Chapter 3: A Brother In Need.

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Fang's POV

It has been a month since I lashed out at Kiba and he completely ignored me. I try to apologize to him but he always walks away from me. I felt so guilty for lashing out with him so I decided to do something that me and Kiba did when we were only Frogadiers. Me and Kiba made a set of rules together when we were younger and one of those rules, Rule Number 7: when you're mad at your half brother, you always have to forgive him when they give you ice cream! 😉

So I decided to steal some ice cream from an old ice cream store, The owner was old as well and he had a very bad back so he didn't catch me. I gave Kiba the ice cream and then, to my surprise, he hugs me. I was so shocked that I was speechless.

Kiba: i'm so sorry kid! I didn't know about Ace's injury and how do you feel about it and you're right, I had been an ass. I should be the one to give you the ice cream, not you!

I just stare at him in shock when I realized....he was crying. Kiba was usually this reticent Pokémon who don't have any emotions (well.....all except proudness and anger)

Fang: I-It's ok, k-Kiba! Apology accepted and I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have lashed out at ya.

Kiba: it's ok!

I was about to say more until I heard Sanpei call me down. I let out a long sigh.

Kiba: You go, Kid! It's Sanpei's and your first night patrolling alone. You should be excited.

Fang: I know! But I'm a bit nervous.

Kiba: I know Fang. I was nervous on my first night patrol. But it's not that bad. Trust me.

He gives me a wink which makes smile. I knew Kiba was going to do that. So I winked back at him and went to where Sanpei was to.

Late that night.....

Me and Sanpei were patrolling the borders. I Always got my night slash out....just in case. But I think I'm just being paranoid. Like Kiba said, it's just my first night patrol with only Sanpei, What can possibly go wrong?

Suddenly, I heard something....or someone in the bushes.

I just...stood there, frozen, like a legendary Pokémon like Yveltal and Zygared hibernating in a deep and dark cave of fear. Sanpei had also noticed that something was off. As we both walk towards the Bush, something black and rocky lunges at us.....

Ace's POV

It was a month after my injury and I pretty much fully recovered. I just got my stitches out (30 stitches in total) and left a huge nasty scar on my side. I'm always very embarrassed about that scar, but I was mostly embarrassed about my prosthetic leg. I always trip up on it now and then and Zitz always comments about it that it's cool and I always snap at him for that. Once I got into a very bad argument with Zitz and I smacked him across the face with my aerial ace, leaving a huge scar on his ear. After that Zitz just avoided I was a stranger.

Later that evening, me and Zitz we're taking a walk in the woods. Zitz just has his arms crossed while he walked, when he looked at me in the eye he just turned away with sweat trickling down his head. I stopped walking as I sighed in guilt. I look at Zitz who had stopped as well. He's beautiful ice blue fading into A fiery orange eyes twinkled like the sun in the sunset but they also look a bit pale in embarrassment.

I sighed as I look up at my best friend.

Ace: look Zitz! I—

I sigh as I try to hold back a few tears of guilt that are starting to roll down my cheeks.

Ace: I like to apologize for the way I spoke to you and how rude, stupid, a giant son of the...

I called myself very nasty names In front of him, I even called myself cuss words.

Ace: ......I was.

I then sighed again when I finally finished.

Ace: but what I mean is..... I am super duper sorry for snacking ya and—

I didn't get the chance to finish my sentence when Zitz hugged me tight.

Zitz: why the hell you apologizing for? I should've kept my mouth to myself! But other than that I forgive you for smacking me!

Ace: and I forgive you for being an annoying greninja who is retarded!

Zitz: *giggles* oh shut up!

We both laughed it out, until we heard a boom. It sounded like a large thunderstorm only in that area.

My ears perk up when I heard it as Zitz did the same.

Zitz: w-w-What was that?

Ace: I don't know!

As I said it, I got my night slash out which dramatically turns into the dark ninja sword. I didn't really care, besides, it was pretty cool.

Ace: *whispers* Zitz! behind me!

Zitz scrambled behind me, his teeth were chattering and he was shivering too, like he was in the snowbank for weeks.

Ace: *whispers* don't leave my side!

Zitz nods as we begin to walk into the area.

As we walked into the area we could see branches of trees almost broke off. My ears twitch in confusion of the sight of nothing severely destroyed. But then my eyes widen that something very shocking: The sight of scarlet on the ground.

I let out a small gasp of shock, realizing that it wasn't a thunderstorm, there was a battle here and the blood was fresh, meaning that the battle just took place overnight.

But when it was about to examine even more......

Zitz: ACE!!!! LOOK OUT!!!!

I turn around to see a rocky looking wolf tackling down a bleeding Greninja to the ground. I didn't know how is knew, but that the Greninja looked......familiar.

The wolf was surprisingly bigger than the Greninja, usually Greninja were the size of humans and wolves were the size of dogs and Lycanroc, but I never saw a wolf bigger than a human-sized frog before.

