4: The Snowy Adventure To Lake Acuity!

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The Next Morning...
Volkner's POV:

"Hey." I walked into Haruka's room. "Wake up." I shook her. "Mehh..." She mumbled, rolling over. "Haruka. Wake up." I said. "Never..." She said. "Tch..." I started to get a little annoyed. I walked over to her Pokeballs on the nightstand and grabbed one. I tossed it in the air, and her Empoleon appeared. He gave me a confused expression. I pointed at his trainer, and he nodded. He sprayed some cold water at her face. "AH! OKAY IM UP IM UP!" She said, flailing around. "COOOOLD!" She said. "Empo! Empoleon!" Her Empoleon said, amused. "Not. Funny." She growled. I laughed too. "..." She sighed. "You wouldn't wake up." I said. "But still!" She whined. "I take it that this isn't the first time you've done this?" I asked her Empoleon. He nodded. I sighed, and walked out of her room. "Oh yeah, might wanna dress warm." I said, as I closed the door behind me.

Haruka's POV:

'Rude.' I thought. Shinshi returned to his pokeball. I put on a pair of jeans, a tshirt, and my hoodie. I grabbed my scarf that just so happened to be lying around. "OH MY GOD SHE'S WHAT?!" I heard a familiar girl's voice. "Calm yourself, Pipsqueak." I heard Volkner say. 'What the hell is going on out there... And do I hear dawn?!' I thought, walking out of my room. "HARU!" As I thought, Dawn ran over to me. "HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO YOU DID HE--", "Why are you acting like I did stuff to her when I didn't? The only interaction we had last night was debating on how to get rid of two spiders." Volkner sighed. "Hmph! Fine, I'll let it slide this time..." She said, crossing her arms and sitting down. "Alright. You two done?" Flint said. "Yep." Dawn nodded. "Good. Anyways, Dawn wants us to go with us to Lake Acuity to find the legendary Pokemon that resides there." He said. "That's right! Haru, a scarf won't be enough." Dawn said. "Huh?" I replied in confusion. "It's freezing there. Like, Zero degrees or less." She said. "And why is your hair wet?" She asked. "Don't ask." I huffed, as Volkner laughed a little. "What did you do?" Flint asked. "I got her Empoleon to wake her up by spraying her with freezing cold water." He said. "Heheheheh, nice." Flint laughed. "It's. Not. Funny!" I pouted. "Anyways, you're definitely gonna have to get a coat." She sighed. "Come on. Let's go." She said, pulling me along. "Volkner and Flint followed. "Good luck trying to find a coat here... The market doesn't have coats." I said. "Alright then... Uh... The Department store in Veilstone city!" She said.


"Brrr..." I said, as the four of us stomped through the deep snow on Route 217. "Told you it was cold." Dawn said. "Im surprised that you aren't cold." I said. "You'll need something warmer than a trench coat dress with leggings..." I sighed. "I'm perfectly fine!" She proudly stated. "Flareon!" Flint tossed a pokeball in the air, and his Flareon popped out of it. "Flare! Flareon!" It cheered. "Could you get us warmed up?" He asked. His Flareon cheered, and started to glow. "Ahhh!" I knelt down next to it. "It's so warm...." I said. I got back up, and followed the others. "Holy crap!" The blizzard suddenly got denser, making it hard to see. "Haru." Volkner grabbed my hand. "..." My face turned red. "Knowing you, you'll get lost." He huffed. "AH!" *Thunk!* "Um..." Dawn fell into a pit of loose snow. The only thing showing was her head. "COLD!!" She screeched. "HAHAHA!" Me, Volkner, and Flint laughed. "GET ME OUT!!!! NOW." She yelled. "Fine, fine..." Flint laughed, helping her out. "Jeez..." She shivered. "..." I took a deep breath to calm down. "Anyways, I think this is it. I'm feeling a rocky wall." Dawn said, touching what appeared to be a cliff. "Well, wait here, I'll be back soon!" She waved, as she rode on her Infernape's back as he climbed the wall. "Good luck!" I said. "..." There was no reply. "Flare!" Flint's Flareon ran over to me and Volkner. "HES SO WARM...!" I picked him up. "Yep! That's why fire types are really helpful." Flint nodded. The Flareon purred as I patted its head. "Hehehe..." I said. "She doesn't have any fire types on her team..." Volkner whispered. "Oh... Figures." Flint whispered back. I pouted. "So? My team is kick ass anyways." I said. "It's true." Volkner sighed. "Then I'll have to fight you!" Flint said. "Don't. She has really decent water types and ground types." Volkner said. "You'll be one hit KO'ed." He said. "Really? Damn..." He pouted. "She hasn't even tried the Pokemon league yet." Volkner said. "Huh... No wonder I haven't fought her." Flint said. "Heh! I'm awesome!" I cheered.



Hey guys. It's me, WaffleCake!

And I'm currently soft resetting for a shiny Giratina in Pokemon platinum!

It's the second day, and I lost count... Again. LUL

Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, and there's more coming soon!

See ya!~

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