Within Every Darkness There Is Light (ChessShipping FanFiction) Review

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Today we have
Within Every Darkness There Is Light by ShadowGlacia
It's been a little while since I've read this so if I don't give much detail it's because it's been like a month. I do happen to still remember my general opinion and criticism so let's get started. (I'm never using let's get started again...)

This was my first ever ChessShipping fan fiction. In fact, I didn't know which ship ChessShipping was. (Problem solved after chapter one of course.)
Now when using the playable game characters that are practically blank slates, any personality works for the most part so it's not too much of a problem. Maybe the only one I didn't like was N mostly because when characters in fan fiction are portrayed different from the games, I have a hard time adjusting. I hate to be negative but here's my general opinion at the end.
Not bad, but not good.
It's generally uninspired and it's just a shipping fan fiction. There's not too many twist of the usual story or any actually reason for it to be Pokemon since it doesn't use any Pokemon world related stuff besides the characters.

Final score!
It's an ok story. It's just uninspired and kinda bland. However, it's not terribly long and the switching of perspectives keeps it interesting and I will always recommend anyone reading this to read the stories reviewed!
Ok bye!

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