Chapter 6: Newcomers

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Hello everyone and welcome to the next chapter of EoN! It's been about 3 or 4 months from this one huh? Sorry that it's been taking a while but hopefully this one will suffice for you guys. But enough goofing around and let's jump right into it! Enjoy ;)

3rd Person POV:

Ryan, Alex and Lucy were all  standing there, in front of the building. The three small Pokemon didn't know what to do next. So all three of them just silently stood there for a couple of minutes. Alex and Lucy had somewhat of an idea of what was inside due to hearing about it. However, they still were still very nervous of actually going in. Ryan however didn't feel nervous since he had never heard about it.

"So how do we get inside," Ryan asked, breaking the silence. Alex then turned to him, trying to hide his nervousness. "Well from what I've heard, you are supposed to step on a wooden grate," Alex answered. "That one to be precise," Lucy said, gesturing her head forward. She was trying to hide her nervousness too.

Both Ryan and Alex looked to where she was gesturing. There was a hole in front of the guild with the same type of wooden bars covering it as the entrance. "It's supposedly scans your footprints when you walk on it," Lucy added. "How does it do that?" Ryan asked, puzzled. The bars didn't look that big to even have footprints, much less scan them. "I think there is some kind of glass over it to see the footprints," she answered.

"So we just step on that and we can get in," asked Ryan. Both the others nodded and Ryan walked up to it. "Well no time like the present," he said. Ryan was being a little anxious because he really wanted to get some answers. He was about to step down on the grate when...

"YOOOOM-TAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" a loud voice boomed. Immediately followed by a tremor, which caused all three of them to fall on to their backs.

"What was that!?" asked Ryan in shock. Before anyone could answer, three figures could be seen flying out of the entrance. Alex looked up and then he expression changed from curiosity to worry. Without a second to lose, he pulled Ryan towards both him and Lucy. He pulled both him and her into some bushes behind them.

The two of them landed where the small Pokémon were before. It turns out that those two objects were Pokémon. One of them was was small, had four legs and was a light brown coloring. It had a bushy tail and mane and two pointy ears. It was another Eevee and it also had a bag with a strap around its neck.

The second one was an orange coloring with two arms and legs as well. It was about as big as the second one. It also had two bright yellow cheeks on its face. It had a long tail that had a lightning bolt on the end of it. The last one was known as a Raichu.

All three of them were still hiding in the bushes while the other two were getting up. "Man the guildmaster still is a pretty tough guy," the Raichu said while getting up. "I wish he'd be a little more cautious with his power."

"You and me both," the Eevee agreed. "The Guild doesn't have time for teams getting injured." As he was getting up, he was checking inside the bag on his shoulder. After a few seconds he said, "Well luckily none of our stuff broke this time."

"Well that's good to hear," the Raichu said. "We also can't do our job efficiently if stuff keeps breaking." Both of the others nodded at him. The two looked back at the guild building. "The others are lucky today," said the Eevee. "They get to relax most of the day while we are out doing missions. Speaking of which, I wonder where my sister is. She said she was going to come to the Guild today." The Eevee then looked at the ground, deep in thought.

"Oh, let's not worry about that right now," said the Raichu. "Right now we've got some patrolling to do!" He thrusted his arm into the air with a smile on his face. This change brought the Eevee out of thought and looked at his Electric friend.

"You seem pretty happy right now," the Eevee said. "Well you know what they say about smiling right?" Raichu asked. "Smiles go for miles!" he shouted leaping into the air. "I'm pretty sure we all know since you keep repeating it," the Eevee replied while rolling his eyes.

"I think you need to start smiling yourself," the Raichu said in an unamused tone this time. This caused the two of them to chuckle. "But seriously, let's move out," and the Eevee nodded. After that, they all got up and walked down the steps toward the small town below.

Slowly but surely the others were coming out from behind the bushes. Alex came out first, followed by Lucy and then by Ryan. They all looked in the direction where the others headed.

"Who were those guys?" asked Ryan very confused. "They are an Exploration Team known as The Plebs," answered Alex. "They are one of the more active teams of the Wigglytuff Guild."

"More importantly, what was that just now," Ryan asked again looking at the tent. He saw the metal bars at the entrance had already closed up again. "That was the Guildmaster," Lucy answered. "Does he or she do that a lot?" Ryan asked looking back at the other two. "Only when he registers teams or when big missions are accomplished," answered Alex. Ryan the swallowed at the remark. "Well hopefully he won't do it when we go in."

The other two nodded but had a feeling it was going to happen. They all walked up to the grate and just stared at it. They didn't want to do anything to upset any of the Pokémon inside. But they also wanted to get inside to talk. After a few moments of silence, Alex looked to the other two who were both about as nervous as he was. "How about all three of us step on it together?" he suggested.

They both looked at him with the suggestion. "I mean you two both seem pretty nervous about it so why don't we just all do it at once?" That's when Alex grabbed Ryan's right arm. Ryan looked at him and Alex smiled at him and nodded. He then felt something on his left arm and looked over. Lucy grabbed his arm as well and looked at him with a similar smile as Alex.

