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Ever since Karlos, the home I grew up in, burnt down, Me and my trainer, Sanpei we're having a lot of trouble finding a home for the survivors of ninja village..... which also burnt down. Thankfully many survived but the old chief and chief Pokémon were killed in the fire. Sanpei's Brother, Ippei and my Half brother, Kiba are now the alpha dogs of the pack!!!
Just a figure of speech!
Oh shoot!
My apologies! Let me introduce myself!

My name is White Fang, call me Fang for short! I'm One of the youngest Pokémon fo ninja village. But right now I'm kind of the one in charge because.....I don't know.....maybe because on the smartest out of all the Pokémon! Kiba always says that about me, but I doubt it's true!

The REAL smarty pants is my younger brother, Ace! (AKA Ash Greninja)

I really hope he's OK! I hope nothing happened to him!

Around the same time....
Ace's POV

Ace: will you.....OW!!!..... please be.......AGH!!!......DANG!!! IT BURNS!!!!

I was still at Sycamore's lap while Sycamore changes my bandage—this was the worst part about my road to recovery. The pain was so bad it felt like I was on fire. But unlike Zitz who would cling on to people when he's in pain, I would just cuss it out.

I still remembered what happened 5 weeks ago....

Ace: ASH!!!

Raven: ACE NO!!!!


—end of flashback—


But this experience was a lot more worse than I previously experienced. But good thing Ash was here—thank God if he wasn't here with me I would.......dang it!!! I now sound like a scared Froakie, wanting to cling on his trainer while the doctor gives it a needle.

I looked at Sycamore in guilt for my behaviour.

Ace: sorry.

Sycamore: don't apologize! It's normal to feel burning pain when changing a bandage.

As he continued wrapping the wound up, I decided to lean on Ash just in case I may pass out due to pain.

Sycamore: all right! All done!

I sighed in relief! No more of this terrible pain.....for now!

Sycamore: Ash? You have a moment?

Ash nods before turning to me

Ash: We'll be right back ok!

Ace: i'm not going anywhere b'y!

Ash smiled while I was lying on my hospital bed with my feet kicked up on the table—and I did all that with a smirk on my face. When The two men left, I decided to put on One of Ash's old trainer hats as I also took a swig of Ash's Coca-Cola. I didn't notice anyone there then, But when I was about to open the fridge door with my tongue....

Pikachu: dude? What are you doing?

I just froze with my tongue still out.

Ace: *with tongue out* uhh....... just gettn' another Coke for you, b'y! That's all!

Pikachu looks at me in disbelief.

Ace: *with tongue out* WHAT?!?! I can't move without feeling discomfort so the only way to get stuff myself is because my freak'n tongue!!!

Pikachu just smirked at me.

Pikachu: oh Ace! Tsk Tsk Tsk! You never changed your stubborn Froakie ways! *giggles*

I put my tongue back around my neck!

Ace: OH SHUT UP!!!

We both laugh as Ash and Sycamore come back from their conversation.

Ace: so.....what's the news?

Ash: well.... if you're ready we can go back to the house—

Ace: REALLY!?!?

My ears perk up in happiness when I heard those words. After 5 weeks, i'm finally getting out this place.

Ash: but sadly, you still need to stay off your feet for a little while longer.

I was calm in the outside, but inside I was pissed! I had a lot in my mind like The rematch with Charlie and teaching Zitz some moves. But The quicker I get better, the quicker I get to do these things!

Ace: are we going home now or do we have to stay here for a little while longer?

Sycamore: you can go right now!

Ace: OK!!!

As I stood up, I started to feel A bit dizzy, but Ash puts my arm around his shoulder to keep me up.

Before I knew it I was looking down at my feet......that dang robot leg was still there! I sighed in sadness, my leg must've been so badly broken that he couldn't save it. Ash looks at me as I try to hide the tears.

Ash: You ok, Greninja?

I swiftly turned to him

Ace: yeah I'm fine!

Ash nods as we walk out of the lab. It was night time and we couldn't see a thing. But we knew where the car was. So we got inside the car and drove away.

I sat in the passenger seat, staring out the window. I saw snowflakes drifting slowly down from the sky, but then I noticed strange figure on top of the hill.

Ace: Ash! Pull over!

Ash pulls the car over as I jumped out of the car. Ash followed from behind. I ran towards the figure who turns his head to look at me..... I thought that I'll never see that face ever again.....

Fang's POV

I was running right beside Sanpei as we jump from tree to tree, we were looking for the snares we put out for rabbits know.... we don't live to eat, it's actually the other way around! We both jumped down and saw a dead rabbit under her feet. I was about to clean the rabbit until I saw something in the bush. Sanpei was too busy looking for more rabbits. Being suspicious as I am, I jumped in the bush and before I knew it, I was tackled to the ground. I kicked the figure off of me as I got my night slash out. I slashed the figure across the face, blood splattered on the ground.

