Chapter 30

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Taehyung's P.O.V

"Nabi?" I said her name softly, she turned. "Um. I have something to say."

My heart pounded, I chewed my lips. Is it really a good time? Aish. Just tell her. I opened my mouth to speak again, but before I could, a familiar voice sounded behind me.

"Look who it is."

Nabi and I both turned to see the whole of Got7 standing before us. We all stood for a second in glaring silence. At least, I was glaring, I didn't even turn to see what Nabi was like.

"The competition has finally arrived. How do you feel?" Jackson asked casually.

I was taken aback by his abnormal behavior. So I didn't respond at first, the tension so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"I feel like it's going to go down like before. When you got sixth place. And we won," I admitted, finally.

"Looks like you finally got your courage back," Mark commented.

"Why so rude? We're just making conversation," Jinyoung said coolly.

I scowled at them, feeling very vulnerable. There were seven of them, and one of me. Nabi was here, but I doubted she would be able to do much. I turned to her finally, and was surprised to see her absolutely rigid, frozen. I stepped closer to her, wondering why she looked so uncomfortable and maybe even a little scared. The look on her face suddenly made me feel protective. I wanted to get her away from them. She obviously hadn't gotten over being beaten up.

"L-let's go," she murmured quietly, once I'd gotten closer to her.

The group of boys in front of us stood in silence. Probably curious at her behavior.

"Is this the same girl who punched me?" Jackson smirked. "Guess beating up your cousin really did scare you."

She tensed up at the word "beating", when I thought she couldn't get any stiffer. Trying to be noble, I grabbed her hand without a word and pushed past them. But as we walked by, Nabi stumbled and fell to the ground. I watched as Jackson pulled his foot back. Before I could even think, I grabbed shirt and pushed Jackson against the lockers.

"What are you trying to do?!" I snapped, anger pulsing through me.

"Get your hands off," Jackson snapped back. "Or did you forget the last time we saw each other."

"Don't you dare even think about touching her again!" I yelled.

I suddenly felt someone grabbing my arm. I turned, about to shove them away, when I saw Nabi with a surprised and pleading face. She tugged harder at my arm, and began to drag me away from the scene.

"We're not done!" Jackson said.

"Run!" Nabi hissed.

We began dashing away, foot steps slapped the ground behind us and echoed throughout the halls. I wanted to go back so badly and finally get another go at him. But I knew running was better. For Nabi. We turned a corner and came up to the library doors.

"Inside! Inside!" Nabi rushed me.

We quickly closed the large doors behind us and raced to a random corner in the large, dark room. We stumbled behind a book shelve and collapsed onto the floor, our breathing heavy. We sat in silence, trying to steady and quiet our breaths.

"You think they're gone?" Nabi whispered after a minute or two.

"Sounds like it," I said.

We both listened for a few seconds longer, then finally began to relax.

"That was really close, you know," Nabi told me. "You probably would have been disqualified from the competition if you guys fought."

"I know."

"Then why'd you do it?" She asked.

I turned to her.

"I couldn't help it. After he tripped you...that was just...I don't know. It made me really angry," I tried to explain.

"I-it was no big deal," she said, turning away.

I could tell, for the first time, that she wasn't telling the truth. I noticed she was shaking, and I couldn't figure out whether it was from the adrenaline or the fear.

"Besides, is pushing Jackson back for me, more important than the show?" She continued.

I was silent, just watching her.

"Nabi," I said.

"What?" She sighed, facing me again.

"I really need to tell you something." I let out a shaky breath. "Now is probably not the best time, but...I didn't get to tell you before."

Nabi studied me, curious and confused.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

"N-no. It's just, um, I--" I paused again, terror suddenly jolting through me.

What if she rejects me? Not only would I be heartbroken, but we would also be so awkward, losing our friendship. No more Nabi. But if I didn't tell her, then "it'll be even harder if she doesn't know your feelings" Namjoon had said. I gulped.

"Nabi, you. I like you." I looked away, feeling my face heat up.

She didn't say anything. I sat still, just waiting in sick anticipation for some kind of reaction. Any kind of reaction. But we were both silent. Suddenly, she stood.

"I--I have to go," she said, her voice cracking.

I looked up in surprise, and she stepped past me and down the book aisle. She kept walking, and I didn't say anything. Couldn't say anything. My voice seemed to have caught in my throat. I watched as she disappeared into the darkness, again.

When I heard the soft clock of the library door, I was still staring after her, the same shocked expression. I was frozen.

So this is how it feels. To be rejected. A broken heart.

It was funny. I didn't realize just how much I liked her, until after I'd lost her.

Thank you all so much for 1k reads!!!

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