Me and Zitz Dodge the attack as the wolf slams the Greninja into a tree, blood splattered on the ground. Then the rest of the pack appeared, Attacking the Greninja's trainer. How did I know? Well, The trainer looked familiar as well! Before I knew it, the trainer was flung to the side and the Greninja was bitten in the shoulder and thrown into a tree!

Anger surges through my blood as I look at the wolf, my blue eyes blazing in anger.

Ace: Zitz! Get the others!

Zitz: dude! You just got your stitches out! you know those wounds may—

When Zitz was about to about to finish his sentence, I jumped on top of the tree I threw my Water Shirkin at the wolf. The wolf bares it's teeth and lunges at me but I was able to knock it to the ground with my aerial ace. The whole pack then turn to me and began attacking. Even though they were bigger, I was faster......and smarter.  I decided to climb a tree and throw my Water Shirkin at them...... so I won't reopen my wounds.

After I got my stitches out, Sycamore told me not to do anything "crazy" and that my wounds may reopen. So I didn't get the chance to have that rematch with Charlie but I did taught Zitz some of my moves, like Aerial Ace and Water Shirkin (even though he learned Water Shirkin in the battle with the Americans)

The pack what is easy to kill but the alpha......that's a different story! Like seriously, he tried to snap off my other leg!!!! But good thing he only got my prosthetic. But somehow when I tried to kick him off my prostatic leg, he suddenly yelped when I accidentally sink one of my prosthetic toes into his eye. The wolf releases is my leg as he presses his paw over his wounded eye, blood spilled on the ground.

Before I knew it, I was on the wolf's back as he tries to buck me off like a wild horse. I tried to look around for Zitz, but he was nowhere to be seen. He must of went out to get the others. Anyways I was on his back until he grabs me by the prosthetic (again) and throws me against a tree trunk as he tries to bite my face.

I dodged all of his attacks until the wolf stabs me in the shoulder with one of his big claws. As my site begins to blur, I saw the wolves deep blood red eyes. Before I knew it, he prepares to bite me in the throat! But when I Close my eyes and wait for an impact, I didn't feel a sharp pain around my neck, Instead I heard A low dying wheeze over me. I opened my eyes install the wolf with his mouth wide-open, his eyes we're staring into nothingness and his teeth were just 2 inches away from my face.

But as I look down I saw my prosthetic leg stabbed into his chest, The silver linings were now drenched in dark blood. The wolf lets out one last wheeze before he collapses lifeless on the ground. I removed my prosthetic leg from his chest— that's when I saw a raptor claw at the end.

I then heard foot steps, I was Zitz with Ash and the gang.

Crap, did Zitz have to get Ash? Like, out of all people, why him? Ever since I heard he was going to college, I tried to spend as much time as I can with him but he always snaps at me and he once cussed at me........just like in my dream.

But one day......


Ace: Hey Ash!

Ash: *sighs in annoyance* What do you want, Greninja?

I just stared in shock at him. He had never spoken like that before.

Ace: I'm just wondering—

Ash: I don't want to go anywhere of do anything today!

His tone was cold and a bit venomous.

Ace: ok! So, what are you doin—


Ash's teeth gridded in anger which made me back up a bit

Ace: I—


Ace: I......I—

Ash: GO ON!!!! SAY IT!!!!

Ash then push me to the ground.

Ace: Ash—



Ash just stopped when I said that. I stood up, trembling in fear and pain. Ash just stared at me shocked as I glare daggers at him, blood was trickling down my head.

Ace: Look Ash, If you want me to get out of your life, FINE!!! But I'm telling you now, I doubt you will see me or anyone else when you go to GODDAMN COLLEGE!!!!

Ash just stared at me with shock as tears stream down my cheeks.

Ash: Greninja—

Ace: no. Just FORGET IT!!! I don't want to spend my remaining time with you anyways!

Before Ash could speak, I begin to walk away from him. Before I knew it, I sensed Ash's anger come out again as I felt a rock hit my shoulder.

Ash: you know what?! I'm very excited to go to college not because I want to make money, it's because I want to get away from YOU!!!

I just kept walking away from him without stopping or looking back, but I still felt heavy tears streaming down my cheeks as I walked back home......alone and heartbroken.

—End of flashback—

After that argument with Ash, I finally realized what part of my dream meant: when Ash leaves for college, our bond......will be over. But what about the "my teammates killing me" part? What does that mean?

Ash: Greninja! Are you ok?

My ears twitch in anger when I heard him just talk.

Ace: ugh! Why are YOU asking?!

My voice was cold and venomous.

Ash: Greninja—

Ace: and yes I'm fine! It's jus—

When I was about to start another sentence, Me and Ash saw the Greninja and his trainer, who was unconscious on the ground, and realized who they were.

Ace: FANG!!!

Ash: SANPEI!!!

Newfoundland team: ???


Raven: Ace? You know them?


As I said it, I ran past them both.......with my unconscious brother in my arms.

