Chapter Seven

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Nobody moved. Shadowflyer looked like he was about to puke. Avilon had her hands covering her face so only her eyes showed. Physa just sat, in stunned silence. The room tingled with electricity from Cai. The ground around  Mishima was beginning to freeze. Flames licked at the edges of Flame's clothes. Migi's ears drooped, and she looked like crying. Migi never cries. I wanted to smack these people upside the head for hurting my siblings! Kieko was the only one was calm. But that's normal. He's calm like the water. He very bravely took a step towards the unconscious anthro on our kitchen floor. The other Pokémon snarled. And then one spoke. "You don't stand a chance against our forces. Your caretaker has already been secured. Don't try to fight, and you will be spared. You will have the honor of becoming part of our forces. If you fight, we will guarantee a slow, painful death. You make the choice." None of those choices sounded good. And then Leavanny stepped up. Her eyes were blank, and she moved like a robot. Her usual gentle aura was gone, replaced with a feeling that she could rip you to shreds with her bare hands. I was about to scream, but Shadowflyer thrust his hand over my mouth. My face flushed, and my cheeks went bright red. He looked at me, not concerned at all. "Distract them." He mouthed. I nodded. He took his hand of my mouth, and my body temperature returned to normal. I counted silently to three in my head. Then I charged.

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