Chapter 5: Secrets

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Hey guys, and welcome to the next chapter of EoN! And recently this book just got 100 views! I mean yeah it's my least popular one by a long shot but thanks all who do read this. You guys are all so awesome for viewing this and I'll continue do to it for you guys! But anyways, what exactly is gonna happen this chapter? Let's find out! Enjoy ;)

Ryan's POV:

I honestly had no idea what had just happened right there. I just saw both Alex and Lucy were in trouble and I went berserk. But I guess since I had no idea where I was and they were the only people I somewhat knew. But they so far have had my back and looked out for me in this unknown world. They were about the get seriously hurt and I didn't want that to happen.

Then in that thought, my mind went completely blank. Next thing I remember is that I was standing up and Koffing was on the ground with sparks flying off of him. My heart was pounding in my chest and I was heavily gasping for air. I had no idea what I did but it took a lot out of me and I knelt to the ground.

It felt like I had just ran a marathon and was close to passing out. But I stayed conscious long enough to see what happened next.

After Koffing was knocked down, Sneasel and Zubat looked at him. Same with Alex and Lucy, who were in the wall and on the ground, respectively. They were both wide eyed with shock as they saw what happened. "Koffing! Are you all right?" they asked as they rushed to him.

They got beside him and knelt down to check. Luckily I was close enough to hear them. "Yeah," he said weakly. "I'm all right. Got me out of no where."

"Look man, I think that we should leave now," Sneasel suggested. "We have what we came here for."

"No," Koffing said. They both then looked at him. "Give them back their treasure. If we don't, they'll come after us and we have enough issues to worry about already."

Sneasel then nodded and looked directly at me. "Here, you can give the wimpy girl her rock back," he said. He then tossed it in the air and it landed in front of me. "But let me assure you all, this isn't over. Next time meet, you guys won't be so lucky."

He then reached out behind him and grabbed a blue sphere. It then started to flash a very bright white. It kept on getting brighter and soon, it was impossible to even see so I looked away.

After a bit, the white light faded and I reopened my eyes. When I did, there was nothing there. All three of them were no where to be found. All that was left in that cave were me, Alex and Lucy.

Before I could do anything, my eyes started to feel really heavy. And soon, everything started to go black.


"You must keep going on," I heard a voice say. I opened my eyes and saw absolutely nothing. It was just an empty white void. I couldn't see where it ended or it began. I called back to the voice.

"Is someone there?" I asked to the void. There was no reply for a little while. But then the voice broke the silence again. "You are the only one able to do this," it replied. The voice sounded feminine from what I heard. I didn't recognize the voice yet it somehow sounded really familiar to me.

I had no idea what it was talking about at all. I had tried to call out to it again but no words came out. "Now please. Wake up! Wake up!" it said. I then started to open my eyes and the white void disappeared.


My eyes had begun to open again. They were filled were light again. I saw there were two figures that were calling to me. But everything was still really blurry from the light. Once my eyes were focused again, I saw who it was and was filled with some relief. I saw that both Alex and Lucy were hovering over me.

"Oh thank goodness you're awake," I heard Lucy say. "We thought that you were a goner," said Alex. I smiled at their concern and tried to sit up. I had a little difficulty since I was sore all over. When I had say up, I started stroking the back of my head where I was hit.

"Ughhhh. What happened?" I had asked. "Well those three disappeared from the cave and then we dragged you out," said Alex. "We also got my relic back from them," Lucy happily said. I saw her holding it towards me and it caught my eye. It looked like a simple stone but there was a weird green pattern on it. I had never seen the pattern before but it looked strangely familiar.

"Where are we?" I then started looking around and I saw a huge body of water. There were rock formations all over and there was a great view of the sunset. I realized that we were back in the beach where I woke up.

"Oh. We are back on the beach." Then I went wide eyed a bit and remembered about my situation. I honestly half expected that I was having a weird dream. But I guess that I had really turned into a Pikachu.

I must've been lost in thought for a while. That was broken by Alex grabbing my attention. "Hey Ryan," he said breaking the silence. I turned to him and he had a curious expression on his face. "Are you alright? You've been staring at the ocean for a few minutes now."

"Oh yeah I'm fine," I replied. "Just lost in thought." "Did you think it was all a dream?" he asked. It was almost as if he knew my thoughts. "Well I mean I was kinda hoping it was," I replied, looking at the ground.

"Thought what was all a dream?" I heard Lucy ask. I looked at her and she looked very confused. I realized that she didn't know of my secret and I got anxious. I didn't want to be letting everyone knew so I wanted to try and keep it secret.

