Team Aura Guardians Review

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(Hey just a note. I've read other fan fiction review books before and they have like a thousand more words and detail so I just wanna warn people.
Unless it's actual criticism I give, there won't be much except I liked it. I'm not even close to a professional. So basically don't expect too much except for some help, publicity, and a score for your story.)
If you read my rant book you'd know I love this story to death!
The title is above, Team Aura Guardians by latioscarterriolu
(Check him out. He's great.)

Most of it in general is positive. I enjoy the characters a lot and I like the little romantic side-plot (that takes up most of main plot as well) that runs a long side the story of (SPOILERS AHEAD!)
a war between Pokemon and humans.
This is literally one of the coolest mystery dungeon fan fictions I've ever read! I think the part that made me most happy was the fact that it supposedly was during the time of the Pokemon War mentioned in X and Y thanks to a Floette who happened to reference the fact. (If I was completely wrong, please correct me.)
I also enjoy how epic Lucy seems to be. (She's awesome.)

The Very Fee Negatives:
Only negative things I have to say is majorly the fact that the story is sorta in two distinct parts of the beginning with the romantic plot I mentioned and about half way through the entire direction shifts to the war and some intense scenes of Pokemon v.s humans.
It's not bad. It's just that the story didn't flow into itself and is split into two parts.

That's all I got to say

Well written, inspired, and obviously filled with effort!
Was a ton of fun to read and I highly recommend it.

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