Chapter 22

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Nabi's P.O.V.

"You do realize we only have like two days till the performance right?" Namjoon asked again.

"We know, hyung," Jungkook sighed.

"Well then why do I have to keep repeating myself?"

"Maybe we should take a break," Jin suggested.

"Good idea," Suga agreed, collapsing into the couch.

"We just took a break fifteen minutes ago!" Namjoon argued.

"Well, it sounds like we need another one," Jin told him.

"You can't just take a break whenever things are getting messy, hyung!" Namjoon complained.

"Well, it certainly helps." Jin crossed his arms.

My phone buzzed. I mentally cursed as Jin and Namjoon both threw annoyed glances my way. I gave them a sheepish grin.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I announced.

I hopped up and hurried out of the room, answering the call as soon as the door closed behind me.

"What is it?" I asked V.

"Took you long enough to answer," he complained in reply.

"I'm in the middle of practice, you know," I told him, annoyed.

"How does it sound?"

" sounds better then before," I replied carefully.

"Great. You're gonna bomb the showcase."

"We're trying our best!" I hissed into the phone. "Why did you even call?"

"Nabi. Your friend is driving me insane."

I smiled at that.

"Well, you don't have to hang out with her all the time you know."

"I know, I know. But I needed to do something. It's so boring when you're not here."

I felt my cheeks heat up a little for some reason.

"So you're saying you wish I was there?"

"No! I's just--more...well I don't know. Kind of." He paused. "Can't you leave practice early? She really wants to ''meet you officially' or something like that."

"We've already talked, though."

"That's what I said--"

"Nabi! Are you done? Do you feel okay?" Rachel's voice suddenly came in the background, along with a loud knocking.

"Save me!" He begged.

"You should go. Tell her we can meet 'officially' tomorrow," I told him. "Bye!"

I hung up on his protests and headed back into the practice room.

"We're taking this from the top!" Namjoon was shouting as I walked in.


Practice ended on pretty good terms; we sounded pretty good on our last try. I was so grateful to leave. It was already almost ten, my head ached and I was starving.

"Yah, V!" Hoseok called as I walked down Namjoon's driveway.

I cringed and stopped. You were so close. So close to freedom.

"Yes?" I turned with a yawn.

"Are you hungry? Feel like grabbing a late night snack with me?" He asked after catching up to me.


"You guys heading somewhere for dinner? Good, I'm starving," Suga cut me off, suddenly appearing beside us.

"Great! Let's go!" Hoseok started down the driveway. "We're taking your car, Yoongi, hyung!"

The three of us piled into his car and were about to leave when Jin came running up.

"Were you guys planning on eating without me?!" He asked, incredulous.

"Of course not!" Hoseok and Yoongi said quickly. "Hop in."

"Okay, but we have to come back here for my car when we're done." Jin sat beside me in the backseat.

"Okay, hurry up and drive! I don't think we have anymore roo--" Hoseok was starting to say.

"Yah!" Jungkook called.

By the time we finally left for the convenience store, all of the members, except for Namjoon, were squished into the car. I was in uncomfortably sandwiched between Jin and Junkook.

"We're never doing this again! Not unless one of you gets a bigger car," Yoongi snapped to them all.

"I'm starving, anyone else? What are you guys gonna get?" Jungkook asked.

"Well let's see..." While Jin began listing different foods, my phone began ringing again. Aish. I thought when I looked at the caller ID.

"Hello, Nabi," I answered.

"Huh? Oh, who's there with you?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm just getting some food with my...buddies, we're headed to the convenience store right now. All of us. In Suga hyung's small car."

"Ah, really? You do realize, you're aloud to say no, right?" V told me, completely ignoring my hints.

Jungkook and Jin were so close, that Jungkook gave the phone a confused glance.

"What is she talking about?" Jungkook asked quietly.

"V--Nabi. I really have to go, I'll text you later, okay?" I said.

"Yah! I ha--"

But I hung up before he could continue. Why was he calling so much? You're making me regret calling you on Saturday. I thought.

"Wow, you guys sure are close," Jimin said, but I had a feeling he wasn't referring to the phone calls.

"Well, we are cousins," I said, trying not to grit me teeth.

"Finally, we're actually here! Everybody out!" Suga yelled, despite all of us being close enough to be able to hear him whisper.

"Okay, okay," Hoseok said, stepping out.

I was so relieved to be free from the car. It had seemed like the longest drive of my life. We walked into the store and began to pick out food. I didn't want anything too expensive, so I grabbed a bag of crab chips.

"Taehyung, you've really been eating so little, lately." Jin came up behind me, grabbing a bag as well.

"I guess so." I shrugged. "I'm just not that hungry."

"Well, maybe you should have some--"

I really didn't want to be piled with food, so I quickly walked to the another aisle before Jin could speak.

"Yah, Taehyung! Don't walk away when your hyung is speaking!" He complained.

But I pretended not to hear, feeling a little bit guilty, though. Jimin walked through the same aisle as me, picking out snacks as he made his way towards me.

"You ready for the show?" He asked.

"Sure I am."

"Is Nabi coming?" He asked.

"Yeah. She is," I said with a sigh.