"Oh it's nothing really," I lied. "It doesn't exactly look like 'nothing'," she said. Was I that obvious? She seemed a little persistent and I got a little more worried. I looked over at Alex and he seemed to get a little anxious as well. She then looked at Alex too and then back at me. She seemed to see our expressions and got more curious.

She then looked back at me. "There's something that seems different about you from the rest," she said. "You don't seem to have any moves mastered as normal Pokemon would around here."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked her with an awkward smile."Well with how the world is nowadays, Pikachu are taught to master Thunderbolts. Yet you could barely perform a Thunder Wave. You also didn't fight much so you should have more energy in you than us. Yet you were the one that passed out." She ruled out one if my excuses so I got more nervous.

"Not only that, you gave both of us courage to go against those three guys. Everyone else would just do their best to avoid them. You must not be around from here since you didn't back down from them."

I felt myself start to sweat a bit. It's true that I had done the things she said I did. If I was that easy to figure out, I'm gonna get some unneeded attention around here. "So who are you and where are you from?" she asked. I then looked at Alex for any help at all. But he looked back with nothing to help but he did say something to me.

"Lucy has always been very observant," he said. I then realized that Alex would not be of any help to me. I'm going to have to keep this secret more secret here. But she was one of the two people I could trust at the moment.

"Well I can see that," I replied to Alex. I then looked back at Lucy whom was still looking straight at me with. "Ok I'll tell you a secret," I started. "But I want you to not tell anyone. This is only going to be between the three of us."

Once I said that, they both nodded their heads. "Ok then. You are right that I am not from around here," I started with. "But the thing is that I have no idea where I am from at all." I saw that made Lucy very confused.

"I have absolutely no memories whatsoever. All I know is that my name is Ryan and that I used to be a human." Once I had said that, I saw Lucy went a little wide eyed. I had no idea how she would handle this but I kept going.

"Like a human from those fairy tales?" she asked. "Exactly that, yes," Alex said to her for me. She then looked back at me and I could see she was in disbelief. "I'm telling you the truth," I reassured. "Honestly with everything going on, it's not entirely out of the question," Alex told her. I knew that Alex believed me but I had a feeling not many others would.

"Well then what exactly happened?" she asked. "You look like a normal Pikachu to me." Her reaction surprised me a little. I thought she was gonna start laughing at me for something that ridiculous. But since she was so curious, I decided to answer.

"I honestly have no idea what happened," I answered. "I just remember lightning and thunder and someone screaming. Next thing I remember is Alex saving me from drowning. Everything in the middle is just blank."

Everyone then became completely silent. It almost felt like the world had stopped spinning. I was nervous of what was gonna happen next. I was already nervous enough with this world. Now I had to worry about one of my teammates trusting me. Or at least I thought I did.

"If you are having trouble, maybe we could get Guildmaster Wigglytuff to help," she said. I looked at her and replied, "Who's Guildmaster Wigglytuff?"

"He's the Pokemon in charge of the Explorers Guild here. It's where Exploration teams go to get missions," Lucy explained. "If anyone knows what's going on in the world, it's him."

"So he might know how and why I was turned into a Pokémon?" I asked her. "It is highly possible that he knows," Alex finished. I was then filled with a bit more relief from hearing that.

"Well then let's go see him!" I exclaimed while standing up. I still hurt a bit when I did but I didn't pay much attention to it. I was too anxious to finally get some answers. "Where can we find him though?" I asked.

"The Guild is on the side if that cliff there," said Lucy while pointing to it. I looked and it looked like a big tent was there. I saw it and something came over me and I tried running to it. But when I did, I felt a huge spike if pain run through my leg and fell onto the sand.

I then heard the other two start laughing as I tried to get up. "I think you need to start taking things a little slower," Alex remarked. "Yeah maybe so," I cracked a little laugh. Once I got up, all three of us made our way towards the stairs.

Once we got there, we all started walking up them. Lucy was in front of me and Alex was behind all of us. It seemed to take us hours to walk up the stairs. In reality it was only a few minutes but it felt longer to me. Once we were finally up them, we were right in front of the tent.

It looked really different up close though. On the top of the tent was a Pokemon who was both pink and white. It had big ears and big eyes too. "Here we are," said Lucy. "Welcome to the Wigglytuff Guild!"

To be continued...

Well guys that was it for Chapter 5!!! I really hope that you all enjoyed it! Not much action in this chapter sorry for that. This was more story stuff and everything. And I say with out a good story, the action can become boring. But anyways that's enough for me. Hope to see you all next chapter. Keep on catching and peace out! ;)

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