Owing you ~ James x Reader

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Requested by NoFanfictionNoLife , Enjoy! :3 

Normal Pov

It all started in Goldenrod City; You were passing by and listening to the radio on your Pokégear. Like the usual, they were transmitting some nice music from she Radio tower when all of the sudden, you heard a weird announcement;

"This is a very important message to everybody in Johto, we are Team Rocket and after three years of laying in wait, we are announcing our return today", It seemed like the voice speaking belonged to a woman, "Boss, Giovanni, if you are hearing this broadcast right now; Please, come join us!"

You had just bought some potions and other useful things in the Goldenrod Department Store, so after exiting the building and glancing over to the side of it, you saw a lot of people getting out of the Radio tower.

That's when you started to worry; A good friend of yours worked there and was responsible for the news broadcast department, so you couldn't help but rush to the tower.

There were two people, both dressed in black and had an orange "R" printed on their long sleeved shirts. One of them was female, the other male.

"Hey you, where do you think you're going?" the female one said in a rather irritated voice. You immediately sent out your partner Pokémon Jolteon out to battle them and soon defeated them.

You entered the building and continued defeating these Team Rocket grunts until you got on the second floor; 

There you encountered a young woman with long pink hair, a male with purplish blue hair. They were accompanied by what you assumed were their Pokémon; Meowth, Victreebel and an Arbok. Unlike the other grunts you saw until now, those two were wearing white uniforms, not black ones - not that it mattered.

"What's this twerp doing up here?" you could have misheard, but you were sure it was the Meowth who talked. The pink haired turned towards you and smirked.

"Who do you think you guys are anyways?!" You growled, Jolteon getting ready to fight. You didn't exactly expect an answer, but you got one;

"Prepare for trouble"

"And make it double"

"To protect the world from devastation-.."

The two were probably going to continue rambling other stuff, but you told Jolteon to use Thunderbolt, and it struck them; "I don't have time for this, out of the way!" you then said and hurried past the two who were now laying on the floor.

You ran upstairs to the third floor with Jolteon following, where you would hopefully find your friend. Meanwhile, the two downstairs got up again, pretty much irritated;

"How dare she interrupt us like that! James, Meowth, let's go!" with that, the trio and those other two Pokémon disappeared to somewhere.

There was a rather handsome man with turquoise hair who held some workers hostage, the workers included your friend.

The male spotted you as soon as you finished climbing up the stairs and sent his Weezing out. "Now, how did you get past all those others? Well, i knew they were useless, but not this much.."

"Let the people go! And get lost while you're at it" you said, you honestly didn't know where all this courage came from. You could hear your friend calling your name - You needed to distract this turquoise haired male, so that the people here would have time to escape.

If you remembered correctly, the next floor would be the highest point of the Radio tower, so if you could, you would lead him up there, and the people could get away either using the stairs or even elevator.

"Go Jolteon, use Thunderbolt!" you ordered. Your Pokémon obeyed you, but the Weezing avoided the attack.

"Fine then. Weezing use Sludge!" the male told his own Pokémon, and it attacked, spitting out some purple substance at Jolteon. Jolteon was fast enough to dodge it without you telling to to.

That's when you and Jolteon started running up the last stairs, and like you planned, the turquoise haired Tea Rocket Employee followed you with his Pokémon. The people being held hostage saw the opening as well, and used it to escape.

The only thing left to do was actually defeating this person.

The battle kept going, you weren't distracted by anything surrounding you, since being on the highest point in the tower meant also that you were able to see everything outside through the glass panels.

Just when you thought nothing could go wrong, Weezing charged at your Jolteon with all it had, hitting it, and causing it to crash against the glass panels, breaking them and falling out.

Your eyes widened and you tried saving it, but you were to far away. There was no way it could be alright after falling from so high, you didn't even notice your eyes tearing up.

"It's over, brat" The turquoise haired male stepped closer to you, and you glared at him. He was right, you lost, and now who knows what he was going to do to you.

"Proton!" suddenly a voice was to be heard from where the stairs ended. It was a man and his hair was turquoise too, only it was a bit more blue-ish. "We have what we need. Let's retreat for now".

"You're lucky, brat" this 'Proton' commented and disappeared with his partner. After you thought they were gone, you rushed to the elevator and got on the ground floor, then exited the Radio tower and rushed to the back of it.

When you turned around the corner, you bumped into someone, causing you both to fall to the ground. "I'm very sorry!-.." you quickly apologized, but froze once you looked at the person;

It was that guy from before! The one with the purplish blue hair, wearing the white Team Rocket uniform. Not only that, but he had your Jolteon in his arms.

"It's you..!" he said as he recognized you as well, and both of you stood up. "I'm guessing this really is yours" he said referring to the Pokémon in his arms. Jolteon had a few scratches here and there and looked very weak, but it was alive.

