[Alola] Where Ends Meet [Preview Possibly?]

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<Kyuya's POV!>

So many things happened over the past few days, and I'm anxiously awaiting when we will Face Lusamine for the last time, and beat her once and for all. That day just so happens to be today. I was sitting on the cliff outside of Seafolk village, in the Poni Wilds. I was hugging my knees as I stared into the sunset. Yesterday me and Gladion had an argument, and we both have to battle together tomorrow. "Hey." I heard a familiar voice, and turned to see who it was. It was Gladion. "I'm surprised that you even cared to find me." I said, as my white pigtails floated in the breeze. "Look, if we want to win this fight against my insane mom, then we need to work together." He said, sitting down next to me. "I'll just get in your way." I said, closing my eyes. "How could you have gotten in my way? This whole adventure of ours has proved that no one can beat us if we battle together. So, how could you possibly get in my way?" He asked. He's right, ever since we've decided to join each other as a team, we work together insanely well. When we battle, it's like we're in sync. "Good point, but that doesn't change the fact that your super edgy!" I said, as I stuck my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes in response. "See!?!" I said, poking his face. "Let's just put the argument behind us, and keep moving forward." He said, getting up. "Cmon. Lillie is waiting for us with Solgaleo." He said, holding out his hand. I grabbed it, and he pulled me up off of the ground.


"We ready?" Lillie asked us, as we stood in front of the portal at The Altar of The Sunne. Me and Gladion looked over at each other, and nodded. "Yeah." I said, as the three of us got onto Solgaleo, and leaped through the portal. Once we arrived, we were creeped out by the environment. Gladion got off of Solgaleo, and helped me off too. "She's up ahead." I said, as me and Gladion started to walk. "You coming, Lillie?" Gladion asked, as she shook her head no, and smiled. "I'm not one for battles, so I'll stay by Nebby-- I mean, Solgaleo's side for now. Good luck!" She said. "As we walked, Lusamine came into view. We stopped, as she looked over at us. "Well, if it isn't my "son" and his petty little girlfriend..." Lusamine laughed, as we both glared. "We're friends, and she's not 'petty'." Gladion said. "We'll see about that. It's time, my beautiful creatures!" She said, as she fused into a Nihilego herself! "Let's see who I can get rid of first!" She said, as more of the jellyfish-like UBs floated towards me swiftly. "Say Goodbye to you're friend." She said, as one of them latched onto my head. "W-what....?" I started to feel dizzy.

<Gladion's POV!>

I watched as a Nihilego latched onto Kyuya's head. I watched as she fell forwards, her burgundy eyes turning pale white. "Kyuya!" I shouted, as I caught her in time. The jellyfish detached, and disappeared. "Hey." I shook her. "Gladion... Take the... Z... Ring...." She said, soon falling unconscious. "Kyuya? Hey! Kyuya!" I shouted, getting no response. I laid her down gently as her Pokemon popped out of their pokeballs on their own. "Stay here, it'll be over soon." I muttered, as i took the Z-Ring, and stood back up, facing Lusamine. "That was cowardly." I muttered. I was mad. And not "irritated" mad. I was full on pissed. "BOO HOO!" Lusamine mimicked, as she laughed. "Silvally." I said, as I had my Silvally come out of its pokeball. "Weavile. Crobat." I said, as the others appeared. "..." I sighed, realizing I would need more allies. 'That's it!' I thought, turning to Kyuya's Pokemon. I had their names memorized, as Kyuya always had them by her side, rarely in their pokeballs. Arrow the Decidueye, Albrecht the Bewear, East the Gastrodon, Smog the Salandit, and Duracell the Vikavolt... I need their help. "Guys." I said, catching their attention. "I need your assistance, for Kyuya's Sake." I said, as they looked at each other, as if deciding something. Arrow turned to me, and nodded. "Thanks." I said, as they all moved towards me. "Pfffft. Useless." Lusamine laughed. "And here I thought you hated her, Gladion! She worked so hard to try and make you happy!" Lusamine said, causing me to pause. 'She's right...' I thought.

Ever since we met, she's always been the complete opposite of me.

She's always stuck around me, and she's always been my friend, but I didn't show it.

Even so, when I did reject her and ignore her, she was unaffected, and acted like herself all the time.

But, no.

Lusamine is wrong.

"You're wrong." I muttered, glaring. "I'm clearly not." She said.

Yeah, I was mean to her...

But I didn't mean it.

It was just who I was.

I did care for her.

I loved her, even.

"At least I have someone that cares about me!" I shouted, causing her to go wide eyed.


Mainly because I need input if you guys want this to become an actual story or not haha!

x-Mallow-x may be interested in this! :3

Welp, so that's that! See ya!

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