Chapter 27

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Nabi's P.O.V

I watched the clock tick slowly, silently. My head was laying sideways in my arms at my desk. It was quiet. Only two other students had arrived, so the three of us sat, each at our separate desks, without a word. But I liked that. Silence was good.

"YAH! Hand it over!" A voice suddenly cried.

I sighed. Goodbye silence.

"Not till you tell me who it was!"

"I already told you!"

"Say it again!"

Jungkook and Hoseok scrambled into the classroom. Jungkook was chasing Hoseok, trying to grab something from his hand. I watched them from my desk in the corner, my head now raised.

"I don't need to repeat myself!" Jungkook insisted through gritted teeth.

"Just say it!"

"Just give me my cellphone!"

"Boys!" Jin snapped, walking into the classroom briskly. "Can't you see, these other students are trying to study!"

"Hoseok hyung won't give my phone back," Jungkook explained.

"Just tell me who texted!" Hoseok whined.

They continued to argue, so I laid my head back onto my arms. Truthfully, I did sort of miss hanging out with them, as awkward as I'd felt. It was interesting, their behavior. And I got to feel like I actually had more than one friend. Like I belonged in this large and important group. But I was glad to be Nabi again. Mostly.

"Oh, hello, Nabi!" Jin finally noticed me from across the classroom, making me jerk up.

"Hello," I replied, bowing my head slightly.

"I heard that you and Taehyung had an argument," he continued.

"Oh. You did?" I chewed my lips, feeling a bit uncomfortable speaking about it. "Well, don't worry. It's all fine now."

"Ah, that's good."

I turned back to my desk, hoping he wouldn't continue. How did he know about it? Did V tell him? That did seem most likely. Hopefully, V hadn't included many details.

"Morning, guys." V walked in.

He sat down his normal spot, beside Jin. I watched carefully, wondering if he would say anything to me. Our conversation from the day before had been awkward, and I wondered if he'd actually meant it when he said he would text me. I thought making up would have been sort of like our goodbye, but his words had made it sound like he had other plans.

"Um. Hi, Nabi." His voice broke my trail of thoughts.

I looked up, noticing he'd turned around to face me.

"Oh, hi," I replied.

Greeting each other. Did that mean we were still going to talk? Did that mean he still wanted to be, whatever we had been before? What had we been before? Not exactly friends. We were just stuck with each other. But things were back to normal. So what were we now?


I walked towards the cafeteria slowly, in loneliness. Rachel was out of town for the day, so it was just me. I sighed, my thoughts revolving around the current situation with V. I was confused. What did he want? What did I want? When I thought about it, being friends didn't sound so bad. But it would be so much different, now that I was Nabi again. However, I wasn't sure what he was thinking. We'd said hi. So what does that mean? You shouldn't be stressing so much about something so unimportant. I reminded myself. But I couldn't. Why did I care so much about how things with V and I were? I chewed my lip in frustration.

"Yah, Nabi!" A voice called.

I turned to see V jogging towards me.

"Where's Rachel?" He asked, after catching up.

"She's out today. Why?"

"Then come on and eat lunch with us."

"Oh. Are you sure?" I asked.

"Why not? Come on," V insisted.

He grabbed my arm and began pulling me through the crowd of students. I suddenly felt my cheeks begin to burn. As if he could sense my uncomfortableness, V suddenly dropped my arm.

"L-let's hurry," he stuttered, walking faster.

"Okay," I agreed, matching his pace.

What a weird exchange. I thought.

Taehyung's P.O.V

I dropped her arm as quickly as I'd grabbed it.

"L-let's hurry," I suggested.


My heart was thundering so much, I was afraid she might of heard it. When we arrived at the lunch table, Jimin and Jungkook were already seated.

"Hi, Nabi," Jimin said shyly.

"Hi," she returned in an equally quiet voice.

I suddenly remembered what she'd said about Jimin liking her. Or at least, liking me when I was her. I wondered if maybe she had been right. I sat down next to her.

"Nabi's friend is out, so she's gonna eat with us," I told them.


"Don't hate me for saying this, but we have to start thinking about the upcoming competition," Namjoon announced after everyone had arrived.

His statement was followed by groans throughout the lunch table. Except for Jimin.

"Yes! This is the perfect way to get revenge!" He exclaimed, and was given a disapproving look from Jin.

"That's exactly what I was thinking," Namjoon agreed, also receiving a glance from the oldest.

"Namjoon, you said yourself, that we can't pay attention to our opponents. We have to focus on our own music," Nabi was suddenly speaking up.

They all turned to her in surprise.

"I mean, you guys have to focus on your music." She cleared her throat. "At least, that's what Namjoon said."

We were all silent for a moment. I guessed Nabi still wasn't used to being her self again. Namjoon looked from me to her, and I realized I hadn't told him about our reverse. I caught his eye and gave him a small nod, hoping would get it.

"You did say that," Jin agreed.

Namjoon began looking a bit flustered.

"Well, I...I mean--after what they did, they deserve to be beaten at the competition. Even if we don't get first place. We need to score higher than them," he insisted.

I was with him and Jimin. After what happened with Nabi, I was going to do everything I could to beat them at the next show.

Nabi's P.O.V

At home, I sat on my bed, doing my homework. All that had happened had made me so behind in my school work. And it didn't help that V had been much less than studious when he was me.

"At least, he didn't forget about you," I told Blaze.

I was suddenly filled with nostalgia. My days spent alone in my bedroom, writing and talking to my fish seemed so far away, despite only being a week before. But now everything was back to normal. My normal, boring life had been restored. Soon enough, this whole event will become like a crazy dream, and V will have moved on with his own life. Forgetting about you. Forgetting about everything. For some reason, I felt sad at the thought.

I remembered thinking that V and I were becoming closer, when we were in each other's places. But then he changed my mind after messing up. Now, I was even more confused, when I should be relieved. V was being friendly and still on speaking terms with me, but by the next year, he would surely have forgotten me. And I didn't know why I felt sad about that happening. Maybe because he'd made my boring life seem a bit more meaningful. A bit more magical.

Sorry about the boring chapter, It will most likely start to pick up again in the next one, though. Thank you all so much, for reading, voting, and commenting! You have no idea how happy it makes me! Also, I apologize to all the Got7 fans for their enemy position in my story! 😁

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