Baking cookies ~ Guzma x Reader

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Requested by Season8 and SailorBlackYandere74 , Enjoy! :3


Normal Pov

It was another of those gloomy, rainy days at Po town. You and the rest of Team Skull - or well, most of the members - were hanging out in what other people called 'Shady house'. It wasn't that shady though...

Ah right; Before it gets confusing, you, like everyone else here, are part of Team Skull. You were close with Plumeria, and one day she told you about this gang she works for, and asked her boss if you were allowed to join too.

The boss, Guzma, looks a bit intimidating, but he's actually a pretty sweet person. Everyone in Team Skull is kind - you didn't get why people would spread so many bad rumors about them.

In any case; since it was raining, no one felt really motivated, so they just laid around or just sat somewhere. Even Guzma came to join everyone on the ground floor today.

"Guys i got our card game" Plumeria said after returning from one of the rooms on the second floor. Everyone was bored, so you two came up with the idea of playing UNO.

"Okay then~ Who wants to play?" you asked and sat down on the carpet. Those who wanted, gathered around you and everyone sat in a circle. Guzma sat down on your left and Plumeria next to you on the right.

"Guzma, you're playing too?" you grinned, looking at the male who instantly avoided your gaze, blushing. You may or may not have known that ever since you joined, Guzma had a huge crush on you.

"Of course! Ya' boy Guzma's gonna beat y'all at it" he laughed it off pretty confidently.

"How about the winner gets a prize?" Plumeria hummed, smirking as she leaned onto you, having her arms wrapped around your neck. You were best friends ever since you joined, since you got to spend even more time together, so it didn't bother you when she would cling onto you like that.

But it did bother someone else. That someone would get all jealous whenever Plumeria would do things like that. That was because the female had somehow discovered about Guzma having feelings for you, and teased him ever since.

"Just what do ya' think ya are doing?" Guzma growled at her, the other grunts who gathered around face palmed. Seems like you were the only oblivious one around here.

"Guys, guys come on, let's just all get along~" you said, forcing a smile onto your face. Even if Guzma could clearly see it was forced, it calmed him down and you soon started the game.


"This ain't fun!" One of the male grunts groaned. Guzma was laughing proudly; He won about three times in a row now.

"So, ya' said there was a prize, no? What is it?" Guzma impatiently said, grinning at Plumeria who seemed to glare at him.

"Since you won, we don't need to apply that anymore" she mumbled, and soon the two of them were arguing again.

"W-Wait Guzma, how about i bake some cookies for you? You seemed to like the ones i made last time" you said, getting between him and Plumeria. The male instantly froze, blushing.

"He probably still has them hidden under his bed" the female stated, making the other grunts laugh. Sometimes you wondered who was the more childish one of them.

Ignoring them, you turned back to Guzma, "So?", you asked, smiling at him.

"I-I'd love that" he said quietly, it was barely audible. Honestly, when you first joined Team Skull, Guzma seemed more like the tough guy, showing his soft side so much really surprised you, but you had to say, it was kinda cute.

You got up and walked towards the kitchen. The mansion really was messy to be honest, you thought of maybe cleaning it a bit later, so that it wouldn't look so 'shady' to others.

There was always an apron which hung at the fridge. Personally, you would always put it on when cooking, not really because you were worried of getting dirty, but because it had a little Wimpod printed on it - It was pretty cute.

You checked the fridge and shelf where you had the food that didn't have to stay cold, and luckily, you had everything you needed to bake Chocolate Chip cookies. Also, you started preheating the oven.

You took a big bowl where you would mix the ingredients from the shelf, took out some eggs from the fridge, prepared the water, baking soda and sugar, took out the chocolate from the shelf and everything else you needed.

You heard someone knocking at the door, even if it was open, and you turned around, only to see a red-faced Guzma. (He was blushing because of the apron you were wearing).

"Oh it's you. Did you need something?" you asked and turned around to the counter, pouring some sugar in the bowl. Guzma walked over to you and wrapped his strong arms around you, surprising you slightly.

This wasn't the first time he acted like this though; He would always get like this after getting in an argument with either Plumeria or Gladion, or after Plumeria had messed around with him. But you honestly didn't mind it, you always liked spending time with the tough-looking softie.

"I kinda wanted to help ya' out. Ya' know, i thought ya' would teach me how to bake cookies" The male said softly, you could feel his breath against your neck, it sending shivers down your spine.

Your face got awfully red, but you nodded. "Okay then~ Can you add some butter and crack the eggs?".

Meanwhile, you got next to him and crumbled some chocolate in a smaller bowl. Guzma added the butter and took one egg out of the box. You could see from the corner of your eye, that Guzma stopped moving, still having that egg in his hands.

"Something wrong?" you asked and put down the object you were crumbling the chocolate with (I honestly don't know the word for it in english, sorry >3<) and walked over to him, only seeing him frown at the egg.

"Ya' see, whenever i crack eggs, that shell thing gets mixed up too" the male confessed embarrassed, you chuckling slightly and him blushing deeper.

Since he was taller than you, you got in front of him - that means between him and the counter - and took both of his hands in your smaller ones.

You moved his right hand so, that the egg would get cracked due to the edge of the bowl, then took the hand holding the egg above the bowl.

