Chapter 4: A Fragmented Battle

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Hey everyone, it's your good buddy Elite back again with another chapter of EoN! Sorry this took so long, I kinda lack a little motivation due to the fact not many people read this story compared to my other stories. I'm still gonna continue it but I guess I just wish that more people would read it. But I'm thankful for the few people that do read this book. You guys are awesome😊! But anyways let's get into the chapter! Enjoy ;)

3rd Person POV:

All six Pokémon were now staring each other down. Both were waiting to make the first move. Both were also very silent and not giving the other an inch. That was until Lucy decided to speak up, surprisingly.

"Listen, you three better hand over that stone," she said. "It's my own personal treasure and I will fight you if I have to. Once she said that, the other three just started laughing.

"Wow, the wimp from earlier is gonna try and fight us," said Koffing while still giggling. "Yeah that's a real treat," said Zubat.

"Why exactly do you want it anyways?" asked Alex. "Well we heard that there was something special about this little thing," Sneasel started. "So we decided to take it for ourselves and maybe see it off. We didn't think much of it but since you are fighting so hard to keep it, it may be worth more than we thought."

"We decided once our boss gets here to sell it to someone for a good price," said Zubat as he came forward. "Hehe you wimps should just get out now if you know what's good for you," said Koffing as he came forward too.

Lucy then stepped back a little, not knowing what to do. Then Ryan decided to step towards them. "You guys aren't really in a position to be making threats," he said. "We've got you three cornered with no where to run."

He then rose his paw and pointed a finger at Sneasel. He still had his hand on his stomach and still gasping for air a little. "Plus one of your guys is really exhausted from earlier. So we can either do this the easy way or the hard way."

The three then looked at each other for a little, figuring out what to do. Ryan, Lucy and Alex were still in a battle stance, in case they tried anything. Without saying a word, the other three put smiles on their faces and nodded to each other.

Sneasel then took his claw away from his stomach and put it at his side. "Yeah, we think we are going to do things our way now," he said.

He then rose up his claws and launched himself at Ryan. Before he could get there, Sneasel was intercepted by something. Alex swung his tail at Sneasel's claws, erasing all their momentum and stopped them completely. Sneasel then turned to face Alex and gave him a smile before they both jumped back a few feet.

Once they did, Alex got into attack stance, ready for the next move. Sneasel just kept staring at him with that same smile. "I guess it's time for round two," he said. His claws then started emitting a bright white aura.

"Let's see how you like my Slash attack," he said as he swiped at Alex's head. Luckily Alex ducked to his side in time to dodge it. But Sneasel didn't let up and then tried going for his legs. Alex was just a little bit faster though as he jumped out up, avoiding them. Sneasel just kept unleashing a barrage of Slash attacks and Alex was just barely avoiding them.

Then Zubat immediately swooped down towards Ryan to try and do what Sneasel couldn't. It's wings then started to glow a bright white color. "Let's try a Wing Attack", said Zubat. But luckily for Ryan, Lucy jumped right towards Zubat and planted her head into its small body.

Zubat was sent back a few feet but he started flapping his wings harder. He was able to stop himself in the air and looked at Lucy. "Hehe. That's a pretty bold move of you," said Zubat. Lucy just stood there and glared at Zubat, not backing down.

She then turned back to Ryan and said, "We've got your back so don't worry about that happening again." Lucy then turned back towards Zubat in a battle stance. Then Zubat's wings started glowing white again. "Let's see if you can handle me," he said as he swooped down towards Lucy. She luckily jumped over him right before he almost hit her and passed right under her. When he missed, he turned back toward her and started to fly back towards her for another attack.

Ryan nodded at Lucy's remark from before and was feeling pretty confident. But he got distracted and Koffing took the opportunity to attack. Koffing the launched his full body towards Ryan. After Koffing's body was slammed into him, Ryan was sent sliding back a few feet. Ryan luckily kept his footing and got back in attack position.

"Hehe, let's see how you handle my Acid attack," Koffing said before inhaling. He then spit out the air and a glob of sage green poison went flying towards Ryan. Ryan the quickly jumped out of the way again and the glob hit the ground where he was. He turned back towards the it and the puddle started bubbling and steam came out from it. Ryan didn't exactly want to know what it would do but he imagined it'd be a boiling sensation. Koffing kept spitting blobs of acid at him. Ryan was just barely dodging them as they came towards him.

