Chapter 25

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Taehyung's P.O.V

Taking Nabi to the nurse's office seemed like the smartest idea, despite it being after school hours. So Jimin and Namjoon sort of half carried her down the hall, the rest of us followed behind.

"What exactly happened?" Jin asked me, though I was hardly paying attention.

I was focused on how badly she was hurt and how much I wanted to kill them. Even so, I turned to him.

"They were angry about our other fight," I explained. "Jackson was mad about me...well, you know."

"So this happened because you couldn't control your temper," Jin decided.

"It's all my fault," I agreed with a hanging head.

I'd already figured that out.

"I still can't believe you actually punched Jackson." Hoseok was right behind us.

"He deserved it," I told him.

"Violence is never the answer," Jin scolded, obviously taken aback.

"You'd say that," I huffed under my breath.

But as we neared the nurse's office, I suddenly felt strangely dizzy. I stumbled a little then stopped mid-step.

"You okay?" Hoseok asked me.

"I d-don't know," I replied shakily.

I licked my lips, my throat was suddenly very dry.

"What's wrong, Nabi?" Jin began to look worried.

"I need water," I croaked.

But they didn't have enough time to react to my request. My vision blurred, then I blacked out completely.


Ouch. Was the first conscious thought that came into my mind. My body ached all over, my head pounding especially. I tried to open my eyes, but then was immediately blinded by a strong light. After a second try, they began to adjust, and I was able to fully open them.

"Yah, he's awake!" I heard Jungkook's voice exclaim.

I turned a little to see him standing over me.

"How do you feel?" He asked me.

"I'm really thirsty," I said, my voice was hoarse.

My voice. I sat up immediately, clearing my throat.

"I'm really thirsty," I repeated.

"I got it, Taehyung, just hang on," Jungkook said, seemingly annoyed.

"W-what did you just call me?" I asked.

"Wow, Jackson really did a number on you. Maybe he has a concussion?" I turned to the direction of Jimin's voice.

"H-hyung?" I looked to Jin, who was hurrying over to me.

"I'm here, Taehyung. What do you need?"

"Gimme a break, he's fine!" Yoongi was slouched in the corner of the room.

"Oh, come on, you were worried," snapped Jungkook, who handed me a paper cup of water which I drank gratefully.

"Guys!" I cried, jumping up. "Ow." I slowly sat back down, a sudden pain in my side.

"What's wrong, V?" Hoseok asked.

"I'm--" I couldn't stop grinning. "I'm me!"

"We really should find a nurse." Jin looked at me carefully.

"No way! I feel great!"

I was Taehyung again. I was V. I was back to my old self. I ran a hand through my short hair, and studied my hands. But...

"Where's Nabi?" I asked, suddenly.

"Nabi? Oh, she passed out while we were bringing you here. No idea why though," Jungkook said.

"Oh yeah..." I remembered the dizziness and nausea from before.

"She's in the other room." He motioned towards a curtain beside us.

I got up again, carefully this time, and hurried to see her. I supposed they'd decided to give the girl the actual bed, and me the couch. She was in- what looked like -a peaceful sleep.

"Nabi?" I leaned over to study her more closely. "Nabi."

She stirred but didn't wake up.

"Nabi," I said a little louder, leaning an inch closer.

She suddenly opened her eyes and gave a small shout. Probably because of how close I'd gotten. I quickly straightened and she sat up. Nabi looked at me in confusion, just silently blinking. Her eyes were still clouded and still seemed out of focus. But suddenly, realization washed over her face.

"V?" She asked me quietly.

"Nabi!" I threw my hands up.

She jumped up and looked down at herself, then back to me.

"V!" She practically screeched this time.

"We're free!"

"We're normal!"

I couldn't imagine what all of the guys in the other room were thinking.

"This...! How did this happen?!" She cried.

"I don't know!" I replied in the same fashion.

But then I quickly motioned to the curtain. She nodded, understanding. We stepped out side by side, both beaming.

"Uh...something exciting happen?" Yoongi was the first to speak, looking just as confused as the rest of them.

"Don't worry about it. We're just really happy," I explained.

"Where's Namjoon?" Nabi asked from beside me.

I was surprised at her asking, and at myself for not realizing the absence of my hyung.

"We don't know. After you told us what happened, he ran off down the hall," Jimin told us.

"He probably went after Jackson. We tried to stop him, but..." Jungkook added, trailing off.

"Wait. Is the show over?" I asked.

They all exchanged glances and I expected the worst.

"You've only been unconscious for like five minutes, you know," Jimin told us, instead.

I didn't know whether to be relieved or disappointed. I still didn't really want to perform, but I also didn't want to ruin the show.

"Then we have to find Namjoon and get ready," Nabi said. "I-I mean you guys need to get ready."

They all agreed and split up to find him. Nabi and I were left behind. We stood silent, probably both contemplating whether we should speak or leave as well.

"Nabi," I finally said.

"V," she replied quietly.

"I...I just..." I trailed off, looking over at her. "I'm--"

"I think I should go help them find Namjoon," she interrupted.

I sighed as she walked out.

Nabi's P.O.V

I quickly exited. I wasn't ready to talk to him, I was still too hurt. And the showcase was our top priority at that moment. So I walked swiftly down the school hallways listening for any voices. I walked so comfortably, despite feeling sort of gross and dirty. I would have been jumping for joy if all of this had happened in a smoother manner. But it hadn't.

I winced in remembrance of Jackson's beating. I still felt sore, despite being in a completely different body. I wondered how much V was hurting. It was strange, I thought I would be more angry with him. That was my first thought when Jackson punched me. This is all your fault. My mind had said to him. But now, I just didn't really care. Come to think of it, our reversal might not have happened if I hadn't been knocked unconscious. Painful as it was, I was almost grateful. Almost.

"Get off him, Namjoon!" I heard a familiar voice yell.

Guess I was close. I ran towards the source of the noise, and came upon Jin, Yoongi, and Jungkook, along with the one called Mark. I got closer to see Namjoon pinning Jackson to the floor. Both looked pretty messy and out of breath, and I could only assume they'd gotten into another fight. It was a good thing Jimin wasn't there.

"Jungkook, help me!" Jin was trying to grab Namjoon.

Yoongi was shouting at them both, Mark was just standing by with his arms crossed, and Jungkook was rushing to aid Jin. I had no idea what to do.

"Don't you ever even think about touching one of my members again," Namjoon snapped at Jackson.

"Well, then keep your members away from me," Jackson replied in the same tone.

"Namjoon, that's enough!" Jin finally got a solid grip on Namjoon's arms, and began pulling him off.

"Just leave! Don't come to our school again!" I wasn't used to Yoongi being so loud.

"Gladly," Mark said, helping Jackson up.

They hurried away as Jin glowered at Namjoon. I stood, still unnoticed, in silence.

"What were you thinking!" Jin shook his shoulders.

"Jin, you know he deserved it. No one touches our band members."

"He did deserve it, Hyung," Jungkook agreed.

"Stay out of it," Jin snapped.

"Guys, I-I don't mean to interrupt," I finally spoke. "But our performance is in five minutes. I mean your performance."

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