"I usually use both my thumbs to open it, like this" you said, showing him the movement in the air. Guzma nodded behind you and you placed your small hands on his again, doing the same movement on top of his hands, him doing it with the egg - and it worked.

"See? Pretty easy, no?" you then turned around and blushed when you saw Guzma's dorky smile. "Okay i added the vanilla extract.. so we should have everything now. Let's mix it~!"

Guzma wiped away that egg substance from his fingers with the kitchen towel and reached for a whisk. He placed it in your hand and then held yours in his, still having you 'trapped' between himself and the counter.

Luckily he wasn't able to see your red face, since your back was facing him. But the feeling of his hand on yours was kinda nice and soothing.

Guzma was basically doing the job of mixing the ingredients, holding your hand of course, and when the paste looked okay (I think you call it paste/pastry, correct me if i'm wrong), he stopped mixing.

"Do ya' think this is good?" he asked, putting the whisk into the sink.

You had this idea floating in your mind for a while, but you weren't really confident about it, since people could call it inappropriate - Since you and Guzma aren't dating or anything (yet). You had seen it in Anime's and such, but you decided to go for it;

"W-Why don't you try it?" you said still uncertain, taking a bit of the paste onto your index finger and holding it out to the male behind you - you turned around slightly, or else your back will hurt later, trust me.

Guzma's face got very red again, but he didn't refuse. Although he hesitated at first, he managed to take your hand gently and moving it to his lips. He sticked out his tongue and so, licked the paste off your finger. "I-It's good".

You smiled and turned around again. Now it was time to put the paste into cookie shape and onto the baking tin. You did just that, and Guzma helped you as well.

You took the baking tin with a towel, so that your hand didn't touch it directly, and put it into the preheated oven, closing it immediately afterwards.

"They'll need about 10 or 15 minutes to be ready" you explained, cleaning the counter a bit with the towel before putting it away.

You took the bowl you used to mix the ingredients in and looked at it - there was still a bit of the paste here and there. "There's still a bit of the paste.. it would be a shame if we threw it away, don't you think?"

Guzma nodded with a grin and you both brushed your index fingers against the bowl, the paste sticking to them. Each of you ate the paste by yourself this time, and when you looked back at Guzma, you noticed some of the paste sticking to his cheek.

"You're such a messy eater~" you giggled, got on your toes and kissed the spot the paste was on, sucking slightly so that you were able to swallow it.

"Y/N.. y'are such a sadist.. y'all are. I can't contain myself anymore, sorry" Guzma said low, picking you up and placing you onto the counter. At first, he was sniffing your neck - which was kinda ticklish - but then started gently kissing it.

His lips travelled from your neck, to your chin, until they reached your lips. Once there, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to yourself, kissing him back passionately.

His lips still tasted like that cookie paste you made just now, adding more sweetness to the kiss. The kiss got a bit messier, and soon turned into a rather heated make-out session.

You both went on with it, until those short 10 minutes were over - you didn't want the cookies to get burned. But Guzma reassured you you'd continue where you left off later~


While You and Guzma were busy in the kitchen, you didn't realize that Gladion reached the Team Skull hideout - or well, it was known as Shady house, like you already know - and got inside the building as well.

Plumeria was there to greet him, but apparently, he wasn't exactly here for business, but rather to take a break from all the stress and drama that has been going on in the nearby city. He did mention that he had something he needed to ask Guzma about, so the female lead him to the kitchen.

They were just about to enter, when they saw Guzma basically having you trapped there while you two mixed those ingredients of yours, they stopped moving and were completely silent.

"What are they doing?" Gladion whispered, and reading it by his expression, he was confused.

"Baking? I dunno, Y/N mentioned cookies before" Plumeria whispered back. "But did you notice, lately Y/N and the boss have been awfully friendly with each other".

"Do you think they're dating?"

"Nah, don't think so. Y/N would have told me" Plumeria answered, both of them keeping their voices down. "But hear this theory; The boss is basically like 'the Team dad', you know what i mean?"

"Yeah i know what you mean, but i'm not sure about that" the blonde frowned.

"So basically, if the boss and Y/N really do start going out, that would make her 'the Team mom', right?"

"..." there was a short moment of silence until Gladion decided to answer, "What exactly is wrong with you? That would be, like, the most awkward thing"

They were about to continue their very informative conversation, but they started hearing weird sounds a.k.a. the sounds of you and Guzma smooching around.

Both their expressions pretty much changed and Gladion was the first one to leave saying, "I'm still underage and that stuff is getting 18+. See you later Plumeria".



My note to you:
Sorry if this was a bit OOC and sorry for the 'inappropriate' stuff, young readers xD Btw, I'm drowning in requests T^T I'll close them for now, so please no requesting for a while~! >3< But don't worry, everything that has been requested before the 04.10.17 will be published soon (I hope xD)
+ I stayed up until 4am for y'all, praise me *^* xD

Fanart of the day:

Meme of the day:

Fact of the day:
Did you know, that Both Tyranitar and the Hippowdon evolution line can control the weather by creating sand storms?

Author-chan's question to you:
Which is your favourite poison type Pokémon?
Mine are Scolipede and Qwilfish ^3^

Thanks 4 Reading!

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