Chapter 26

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Taehyung's P.O.V

The showcase was a success. At least, that's what everyone told me. For me, though, it was just a blur, passing by so quickly, I'd hardly even taken notice to the cheers or the music. After we'd gotten off the stage, I felt completely different than I had expected. I thought I would feel a huge weight lifted. I thought I would be free of the perpetual ball of nerves that made my stomach ache. I was done with what I'd been dreading so much, and yet, I felt...maybe even worse than I had started off.

My phone buzzed, snapping me out of the thought-filled trance I'd been in. I jumped at the sound, then sighed. I was staring up at my pristine ceiling, studying how different it was from Nabi's. Turning on my side, I reached for my phone.

"Wanna grab some food? We need to celebrate!" Jimin had texted.

"You realize we only have two weeks till we go on stage again, right?" I replied, typing in each letter slowly, trying to appreciate how nice it was to have my real phone back.

"We'll deal with that tomorrow. I'll be there in five to pick you up." Was his quick reply.

I turned on my back again with another sigh. You've gotta stop moping for no reason. I told myself. I really didn't know why I was so down. I should've been celebrating. I had my own body back, and the showcase was over! But I felt worse than ever. And the fact I didn't know why made it even more terrible.

"Did you sleep at all last night?" Jimin asked as I got into the car.

"Yeah, of course." I yawned.

He gave me a questionable glance, and we drove off.

"Where are we headed?" I asked.

"Usual place. Jungkook's meeting us," he replied.

I had to admit, despite my low spirits, it was nice to have my friends back.

" you wanna text Nabi? Ask her to join us?" Jimin asked slowly, unsurely.

I suddenly felt a sharp pang in my stomach.

"No. I don't think she wants to see me right now," I told him.

"What? Why?"

"We had a fight."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Not really."

"You sure?"

"We're here," I said in relief.

We walked inside, silent. Jungkook had beaten us and was sitting in our normal spot. He waved as we stepped into the shop.

"Took you long enough!" He shook his head as we sat down.

"Did you order already?" Jimin asked him.

"No, I was waiting for you guys."

"I can order for us, what do you guys want?" I asked.

They looked at me in surprise.

"You sure?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah, whatever."

They gave me their orders and I went up to the cashier. I told the woman what we wanted and stepped back a little, stretching my arms. But they bumped into someone behind me.

"Oh, sor-" I stopped. "Um. Hey."

Nabi stood behind me, rubbing her nose.

"Hi," she replied quietly.

"Where did you go yesterday? I never got to talk to you," I said.

"Sorry. I didn't know you wanted to." She looked down.

Things were suddenly so awkward for us. Was it because we'd switched back?

"Are you about to order?" I continued.

"No, I'm here for an application."

We were both quiet, then suddenly the woman called out my order.

"That's mine," I said in disappointment. " you wanna sit with us?"

"Actually, I should go."

"Yeah. Okay, bye then." I turned and grabbed the food, then looked back to Nabi.

But she was already at the counter asking for an application. I was alone again. It was my fault, of course. I was the reason she was so distant. I'd never wanted to take back my words so badly.

Nabi's P.O.V

I walked out of the shop, hugging the application close. I squeezed my eyes shut, wishing away the awkward moment from before. We're normal now, why was he talking to me? There was no reason to talk any longer. Our problem had been resolved and we were back to normal. He should just go back to how his life was before. Besides, we were still unresolved with the argument we'd had. Maybe if I forgave him, finally. Maybe then, we could go back to complete normal. I nodded to myself.

At home, I grabbed my old phone and dialed his number. But my thumb hovered over the talk button. What was I supposed to say? I forgive you. But that seemed kind of forward. I knew I should apologize too.

"Aish," I said, sitting down on my desk chair, phone still in hand. "Just do it."

I hit the talk button and brought the phone to my ear. This is so stupid. I just saw him. He's probably still eating. I'm just bothering him. Thoughts flew through my head as I regretted calling more and more. Soon enough I was praying that he wouldn't pick up.

"Hello? Nabi?" He answered right before what seemed like the last ring.

"Oh. Hi," I replied, grimacing.

"So. Why did you call?" He asked after a long pause.

It was so weird to hear his voice over the phone, instead of mine. It almost didn't seem like it was him.

"We should talk. You know...about the argument we had," I said, carefully.

"Yeah. We should," he said after a minute. "You wanna meet somewhere?"

"I guess."


We ended up meeting at the park, which was my idea. I was sitting on a swing when he arrived.



We sat for a while in silence. Swinging slowly on the rickety swings.

"Nabi, I'm really sorry," he finally said. "You know I didn't mean any of the things I said."

"It sounded like it," I had to say.

"I thought I was mad at you. But, really, I was mad at myself for always upsetting you." He looked down at the wood chips. "And I took that anger out on you."

"I...I'm sorry, too," I admitted.


"I'm sorry for being so sensitive."

We both stared ahead in silence.

"I forgive you," I said.

"I forgive you," he replied, quietly.

Taehyung's P.O.V

We sat in silence. And I felt better. Not completely normal. But better. We had finally resolved it, and it had been easier than I thought. Nabi abruptly stood.

"Are you leaving?" I asked.

"Well, yeah," she said.

We stared at each other again.

"Bye, then." She turned to leave.

"I'm going to text you, ya know!" I called as she walked off.

I suddenly noticed my heart was beating really fast. I placed a hand on my chest and sat, still watching her walk farther and farther away. And as she finally turned a corner and disappeared completely, I realized something. Something I should have known all along.

I like Nabi.

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