You knew very well that the male standing in front of you is your enemy, but you couldn't help but throw yourself in his arms, hugging him and mainly Jolteon, tackling him back to the ground.

"W-Wha-.. What are you doing?!"

You pulled away, having Jolteon in your arms, and wiped your tears away. "I-I'm really sorry for.. you know, literally shocking you with Thunderbolt earlier.." you then apologized, looking to the side.

The male was silent at first while his face got redder and redder until he decided to speak again. "O-Okay, it's okay! But can you get up now?"

Well yeah, you were sorta on a strangers lap, so you understood why he was getting all flustered, so you stood up quickly.

"Uhm.. sorry, and thank you. But i hope we don't meet again" you stated, looking to the side as well. The male wiped the dirt off his clothes and started walking away. But before he could get far, you called after him;

"C-Can you at least tell me your name?"

"If you wouldn't have interrupted us with that Thunderbolt of yours, you would know!" The male stopped and looked at you, but then chuckled when he saw your disappointed face. "It's James~ What's yours?"

James.. you made sure not to forget it.

"I'm Y/N"


And that was your first encounter with that awfully kind Team Rocket grunt. You went to heal your Jolteon right after the incident, and then proceeded with your journey.

You walked all the way to Ecruteak City - well actually, you got there by bike. You would listen to music and news on your Pokégear and constantly hear about this Team Rocket causing trouble in several other cities.

Your next destination was Mahogany town. And that was the place where other interesting things happened;

After you returned from your training at the lake, you saw none other than a member of the Elite four with his Pokémon Dragonite, and they were currently breaking into a small shop you went to buy some natural medicine this morning.

You didn't know what was going on, but you soon saw a Team Rocket grunt coming flying out of that small shop, so you decided to check what was going on yourself.

Once you entered the small shop, you saw how messy everything was. Also, the golden closet you saw this morning was all destroyed and the pieces were scattered all over the floor. You didn't know that there were stairs hidden underneath it and knowing that Team Rocket seemed to be involved, this couldn't mean anything good.

But maybe.. you would be able to see James again... - What you thought were useless thought kept filling your mind, but that didn't stop you from sending out Jolteon and heading downstairs.

You've gotten a lot stronger since last time, and there was no way you would allow your Jolteon to get hurt again.

There seemed to be an endless corridor, statues of Persian being dispatched here and there - you didn't notice the red light emanating from their eyes once you passed them.

At the end of the corridor, there were more stairs awaiting you. After getting another floor lower, there was another corridor - what a surprise.

But this one wasn't empty like the previous one; Lance, the Elite four, was battling against someone with his Dragonite. And that someone was none other than James.

Both of them didn't seem to notice you were there - which was good. You knew you shouldn't, but you decided to help James, i mean, you owed him for saving your partners' life.

And so, you ordered your Jolteon to use Thunderbolt at Dragonite. Since no one was expecting it, it hit. That's when both men turned towards you, Lance particularly mad. But who can blame him?

"Just what do you think you're doing?!" he yelled, ordering his Dragonite to attack again. Both your Jolteon and James' Victreebel managed to keep up with Dragonite's attacks for a good while, but it came to an end;

Both Pokémon fainted. But the moment you returned Jolteon to its Pokémon and Victreebel was summoned back as well, James dropped something, which turned out to be a smoke screen-bomb thing.

The smoke covered the whole corridor, both you and Lance coughing. But you soon felt your hand being grabbed by something - or someone.

You couldn't see anything, but you heard the person say; "Just follow me" and no doubt, that voice belonged to James.

Trusting him completely - for whatever reason - you let him lead you, holding your hand tightly, and before you knew it, you came out of some sort of tunnel in the forest.

James let go of your hand and let you catch your breath. You then looked up at him, only to get a kiss on the cheek. Blushing madly, you froze.

"Thanks a lot for stepping in, despite that it was the Elite four" The male smiled - His smile was beautiful. 

"I-It's nothing..! You saved Jolteon too, so i kinda owed you anyways.." you stated, fiddling with your fingers.

James got your attention again and pulled a blue rose out of nowhere and held it out to you. "Say, Y/N, why don't you join Team Rocket? I bet you would get along with Meowth and especially Jessie"

"Also, i'd like to spend more time with you. I'd like to get to know you better, Y/N."  



My note to you:
I luv the Haikyuu!! x Pokémon Crossover FanArts, so get ready xD
+ I'd like to do a smol shoutout for CelticCry <- An awesome person ^3^ Thank you for supporting me so much~! <3

Fanart of the day:

Meme of the day:

Fact of the day:
Did you know, that...

Author-chan's question to you:
Which Team Rocket Uniform do you prefer? The white or the black one?^^ (don't take this the racist way^^)

Thanks 4 Reading!

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