Prologue: Destroy

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He clawed at the wall. The cave wall needed to be destroyed! The Lycanroc decided. A picture of his dear son...his betraying son...lay there. A scratch mark was on him. " Why did he betray me like this?" He asked, his eyes glowing red. They betrayed the emotion he was feeling: hate.

There was also another word for that:corruption. He growled as he picked up a paper. It was the news. He growled as he read it, hating everything. His eyes caught onto a different story.

" Ace has escaped prison." He read with a sadistic laugh. He then turned back to the wall. " I will make you and your Pokefriends pay!" He howled at the wall.

He slashed and kicked the wall picture of his son: Fallar. " Pay. That's all I want. Destroy. I must destroy them to get to you." He growled. A chuckle filled the cave.

Lycanroc sent a few rocks to the Pokémon at the top of the cave. A chuckle could be heard. A Pokémon flapped in. It was the runaway! Ace. He growled even more. " What do you want, Ace? I'm sure we've never met before, flying rat." He snarled with hatred.

His body spasmed. He jerk a little as if he was an animatronic. Ace ignored his greet. " I want you to help me." She stated simply, landing on the ground. Lycanroc was just glad she didn't use him as a perch.

" Help you?" He scoffed. " Think about it." She tells him. " We both hate the Pokefriends. They both took something from us. What do you say? Help me and I'll help you. An eye for an eye as they say." She tells him with smile.

She held out her wing. Lycanroc took it. " Fine. I'll help you, but you must help me get my son back," he snarled. " Deal." She flashed. " Well, come on." She tells him as she flaps to the entrance. " I need to get right to the taking over." She tells him.

She leaves him alone in the cave. He turned to the wall. " You're mine!" He snarled. He raked his claws down the wall. His son was no longer visible. A long chunk of wall was missing where his son was.

" Soon, my son, soon we will be together. Nothing can stop me now!" He howled as he raced after Ace, who was smirking with an evil glint.

Authors note: This is the sequel to the Pokefriends. I hope it was enjoyable. I actually had that scene in there for like 3 weeks? Idk. Hope it was a good start to the second story. this story won't be updated for a while, so yeah. Just wanted a good start.


AlexTheSnivy - Servine

Zippy105 - Fennekin

Firestripe_Firestar - Alolan Raichu

Pikagirl1527 -pikachu

TheTheoryFroakie -Frogadier

LittleLitten11 - litten

@thefiveanimals- Treecko

All the other characters who don't have someone playing them:

Poppy- Popplio



Fallar- Rockruff



Frank- Scyther

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