Fang's POV

When I started to regain consciousness, I found myself in a warm and soft bed. I then saw familiar figure walking into the room. When my site began to clear, I realized who it was.

It was Ace! What is he doing here in Newfoundland?

Ace smiles when he saw me.

Ace: Hey Brother! You finally waking up?

Fang: ugh........huh? Ace? Is that you? *tries to get up but flinches in pain*

Ace: hey hey hey! Don't you get up!

Fang: *sigh* Where am I and where's Sanpei?

Ace: He's ok, brother! He's just downstairs talking to Ash!

Fang: thank the ninja hero!

I tried getting up again but I flinched once again as pain surged through my body like a wolf bone stabbing into my shoulder. Ace frowned as I slumped back in bed.

Ace: that's right, Fang. Just lay back down.

I just laid there, silently, thinking about what just happened. Ace let's out a long dreadful sigh.

Ace: You and Sanpei were attacked by a pack of wolves. Sanpei was just nearly mauled by the pack, but the alpha wolf. Man, he got you good bro! He was the one who bit you in the shoulder and throw you into a tree. I was able to kill him and the whole pack, but when I was about to turn to you guys, you and Sanpei were knocked out cold!

Fang: knocked out? Like for how long?

Ace: not for that long. You guys were out for the whole afternoon yesterday! But nothing compared for how long I was out when I was shot. Like damn, I was out COLD for a week, Fang.


Ace: you got that right, b'y!

Fang: Dude, what do you mean by "b'y"?

Ace: oh Pfff! It's just a stupid Newfie slang which means "boy" without the "O" in it! XD

Fang: oh *chuckles* I get it now.

Ace: don't worry brother, I was confused at first as well. But you and Sanpei get used to it pretty quickly! I promise you that.

Fang: ok

Ace: so do you need anything else or—

Fang: nah, I'm fine bro. *clears throat* I just need to rest this stupid shoulder so we can be on the road again.

Ace: what are you talking about "on the road again"? What happened to Ninja Village?

I let out a long sad sigh which made Ace frown a bit.

Ace: oh.......let me burnt down too, didn't it?

I nodded sadly. Ace sighed.

Ace: I know. I tried my very best to save it but—

I could see tears falling down Ace's face as he was talking about the burning of Karlos and pretty much the burning of Ninja village.

Ace: I couldn't save the city......*sniffs*.........which means I couldn't save your home as well......*begins to break down crying*.....Fang I—

I knew Ace couldn't say anymore because he then hangs his head he began to cry softly. I knew the law "ninja don't cry" but I couldn't scold him for that because I knew my brother and since we were Froakie. Even though Ace is one of those reticent Pokémon in the outside, but in the inside, he is a soft and caring guy, especially to smaller Pokémon and would help others in need. Compared to Kiba who would just walk past them and ignore them (What a jerk). But again, even though he was very reticent, she does show more emotion then other Greninja (kind of like me) and sometimes cries very softly so no one will hear him.

While Ace was still crying, I lifted my body just a little bit and then spread one of my arms out like I was waiting for hug.

Fang: oh come here Ace!

Without hesitation, Ace puts his muscle under my chin as he sobs bitterly on my chest.

Ace: I'm so sorry, brother....*cries*.........I tried so hard to save your home, but I couldn't!!! *cries*

Fang: no one would save ninja village from that fire, no one would! Not even Xerneas........or Zygarde!

Ace: or even Squishy.

Fang: hey! I thought Squishy was Zygarde.

Ace lifts his head from my chest as he wipes away some tears.

Ace: he is! It's just.......he's different, in a good way! Unlike his brother Z-2 (who is a big jerk), he know......softer and he has more wisdom.

Fang: yeah.......more than Kiba!

We both laugh it out when I said that. But then I noticed a fresh scar on my brother's side—that I when I realized that was where the gunshot wound was to. But when I was about to ask how he was feeling......

Ace: so...yeah! Try to get some rest and try not to do anything me! XD

I nodded with a smile. But as Ace walks out of the room.....

Fang: Ace?

Ace: *turns to Fang* yeah?

Fang: I like to say........thank you......for save me and Sanpei's lives. I owe you one!

Suddenly, Ace started blushing blood red as he giggles awkwardly and scratches the back of his head, his beautiful blue eyes were now horizontal slits with a blue outline.

Ace: *Blushes blood red* y-you're welcome, b-brother! I was doing w-what any brother would have d-done!

Ace's voice trembled as he awkwardly backs out of the room, he even tripped and fell on his face when walking out.

I just chuckled quietly Ace scrambles back on his feet and tries to pretend that nothing happened. When my brother was outside I roll on my back and stared up at the ceiling. I was thinking about Kiba. What is he doing now?

Kiba's POV

Ugh! Where the hell is he? Fang and Sanpei never stayed out on night patrol for this long! I didn't know why, but I snuck out of camp this night to look for him and Sanpei. I did not tell Ippei where I was going but I was so determined to find my half brother and bring him back!

I'm coming Fang.......where ever you are.

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