"What are they doing here?" He suddenly snapped.

I turned around to the entrance. I recognized Jackson and the two that were with him before, but with them were four more guys. Why do we keep running into them? I thought in exasperation.

"Look, can we not talk to them? I really don't want to get in--"

Jimin was already walking away.

"Why do you always talk to them, if you hate them so much?!" I said aloud in frustration, wanting to throw up my arms.

We were the only people in the store, other then the tired-looking cashier, so it didn't take long for the group to notice all of us, spread around. I decided to just stay away from all of them, hoping no one would notice me.

"Yah, V!" I heard a voice say.

I jumped, dropping the crab chips, and turned around to see a black-haired boy from the group walking up to me, the rest of them following. Really? I thought. Where's Jimin?

"What do you want?" Jimin was suddenly next to me.

Oh. There he is.

"I was talking to V," the boy snapped.

"Wh-what is it?" I asked.

They all laughed at my stuttering.

"What? Are you afraid of us?" The one in front sneered. 

"Are you gonna stand there like idiots or tell us what you want?" Jimin took a step forward.

"Watch your mouth, shorty," The one I remembered to be Mark said.

"Watch yours," Suga snapped from behind us.

I turned to see Suga and Hoseok walking up behind us.

"Why'd you follow us here? Huh?" Hoseok asked.

"We did not follow you," Another one scoffed.

"Then why are you talking to us?" Jin called from the aisle I'd left him in.

I supposed we were all talking pretty loudly.

"We just saw you by coincidence, I guess." Jackson shrugged.

Are they all just going to stand here and snap back and forth at each other? I didn't want to be here to watch it, so I quickly ducked my head and started to walk past the group. It probably wasn't the best idea, however.

"We're not done talking to you." Jackson grabbed my shoulder.

"Yah! Hands off!" A voice shouted from the entrance of the store.

I glanced over to see V running up to us. Before I could stop him, he actually ran up to Jackson and- to my horror -shoved him away from me. To everyone else: Nabi had literally just appeared and was now pretty much starting a fight with Jackson. Not to mention how big and strong Jackson looked compared to her. I was just about ready to start freaking out.

"Nabi, what are you doing here?!" I hissed to V.

"I just guessed what convenience store you were talking about," he explained.

"But how did you--"

"Hey, I said to wait up!" Rachel called, running through the entrance.

Everyone was still watching, dumbfounded.

"You couldn't have made a worse--"

"Nabi, we meet again." Jackson was the first to regain composure.

V turned to him in distaste. Rachel jogged up to this large group of boys in confusion.

"Uh, what's going on?" She whispered to me.

"I don't know." I shook my head.

"I want you to stay away from my cousin," V said to him.

I wanted to scream at him, to remind him that he was still a girl. But I couldn't, obviously.


"Wow, V. You've got your girl cousin protecting you? What a joke," the one who'd first approached me said.

"Shut your mouth!" Jimin growled.

"Make me," he smirked.

"Oh, you wanna go?" Jimin cracked his knuckles, while I mentally face-palmed.

"Okay, Jimin, that's enough." Jin walked up with a pile of food in his arms.

"And now you've got your friends helping? Don't you know how to stick up for yourself?" He laughed. "You're more of a coward than I thought."

"Yah, what did I say?!" V said.

"What're you gonna do?" The one with the yellowish hair asked.

"Come here, Jimin! We're gonna--"

I grabbed V's arms and pulled him away, to stop this from getting worse. Taking a deep breath, I stepped towards them.

"Why'd you want to talk to me in the first place?" I finally asked.

"All we wanted to do was wish you luck at the show." The first one crossed his arms and smirked, walking up to me, until we were inches apart. "Wouldn't want you messing it up, again. Right?"

Suddenly, he was shoved to the ground. I looked in surprise to see Jungkook next to me, staring down at him.

"Jungkook, quit it!" Suga snapped.

"I can't believe you just said that, JB," He said in anger, ignoring Suga.

"I can't believe you just did that, Jungkook," JB replied.

"Guys..." Jin trailed off.

Everyone was silent. I guessed they'd never gotten physical in their fights before. And I hadn't realized that V's mistake from before was such a touchy subject for Jungkook. Without warning, Jackson grabbed Jungkook by the collar and shoved him against the closest wall.

"Yah! Get away from him!" Jimin said, running up towards the two.

And he was about to make it. But not before V, in my body, walked over to Jackson, and tapped him on the shoulder. Please don't, please don't do it, V. I begged in my head. But Jackson turned around. And V swung a punch at his surprised face. Jackson staggered back in shock. But he was definitely not as shocked as I was.

"What the heck was that?!" Mark yelled.

He shoved V to the ground. Jimin was already next to him, and suddenly punched him in the stomach.

"You just hit a girl!" He yelled.

"That's enough!" Namjoon's deep voice sounded through the convenience store. "Bangtan! We're leaving! Now!"

They all glared at the Got7 members and begrudgingly walked towards Namjoon.

"Stay away from my members!" He yelled at the angry Got7 group.

I helped V up and we quickly followed, Rachel ran past us in silence. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I couldn't believe what V had just done.

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