2: Cherished Bonds

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"So, this is his gym, huh?" I said, spotting the building. "Come on, Chompy!" I said to my Garchomp(I let him out of his pokeball.). "Let's do this." I said, walking inside. "I'll have to weave my way through here..." I huffed. "Gar..." Garchomp sighed.


I eventually made my way to the gym leader. "So, you did decide to visit after all." He said. "I'm not one for passing up challenges." I said. "I like your attitude." He smiled, determined to win. "Yours isn't half bad either." I said. "Let's start." He said, throwing a pokeball in the air. A Raichu popped out. "Rai!" The Raichu said. "Hm... Let's show him what we're made of, Chompy!" I said, as my beloved Garchomp stepped in front of me. "Battle, Start!" I turned to see... Dawn?! "W-when did you get here?!" I said. "Uh... I followed you." She said. "Alright..." I sighed. "As I was saying... Battle, Start!" She said. "Chompy?" I smiled. "GAR!" Chompy roared a battle cry. "That's the spirit!" I said. "Chompy! Earthquake, followed by a Draco Meteor!" I said. "GAAAAAAAARRRR!!!!" He roared as he used earthquake, and Draco meteor. "RAI!" His Raichu was low health, but the Pokemon didn't give up. "Dragon claw!" I said, as Chompy scratched the Raichu with a giant claw. "Rai... Chu..." His Raichu fainted. "Not bad." Volkner said. "Go, Jolteon!" He sent out a Jolteon. "Jolt! Jolteon!" It said. "Hm... Chompy, return!" I said, as Chompy went back in his pokeball. Dawn looked like she was wondering why I did that. 'You'll see...' I thought. "Spike!" I sent out my Lucario. I had a trick up my sleeve. "Jolteon, thunder!" Volkner commanded, as Spike was struck by lightning. "Lu... Lucario." He stood strong. "Bone rush!" I said, as Spike quickly took out his Jolteon. "...?!" Volkners eyes went wide for a second, then he smirked. "You're stronger that I thought!" He said, sending out his Luxray. "Spike, Swords dance!" I said. "Luxray, thunder fang!" He said. "Wha...?!" He took out spike before he could make a move. 'He's faster?! Oh... Wait... Nothing out speeds her...' I thought. "Seiteki!" I sent out my Luxray. "Seiteki! Thunder fang and crunch combo!" I said. "Heh.." I said, as Seiteki zipped around the battefield, battling the Luxray. "Lux..." His Luxray fainted, and Seiteki was close to fainting. "Great job Seiteki!" I said, as she returned to her pokeball. "Don't get too cocky yet!" Volkner said, sending out his last Pokemon. "Woah..." Dawn said. "Electivire, show them what you can do!" Volkner said. "Go, Chompy!" I sent out my Garchomp again. "Electivire! Ice punch!" Volkner said. "Ele...!" The Electivire did as told. "Wha?!" I said. "Chompy!" I said, now worried. "Gar!" Chompy roared. "...?" Chompy avoided the attack, and the Electivire nearly hit me! "Ah!" I said. "Lucario..." Spike exited his pokeball on his own, to shield me from the attack?! "...?!" Volkner had a surprised look on his face. "Spike!" I said, as he fainted. "Thank you..." I said, as he returned to his pokeball. "Chompy, earthquake!!" I shouted. "GAAAAARRRCHOOOMP!" He roared as the ground shook. "Ele..." His Electivire fainted. "A critical hit! Good job!" I said, patting my Garchomps head. "Gar!" He said happily. "That... Was amazing." I heard Volkner say. "Your Pokemon exited its pokeball on its own to protect you." He said. "You and your Pokemon team must have a crazy strong bond." He smiled. "That battle was exhilarating... Thank you." He said. "Uh... No problem! Hehehe..." I said. "Catch." He threw something at me. "Gym badges?" I said. "Why are there two?" I asked. He pointed to dawn. "Whut?" She looked confused. "I can tell that you'd be able to beat me as well, so it's a gift." He said. "Ooooh!" Dawn ran to me and took one. "...shiny." She said. "Thank you." I smiled. "You deserve that badge, due to the insane power of you and your Pokemon." He said. "HEY! AM I-- AAAH!" Flint ran over and almost tripped. "Phew... That was close." He said. "So? How'd it go?" He asked Volkner. "Ow." Volkner flicked him in the head. "You told them to battle me, didn't you?" Volkner asked. "Yeah." He said. "Why?" Volkner asked. "So you'd regain your fighting spirit!" He smiled. "Well, it worked, that's for sure..." Volkner sighed. "Congratulations you two, mission complete!" Flint grinned. "Aw yeah!" I twirled around. "You aren't a Pokemon ranger, Haruka... That's a whole different game." Dawn said. "DONT BREAK THE FOURTH WALL!" I whisper yelled. "Sigh... Alright..." She huffed. "I'm glad I got to battle a powerful trainer..." I heard Volkner mumble. "I'm just glad that you won't be all mopey and bored anymore." Flint laughed. "What kind of person do you think I am..." He huffed.


Okay, so, what did you all think of this chapter?

I loved it! It was really fun to write.

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Have an awesome day!!! ^^

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