"Alright then," Ryan said looking forward. "We step on the count of three." All three of them the looked at the grate. "1......2........3!" And they all stepped on the grate simultaneously.

Then it grew silent. They only thing they could hear was the rushing of the wind. The whole world seem to freeze around them with the sun setting in the distance. After what seemed like a long while of waiting, they heard a voice.


After that, they stood in silence for a few seconds. A noise then suddenly was heard in front. All three looked towards the entrance and saw the metal bars were going up. Once they were up, the bars stopped moving and the opening exposed. They were given access.

They all have off a sigh of relief and looked into the tent. Inside itwas a set of stair cases that went down. "It's underground?" Ryan asked. "Pretty neat isn't it?" Lucy asked. Ryan was impressed that it was underground on a cliff side. He was in awe.


While the team was standing in front of, there was something going on beneath them. They couldn't be heard but there were some Pokémon discussing something. Down below the grate, there were two Pokémon. One was mostly brown except for its two red eyes and red nose. It was also hard to tell what was under it since it was in the ground. The other Pokémon looked the same except three of them grouped together instead.

"Don't you think this it's kind of odd?" the bigger one asked the smaller one. "What do you mean Dugtrio?" The smaller one asked back. "Well don't you think it's odd that Jirachi didn't tell us there were going to be three kids coming at once?" Dugtrio clarified.

"Maybe he was asleep," the small one suggested. "He does tend to do that. Also how can you tell they are kids?" the small one asked. "Well Diglett, the footprints for one looked too small to be adults. That and the vibrations felt from then walking were very few. Sure they are small but even adults Pokémon of their kinds still would produce more vibrations and have bigger footprints."

Diglett thought about it for a few seconds. "Well that does make sense," he replied. "But what do you suppose we do?" Diglett asked. "Well they are kids so they must be pretty nervous. They also aren't a team either so I don't know much about this place," Dugtrio said. "How about we both go up there and welcome them," he suggested. "It could be one way to get them to feel less nervous."

"That's a great idea sir!" Diglett agreed, wholeheartedly. "Then let's go!" Dugtrio shouted and they both dug into the ground and disappeared beneath the earth.


"Well there's no time like the present," said Ryan. They all ran up to the steps and were right in front of them. They were about to walk down until they heard something behind them. They all turned around and were immediately greeted by Diglett and Dugtrio.

"WELCOME TO THE WIGGLYTUFF GUILD CHILDREN!" they shouted. "AHHHHH!" other three screamed from their arrival. They were not expecting anyone awaiting them nor that close. They backed up but then hit the stairs. All three of them lost their balance and fell backwards down them. They hit every stair on the way down, giving them minor injuries.

After they were done with the steps they rolled on the ground. But only for a few seconds as they hit wall, stopping them. Diglett and Dugtrio sweat-dropped at what unfolded. They could see swirls in their eyes.

"Maybe appearing behind them wasn't a good idea," Diglett pointed out. "We've definitely need to work on our greetings," Dugtrio added. Diglett nodded and both went back underground.

They both then appeared in front of the trio again. They were all groaning in pain from it. Ryan sat up firstand was rubbing his head. "Oww. Wasn't expecting that," he said. "Same here," replied Lucy and Alex as they got up.

"We are both really sorry about that," apologized Dugtrio. "We just wanted to have you feel welcome since you are kids. I guess we just didn't handle it properly."

"You think," Alex replied sarcastically. "Maybe we should get introductions out of the way," Diglett suggested. "Right, we are Sentries Diglett and Dugtrio," Dugtrio said. "Well my name is Alex," the Mudkip said. "My name is Lucy," the Eevee said next. "And my name is Ryan. Good to meet you," said the Pikachu last.

Dugtrio then looked at Ryan. "Good to meet you too," he said. "But I am unfamiliar with that name. Are you new here?" he asked. Ryan sweat dropped looked at both the other two. "Uhhh. You could say that," he answered, followed by a nervous chuckle.

"Well at any rate," the two sentries started. "Welcome to the Wigglytuff Guild!" they cheered. Then Ryan looked around the room and there wasn't much except the wall of the tent and a ladder in the middle of the room. "Please head down the ladder if you want to go in," they said almost simultaneously.

The trio looked at each other and nodded. They all walked towards the ladder and went down, one by one. Alex went first, followed by Lucy and then Ryan. As Ryan was about to go down, the two sentries said something. "Please enjoy your stay newcomer." Then they both disappeared underground and Ryan nodded. He then followed his two friends, down into the hole.

To be continued...

Well guys, how did you like that one? Was it good? I hope it was. But I understand if you didn't think it was good. Still kinda getting back into the swing of things with writing. But I'm trying my best and I hope you all know that. Just wish I could get more people to comment on these. It'd be appreciated to get some feedback lol. Also, Plebs huh? For those of my followers that get it, good for you. For those that don't, well you'll see XD. But bye guys and I hope to see you next time! ;)

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