Then they suddenly stopped coming and Ryan got a little confused. He turned to Koffing to find that he was rushing at him and was right in front of him in no time. With barely any time to react, Ryan swung his lightning-shaped tail around and it connected with Koffing. He didn't know how he was doing it but he just knew what to do. Like his instincts were telling him to do what he needed to do.

Both were struggling, as Koffing kept trying to over power Ryan and how Ryan kept countering it. He was gritting his teeth as he was struggling to push back. But after a bit, Koffing was overpowering him and he was knocked back, off balance. Then before he could regain it, Koffing rushed at him again. He landed a direct hit and Ryan was sent flying backwards, his back hitting the rocks.

"Hehehe nice try, pipsqueak," said Koffing tauntingly. "But you still aren't good enough to beat us." He was also hovering right above Ryan so he had no way out. All Ryan had room was to look to see how the others were doing.

On his left, Alex wasn't having a good time fighting Sneasel either. He was still throwing multiple swipes at Alex and he kept dodging as best as her could. But from lack of energy, he was slowing down and was barely able to keep up.

"You're probably wondering how I'm still keeping up," Sneasel said as he kept swiping. "Luckily I was able to heal myself before you got here. I underestimated you back there but that won't happen again."

After one swipe though, Alex arched his head back. He then took his head fin and swung it under Sneasel's feet. It worked for him and Sneasel tripped over it and hit the ground.

Alex then quickly jumped up in the air, right above Sneasel. "Bubble attack!" Alex shouted as he inhaled air. He then exhaled and high pressure bubbles and they flew at Sneasel who was getting up.

He got up, looked at the bubbles coming to him and just smirked. "Try my Ice Beam," he said and a sphere of cyan blue energy formed in front of his mouth. He then unleashed the energy and it separated into three beams of ice.

The Ice Beam collided with the bubbles and the bubbles turned from water to ice instantly. They then stopped moving and fell to the ground, shattering into pieces. All the pieces fell to the ground and Alex went wide eyed at what he saw.

Sneasel smirked some more and his claws lit up white again. He bent his legs and pushed off the ground with his feet, launching himself at Alex. He had no time to react and could only watch as Sneasel got closer.

Sneasel's claws then hit Alex right in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Then Sneasel quickly grabbed his tail and threw him towards the wall. Alex's head was launched into the rock wall and he was almost knocked out from it. Then Sneasel started walking up to Alex and Ryan only had the energy to watch.

Ryan then turned to his right and saw Lucy still fighting with Zubat. She seemed to be having a worse time than Alex was. Zubat had an advantage when it came to mobility and speed with its wings. So Lucy was having a really hard time trying to keep up with him.

Zubat kept making swoop after swoop with his Wing Attack. It also kept chipping away at her with every hit. Lucy kept trying to hit Zubat all she could but he kept dodging her attacks every time. And every time she tried, Zubat always seemed to hit her even harder. After one final Tackle, that missed, Zubat rushed in and hit her full force. She got knocked back a few feet and tumbled on to the ground. Zubat then started flapping his wings in place, hovering in the air.

Koffing then turned towards his teammates with a smile on his face. "Are you guys ready to finish them off?" he asked. Then they both nodded and started to prepare their attacks. Sneasel's claws and Zubat's wings started glowing white and Koffing started to inhale.

Before any could unleash their attacks, Ryan's body started to tense up. Pretty soon, his whole body was surrounded by some yellow energy and sparks. Koffing saw this and stared at Ryan, not knowing what was going to happen.

Ryan then started to slowly get up, off the ground and on to his feet. His little body was still getting really tense and his paws were clenched into fists. Ryan then rose his head, opened his eyes and looked directly at him. His eyes were full of anger and of determination, which combined with the Yellow sparks, made Koffing pretty freaked out.

"What are you doing?" asked Koffing, as everyone looked at them. Before he could answer, all of that Yellow energy left Ryan at high speed. Without any chance to think, the energy directly hit Koffing, knocking him backwards.

To be continued...

And that was Chapter 4 guys! I hope you all enjoyed that! It may not have been the best one but I tried to make it good. It was a little shorter than normal so sorry about that but hopefully next chapter will be longer. I hope it was at least enough to satisfy you guys. What's gonna happen next? We'll find out next chapter! Until then, I will see all of you later! ;)

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