Chapter 31

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Nabi's P.O.V

"Nabi. I I like you."

I like you. I like. You.

My breathe caught in my throat. My face heated up. My heart started pounding. So did my head. Confused. Confusion. I stood up abruptly, suddenly feeling suffocated.

"I have to go," I said, shakily.

I didn't wait for him to respond, and by the look on his face, I had a feeling he wouldn't. For some reason, I just felt so confused. I had no idea what to say or do. Running was the only solution. So I ran out the library door, out into the school hallway, not caring whether or not I was seen by the rival band that was pursuing us just a few minutes before. I didn't stop at the theater. I didn't really care about Rachel getting angry.

I had no idea why I was running. Was it because I was confused? That had seemed to be so at first. But now? It seemed as if I was running from some sort of answer. An answer to his statement. His confession. I ran because I was afraid of what my answer might be, and what it might not.

I ran out of the school and into the chilly night air, all the way to the small patch of woods across the field, where V and I had first gone after switching places. I was stumbling and gasping for air as I neared a rotting log. I collapsed onto it in exhaustion. After steadying my breathing, I tried to gather my thoughts. Answer some of the questions swimming through my head. I began to convince myself he was messing with me. As messed up as it sounded, it did seem like the most rational explanation. And I knew that kind of V existed. The one that messed with my feelings.

It was recalling the look in his eyes that told me otherwise. He'd seemed so genuine as he confessed. Maybe it wasn't so impossible, that he had actually meant it. But why? That was the main reason for my confusion. Why me? How could he have feelings for someone so mundane? Someone so unadventurous and timid? Someone like me? I was just so...unlike what he'd fit best with. Yes, that was why I was so extremely confused. Because I had no idea what V saw in me.

And now, what would happen to us? He just told me he had feelings for me, and I ran off with no answer. Come to think of it, he had probably taken it as a flat-out no. I let out a long, overdue sigh. I was so very confused.

Taehyung's P.O.V

"Where were you? We had to practice without you. Come on, Taehyung!" Namjoon said as soon as I had drifted into the practice room.

"Do you realize how important this is to all of us?" Jin asked. "Do you have any sense of commitment?"

Their words just passed through me, hardly registering. I stared at the ground, letting them scold me. It's not like their words had any meaning to me. Not when I could barely hear them.

"Are you even listening?" Namjoon was saying.

He suddenly grabbed my shoulder, and I finally lifted my head to look at him.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked after studying my face.

"N-Nabi..." I managed to choke out.

"What? Did something happen to your cousin?" Jin asked.

But Namjoon studied me carefully, then realization washed over his face. He knew what happened. It was his idea in the first place after all.

"Guys it's time to head backstage," Yoongi interrupted our moment of silence.

We all turned and followed him out the door, to the theater.


I took a deep breath in, paused for a few seconds, then let it out. Then I repeated it, staring out into the audience. Everything, for a moment, was silent. Frozen. Then we began.


We started and I performed without a problem. But, just like at the showcase, everything was just a loud blur. I knew the steps and the words, so I just went through the motions. But it seemed like I was snapped out of my trance when my part began.

"But you're my everything," I sang.
"You're my,"
"You're my,"

As the chorus started, I got lost in my thoughts again.

Nabi's P.O.V

I stared out the window. Not thinking, just staring. At least, I was trying not to think, but thoughts kept popping up. How am I supposed to face him? Was the main one. Facing Rachel was an afterthought, which scared me. I should be caring more about ditching my friend without a word, but instead I was worried about seeing V. Dreading seeing him. But I couldn't ditch school because of an awkward situation. So I got dressed slowly, ate slowly, and walked to school very slowly. I had to take my time, and get there right as the bell rang, so I wouldn't have to talk to anyone. But everyone had other plans.

"Yah! What's up with leaving last night, without a word? I was waiting for you!" Rachel shouted as soon as she spotted me in the hall. "Seriously, Nabi! I was so worried!"

She stomped up to me.

"But seeing as you're fine, I think it's time you explain yourself!" She continued.

"Rachel, please, I'll explain, just keep your voice down," I begged, glancing at all the curious faces.

"That's all you have to say? I'm--" I threw a hand over her mouth in exasperation and pulled her around the corner, where it was a bit more empty.

"Can you please just listen?" I hissed.

She nodded. I pulled back my hand and she crossed her arms in expectation. I knew I had to tell her at one point. She was my best and only friend. She deserved to know.

"Look, I'm going to tell you something, but you cannot freak out, get angry, or tell anyone else. Please," I said.

Her scowl turned into interested stare, and she tilted her head.

"Alright. I promise."

"Okay. First of all, V's not my cousin," I said quickly, grimacing in anticipation for her reaction.

"Nabi!" She squealed. "Why would you lie about that?!"

"Yah! No anger remember?" I reminded her.

"I know! But seriously, you know how much I love them!"

"Yeah,I know."

"Well, then why'd you lie about it?" She asked.

I paused. Maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to tell her. How was I supposed to explain to her that we'd literally switched bodies?

"Well, you see...we didn't want people to get the wrong idea. Since we've been hanging out," I said carefully.

"But, I'm your best friend," she said quietly, obviously hurt.

"I know, I'm really sorry. But that's why I'm telling you now, okay?" I told her.

"Still," she pouted. "Was that all you wanted to say?"

"Actually. No," I replied. "There's more."

She turned to me again in curiosity.

"So, you know how I said we've been hanging out?"

"Yeah. Which you have to explain to me. How on earth did you even meet?"

"That doesn't matter. Just listen."

I gulped and mentally prepared myself. Saying it out loud, to someone else, would make it so much more real.

"The reason I left so early last night was because--"

"Yah, Nabi!" A familiar voice interrupted me. "We need to talk."

I turned to Namjoon, who was walking up to us, a look more serious than usual on his face.

"Sorry, we have to get to class, we're already late, you know!" I said hurriedly, desperately trying to avoid talking to him.

Does he know about last night? Was all I could think.

"Let's go, Rachel." I grabbed her hand.

Before he could say anymore, we practically dashed away. I would have to avoid, not only V now, but also, by the looks of it, everyone else in the band.

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