right now?"

"I'm sitting on your front steps," I told him, glancing around.

"Okay, stay right there. I'm coming over." The line suddenly went dead.

With a frown I hung up.

"You better not make me regret this, Taehyung."


Jimin sat and watched us with suspicion.

"Would it be better if I didn't ask?" He said.

"I already told you, Jimin. I was washing her hair," I told him.

"Okay, but that's really weird."

"Why?" V sat beside him.

Jimin suddenly seemed a bit tense. I wanted to scowl at V.

"It's--I mean, Taehyung's not a--person who," Jimin blubbered.

"Just drop it," I told them both. "Please don't mention this to any of the others."

I sat on the chair a few feet away from the bed.

"I'd never hear the end of it," I sighed.

"Okay, I got it." Jimin shrugged, then turned to V. "Did you by any chance see a group of guys the other day?"

I remembered what Jackson had said, and realized I'd completely forgotten to tell V.

"Oh, you mean Got7? I saw them," He replied.

"Look, I want you to stay away from them, okay?" Jimin scowled.

V and I shared a look. V was confused, I, however knew exactly why he was acting this way. But I had no way to tell V that Jimin was jealous. Not while Jimin was sitting right there with us.

"Why?" V asked.

It was a struggle to refrain from face-palming. V was probably one of the most oblivious people I'd ever met.

"They're just--" Jimin was suddenly turning red. "They're...rude people."

"Nabi." I gritted my teeth. "Can I talk to you for second?"

V looked at me in surprise.

"Oh, Sure. Tae."

We got up and went back into the bathroom, this time closing the door.

"Can't you see what's happening?" I asked him, exasperated.

"What?" He crossed his arms.

"Omo, V. I told you this would happen."

"What are you talking about?"

"Isn't it obvious?!" I whisper-shouted. "Jimin likes you. Me. Or whatever."

"That's funny, Nabi." He snorted.

"Are you serious?" I snapped.

Noticing my annoyed attitude, V was silent.

"He's jealous!"

"Why would he be jealous of Got7?" V asked. "How did he even know I saw them?"

"Because we ran into them yesterday, and they mentioned me, Nabi."

"What do you mean?" He said slowly.

"I don't remember. That Jackson guy asked for my number, or something. Your number...Nabi's number!" It was so frustrating to explain in a way he could understand. "Now Jimin's probably acting all jealous because of that episode. You have got to avoid him! If he begins crushing really hard, than it spells disaster for the both of us. V? Are you even listening?"

He wasn't looking at me anymore, he was clenching and unclenching his fists. Even in this state of frustration, I wanted to laugh at the expression he was making on my face. It was a strange scowl I'd never made myself before.

"Yah, V!" I said, trying to get back his attention.

"Are you guys finished?" Jimin suddenly called from outside.

"Aish, really?" I muttered.

This whole conversation had fallen on deaf ears, because V was too busy daydreaming about who knows what.

"Come on, Nabi," I emphasized loudly, opening the door.

V stormed past me, back into the bedroom. What did I say?

Taehyung's P.O.V

"I don't remember. That Jackson guy asked for my number, or something. Your number...Nabi's number!" She told me in exasperation.

I tensed up. Jackson wanted Nabi's number? Suddenly, anger began to swarm through my body. I clenched my fists, not listening to her anymore. Why did I suddenly hate Jackson so much more? Why was I so angry? Was I...jealous? But why? I was angry because of Jackson. And I was angry because I didn't know why.

"Come on, Nabi," she was saying.

Nabi opened the door and I walked past quickly. I was angry because I didn't know why I was angry. All I felt was anger. (And the danger. lol, sorry I just had to add that.)

Nabi and Jimin watched me in confusion.

"Look Jimin, I hate to kick you out. But if you wouldn't mind..." Nabi said.

"Fine. I get the message," he said, standing. "Cousin time. Sorry for interrupting."

He walked out in a huff.

"I hope he isn't too mad," Nabi commented. "Now, V, what's wrong all of the sudden?"

"Nothing. Everything is fine." I sat down on the bed.

"Doesn't sound that way," she said.

"I'm just annoyed," I admitted.

"About what?"

"Nothing. I just am."

"Fine, whatever." She scowled.

I felt a little guilty. She'd finally wanted to see me again. And I was acting like a jerk.

"Look, I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow." I got up and headed for the door.

"Don't forget what I said about Jimin," she reminded me.

Jimin? I thought. Oh yeah. She'd said he liked me. But I still wasn't completely sure if she was right. I walked outside and back to her apartment. I can't wait to get my own body back.

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