Side chapter

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Heyo! It's Labs again, with a little side chapter. This chapter is just introducing you to Pachi's siblings, and letting you get to know them.

I'm going oldest to youngest

Name: Pachi
Anthro type: Umbreon anthro
Gender: Girl
Likes: outdoors, camping, hoodies, sneakers, running
Dislikes: bright, sunny days, her family getting hurt, going too slow
Personality : caring, can be distant, night owl, embarrassed about her looks
Gender preference : guys (note: all of my characters like the opposite gender.)
Looks: has straight black hair that she has in ponytail. Her ears are black with yellow rings that glow in the dark, and they are super floppy. Her tail is the same way.

Name: Avilon
Anthro type: Leafeon
Gender: girl
Likes: colors, art, collecting things, outdoors
Dislikes: darkness, bland colors, being cooped up, the cold
Personality: very shy, kind, very pretty, easily forgotten, quiet, smart
Looks: long blonde hair, bright green eyes. Light green leafy ears, same with tail, light skin, usually wears a leaf jumper that Leavanny made for her

Name: Kieko
Anthro type: Vaporeon Anthro
Gender: male
Likes: water, fish, water pranks, the beach, showers
Dislikes: being dry, short showers, too much sand, losing
Personality: proud, a winner. Flirty, and very cool. Can't keep secrets
Looks: blonde hair, sea blue eyes. Scaly and frilly blue and yellow ears. Mermaid tail that he's embarrassed about.

Name: Physa
Anthro type: Espeon Anthro
Gender: girl
Likes: being fashionable, cute outfits, being clean, the sun
Dislikes: the dark, being 'ugly', not enough sleep
Personality: Flirty, popular, snobby
Looks: long black hair, bright purple ears. Looks slightly Asian because of the red gem on her head, has two purple tails

Name: Mishima
Anthro type: Glaceon anthro
Gender: girl
Likes: the cold, snow, ice, Christmas, cute snowflake stuff, playing tricks on people
Dislikes: the heat, lack of snow at Christmas, getting caught at an attempt at a trick
Personality: likes playing tricks, but very kind. Likes getting everyone included
Looks: Blue hair with diamond in the middle of her hair, big blue ears and tail. Likes wearing stuff with snowflakes, usually wears skirts

Name: Flame
Anthro type: Flareon Anthro
Gender: female
Likes: fire, the heat, camping, sports, hot guys, roasting people
Dislikes: The cold, being cooped up, lack of exercise, getting roasted
Personality: flirty, 'hot', plays hard-to-get, kind to her siblings and a few other people
Looks: ginger hair that's immune to fire, fluffy red-orange ears. Super fluffy tail, wears shorts and tshirsts that are fireproof

Name: Migi
Anthro type: Sylveon Anthro
Gender: female
Likes: everyone getting along, kawaii stuff, pink, ribbons
Dislikes: Arguing, ugly things, family getting hurt
Personality: bubbly and cute, very naive, has a secret evil side
Looks: dyed pink hair, those Sylveon feelers get everywhere. Puts ribbons on her clothes a lot, feeler tail

Name: Cai
Anthro type: Jolteon anthro
Gender: male
Likes: electricity, sparks, fireworks, yellow stuff, making static electricity
Dislikes: family getting hurt, fires caused by electricity, accidentally staticing himself
Personality: kind, sometimes full of himself, great at keeping secrets... 😏 (COUF COUF)
Looks: blonde hair, usually sticking up weird from static, wears a white shirt with a yellow vest, and jeans. Ears and tail bright yellow and frizzy

Hey guys! I hope you liked this side chapter! I did include a couple of hints in there, tell me what you think will happen next in the comments. Have an awesome day!


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