Chapter one: Transformation Radical

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Ah, what a perfect day, Treecko leisurely thought as he watched his friends hit a beach ball. " Are you sure you don't want to join us?" Frogadier questions, linking his arms with Prinplup.

Treecko's nose wrinkles. " No thanks. I'm good right here." Pikachu face suddenly smirked. " Yeah. Right next to Cubone." She teased. " Shut up." Treecko growled.

Fallar, a young brown rock type Pokémon: Rockruff, was howling to continue the game. Litten was beside him, hissing in irritation. " Can we please continue this game?" Litten asked impatiently.

Frogadier groans," Sure, sure." He looked over to Prinplup who was gazing at him with a disappointed look. Eevee was nearby, now bugging the crap out of Pikachu. " Why won't be leave me alone?!" Pikachu wailed.

" Because he smitten with you." Pip said, busy look at Fennekin. " My eyes are here, lover boy." Pikachu grunted. Treecko only snorted.

Things here have been awfully quiet since they've defeated Ace, Glimmend, and whatever underlings that Ace has. They went on an incredible adventure. Some even it was a year later, and things were going swimmingly. Or so they all wanted to believe.

Every single day, Treecko felt a little twitch. Ever since he wished on that star things have been surely different. Not only that, but they've been visited by multiple famous Pokémon who were known for catching bad guys, and they were offered jobs.

Of course they rejected them, but Litten had stared at the pay at least for five of the jobs offered; They've been even offered a job as a rescue team!

The friends all wanted to just stay and relax, not wanting jobs. Their pal, Machamp, has offered them a place to stay, and of course they had to accept. He had girls who would play with them. The two females enjoyed that very much.

They were with them now, a shiny Machop and a regular one. Both had really cool personalities and were always fun to hang with.

They also actually got a job with Machamp. He loved that because they kept rejecting the groups that offered them better jobs with better pay.

Right now they weren't working. Muscles, the female shiny....Treecko had no idea why she was called that, slammed her paw down harshly on the ball, scattering the Pokefriends playing against her.

" Goal!" She cheered, high fiving Poppy, a water type by the name of Popplio. They hugged each other. Fallar only wagged his tail in delight at the goal, even though he was on the other team. He always wagged his tail.

For some reason, a visit to a nightmare dimension where animatronics roamed could not change his nature. Treecko knew he was changed. He saw all that happen. It repeated over and over in his head.

Our adventure, he thought with a sigh. He wondered if they would ever get to go on another. I doubt it.

Machamp came out there, handing them all free milkshakes. Ah the free milkshakes. Another great point of being at that location. That was their base location.

" Here." Machamp said, handing out the free, did Treecko mention that they were free yet...milkshakes. Instantly, Litten grabbed one. " I'm thirsty!" He mewed, sucking down the contents in the container.

" Brain freeze!" Fallar barked as soon as he started to gulp down his. Treecko shook his head. His friends drank too fast.

" Want to share one with me, Pikachu?" Eevee offered, raising his eyebrows a few times. " Pass." Pikachu dismisses. " I want an individual one." Eevee's tail drooped and his head fell down in disappointment.

Frogadier and Prinplup both grabbed two straws, but only Frogadier grabbed a milkshake. They were going to share apparently. That only made Eevee howl some as he witnessed that.

Treecko grabbed one and started to sip at it gently. Cubone, next to him, grabbed one as well. She seemed to be looking at him weirdly. Is that longing? Treecko wondered.

He shook his head. I should be drinking this delicious shake instead of watching my friends. He continued to sip at the shake.

" Enjoy, my dudes." Machamp practically purrs at them as he backs away to get back to work. Hopefully he has someone back there, because Treecko swore that Pokémon tried to rob the place. It might just be his imagination, but he saw a Skyarmory go in there...a menacing one.

After their shake session, most of the Pokémon continued to play their game. " Hello!" An unrecognizable voice said. Treecko jerked up from lying down.

" Are you okay?" Cubone asked, shying away a bit. " Fine. Just fine." He growled. Who was that? That better not be that Skyarmory!

" We need to talk. Don't worry, I don't want to kidnap you. I'm not like those brutes. You and I never met before personally, but I must speak with you, oh wish one."

Treecko tipped his head. What the hell is this Pokémon talking about? Is this Pokémon a girl? It's not Glimmend or Ace, so who can it be? He shrugged his head, Cubone glimpsing In concern.

He immediately got up. I must meet with them! This Pokémon...feels important. " Where are you going?" Cubone and Frank, who just got back from the bathroom, wondered. " Just going for a walk." He quickly made up.

He followed the voice, seeing a green light. The light flashed brighter, then dimmed several times. A giggle followed. Then the Pokémon revealed themselves.

Treecko's eyes widened in surprise. It was a Celebi. " What are you doing here, Celebi?" He asked her in awe. The female giggled. " Me? I'm not called Celebi, my name is Bivu. Anyways that's not the point. You on the other paw have powers. The powers of a Celebi and a Dialga." The so called Bivu giggles.

" P-powers?" Treecko wondered. Bivu sighed. " We have a long way to go." She informs him. I have the ability to Time Travel? That's insane! " Remember that wish you made?" She questions. He nods with reminiscing.

" Well that wish needs to be used. By that I mean you can time travel. Here's one more piece of information: You must use that power to defeat Ace and Lycanroc. Unfortunately, they are both going to cause havoc on our world, and only you and your Pokefriends can stop this, whenever." Bivu explained, Treecko's jaw now on the floor.

Authors note: So Treecko can time travel? Hmm? I wonder how that came into play with the title of this story? XD. Anyways. Hope this chapter is a good start to the sequel of Pokefriends. Enjoy, tell me your thoughts.


AlexTheSnivy - Servine

Zippy105 - Fennekin

Firestripe_Firestar - Alolan Raichu

Pikagirl1527 -pikachu

TheTheoryFroakie -Frogadier

LittleLitten11 - litten

@thefiveanimals- Treecko

All the other characters who don't have someone playing them:

Poppy- Popplio



Fallar- Rockruff



Frank- Scyther

Muscle- Shiny Machop


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