I then saw Sanpei getting attacked by a unknown ninja figure. I kicked the Pokémon figure in the stomach with my Aerial Ace which knocks him out. I then jumped in front of the ninja figure and, in Sanpei's command, used Water Shirkin. The ninja figure landed perfectly on the tree as he commanded his Pokémon to attack.

Sanpei: use Night Slash!!!

I jumped into the air and tackled the Pokémon to the ground. But when I removed his mask with my Night Slash.....

Kiba: HAHA! Well done, Kid! You and Sanpei gave me and Ippei a pretty good beating!

Fang: Kiba!?!? Dude, what are you doing here and where the heck is Sanpei?!?!

I then turned around and saw the ninja figure tossing Sanpei towards us. I caught him in my arm as we looked at each other, awkwardly. The ninja figure then removes his mask....revealing Ippei!

Sanpei and I looked at him, wide eyed. I was so shocked that I dropped Sanpei and everything.

Sanpei: Ippei?! What are you—

Ippei: we were looking for you two!

Kiba: GRENINJA!!!! (yeah! but the real question is what the SAN HECK are you guys doing here? Do you realize is 1 o'clock in the morning!!!)

Ippei: Greninja! Please don't go too far!

Sanpei: well—

When Sanpei was about to speak I covered his mouth with The end of my tongue/scarf.

Fang: NINJA!!! (we were about to check the snares for some rabbits!!! Like you know......we eat to live!!!)

Sanpei: *muffled* I was about to say that, Greninja! So can you get your tongue out of my mouth! PLEASE!!!

Fang: ja! (oh) *removes tongue from Sanpei's mouth* Ninja! (sorry man!)


Fang: Greninja! (well! a lot of people say it now!!!)

Me and Sanpei glared at each other like we're about to attack each other.

Ippei: ok you two! Break it up!

Kiba: NINJA!!!!! GRENINJA!!!! (yeah! if you two were like Ash and Ace, you two won't be fighting like this!!!)

Ippei: GRENINJA!!!!

As Kiba said that, I froze in shock. Everyone just looked at me, looking very concerned.

Kiba: N-ninja (look kid. I'm sorry I didn't mean to say tha—)

Fang: Greninja!!!! (just go to hell Kiba!!!)

I just ran, tears flowing down my cheeks. I know "ninjas don't cry" but ever since I heard the news about Ace's injury, I couldn't help it.

I stopped to catch a breath, tears still flow down my cheeks and fall on the tree branch. I never saw Ace in a very long time and he almost died. I then heard Sanpei sit beside me.

Sanpei: you ok?

I shrugged without saying a word.

Sanpei: look! You haven't been yourself in Five weeks, Greninja! Come on! Just tell me!

I Took a deep breath and looked at him, revealing my tears.

Fang: you know Ash's Greninja, right?

Sanpei nods.

Fang: well....

As I begin to talk, I felt heavy tears roll down my cheeks. I tried to hide them but I knew Sanpei saw them. I then felt a heavy Weight striking my back. I turned around to see Kiba beside me, glaring at me.

Kiba: Dude! When will you ever change! You know the rules: "ninja don't cry" that's final!!! NOW STOP BEING A FROAKIE AND MAN UP ALREADY!!!!!


Kiba's angry expression turns shocked when I said that. I turned away from everyone as soon as Ippei arrived. He must've heard my yelling and looked at Kiba with a glare!

Kiba: WHAT?!?! I don't know!!!!

Ippei then left.

Kiba: IPPEI!!! WAIT!!!!

When Kiba was gone (thank God), Sanpei, for the first time, hugged me. He must've understood me when I lashed out at Kiba. I feel very guilty for that.

Fang: Sanpei—

Sanpei: just....let it all out, buddy!

Fang: WHAT!?!?! Sanpei!!! You know the law!!!

Sanpei: dude! That law is just a big pile of Houndoom crap!

Houndoom in the distance: HOUND!!!! (HEY!!!)

Fang: looks like he got offended *sniff* I just really hope that he's....

I didn't have anything else to say, I just cried. My tear were finally free as I squeezed my trailer tight.

Sanpei: let me tell you something, Greninja: I got a hold of Ash and..... he said that he's doing fine and that he's out of the centre. Unfortunately, Sycamore couldn't save his leg end it had to be amputated. But other than that he's OK.

My ears perk up and happiness as I sigh relief. Oh thank god my brother is ok!

Sanpei: It's getting late! We should get back to camp!

Fang: hey Sanpei!.....uh.......thank you....I really needed that.

Sanpei: NP! Besides when someone says that "ninjas don't cry" they are wrong! Everyone has feelings, but they don't show it as much as you do!

I smiled add him as I try to hold back more tears.

But When we were about to leave, I Saul a weird figure on top of the hill. My eyes squint as the figure turned his head, it looked like......a wolf......but Rocky like the mountains. I was about to walk towards it until I heard Sanpei calling my name.

As I follow Sanpei back to camp, I don't know what that thing is but I know it may be up to no good and that.... The world.....may be in trouble again.

To be continued.....

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