What can go wrong when it comes to Whitney?

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"Come on guys we need to pick up the pace if we want to start some business." Whitney along with Bugsy and Jasmine were at Whitney's place.

'How did I get myself into this mess?' Jasmine and Bugsy both thought as a flashback to where and how this all happened.

Jasmine's flashback

It was the middle of the night where Jasmine was sleeping peacefully and all of a sudden her phone started ringing. Jasmine was so sleepy but decided to pick up the phone as if it were to be rude to not answer. As soon as she picked up the phone she hears a loud voice on the other end.

"Hey Jaz!" Of course that caller is Whitney. Much to Jasmine's focus in what she was listening to what Whitney has to say due to her being sleepy.

"Whitney it's the middle of the night why call now?" Jasmine groaned as a yawn came after. Her sleepiness took over and barely heard what Whitney said. All she remembers was saying yes and agreeing with what Whitney was telling her without actually knowing what was going on.

"Ok Whitney I need to sleep now night." Jasmine hung up as she continued to sleep not knowing what she just agreed to.

Bugsy's flashback

"Hey Bugsy why don't you pick up on other hobbies instead of just researching on bugs all the time?" Whitney questioned as Bugsy sighed to the pinkette's understanding to his research.

"There for research it helps me with both my training and battling skills so future trainers can learn." Bugsy explained hoping Whitney would drop the topic and leave him be with his bugs.

"Would it kill you to try something different for a change?" Whitney said putting her hand on her hips.

"No but like I said I love what I am doing right now and nothing could change that." As the bug type gym leader turned around once more about to leave Whitney said something that stopped his tracks.

"Bugsy how would you grow then?" Whitney questioned as Bugsy looked bag at her with a confused expression on his face.

"What do you mean?" Bugsy asked raising his eye brow.

"I mean if you can't seek for new hobbies you would be missing out on great things you wouldn't know you had it in you."

"Elaborate more on that Whitney."

"Your research your bugs correct? Well bugs evolve overtime and change to what they like. For example Burgh a bug type specialist and also a gym leader who happens to study info about bug pokemon too. While he does his role on what he should do he also is an artist and well known for it."

"I never saw it that way."

"How about Viola from Kalos another big type specialist and gym leader too. She takes a lot of photos of pokemon and I heard her sister is a journalist who publishes the stuff Viola does and shares it around in Kalos."

"And your point is?"

"Burgh and Viola don't just stick to do research but also do what they love and balance that so if they can do it so can you."

Bugsy took a deep thought about this. Whitney wasn't wrong when she spoke about how both Burgh and Viola were able to jog both having fun and learning along the way.

"Fair enough you convinced me about having a 2nd thought in what I can do." Whitney just smiled as Bugsy mentally told himself 'What do I get myself into these situations?' Were what he was thinking as he agreed with Whitney.

End of Flashback

'Oh that's how I ended up here.' Both Jasmine and Bugsy thought as they both looked at Whitney and at the current situation they are in.

"Um Whitney are you sure about this?" Bugsy nervously asked.

"Come on I've seen a lot being videos on YouTube and some are actually easy?"

"Doubt it."

"What was that Bugsy?"


"So what do you have in mind Whitney?" Jasmine looked over at the instructions and ingredients to figure out what Whitney had in mind. Her light brown eyes started reading hoping that Whitney wouldn't cause any trouble. She prayed to Arceus that if the 3 of them made it out alive doing cooking in the kitchen.

"We should make some treats and other baked goods." Whitney said excitedly.

"Tell me your joking right?" Bugsy asked gulping about the idea of fun.

"Of course not why are you against this idea?" Whitney pouted.

"For starters you don't have any experience when it comes to working in the kitchen niether Jasmine and I." Bugsy said as Jasmine silently agreed Bugsy's point.

"Stop worrying Bugsy you wouldn't know if you at least tried."

"The last thing we need is to have the fire department rush their way here if the house is caught in flames."

"Doubt that will happen."


"No buts now let's start baking."

Both Jasmine and Bugsy looked at each other knowing that there is no point in stopping Whitney from what she had in mind about this and accept that they might as well give it a shot.

'As long as I follow the ingredients and steps from the book I should be fine.' Jasmine thought as she started using the ingredients.

'This shouldn't be any different from what I am used to maybe this could be a good thing.' Bugsy kept telling himself that everything will be fine as long as the 3 don't start a fire

Whitney on the other hand watched Bugsy and Jasmine doing what she suggested them on doing.

Outside of Whitney's house behind the bushes 2 gym leaders just watch over them.

"You think they are going to be okay on their own?" Misty asked having her water pokemon ready if a fire does start.

"Doubt it knowing how Whitney could set the house on fire and the other 2 I doubt on what they can do and even start a fire without knowing." Janine looked at what is happening.

It wasn't long until they saw smoke coming out of the house.

"Welp time to get them out." Janine said getting her pokemon out.

"I wonder what Lance would say." Misty shivered at the thought of warning Lance about the situation.

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