Better care ~ Adult! Gladion x Reader

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Requested by TiffaShoyochan , RekkaNoKen and partly by AnnaCarlaMeow13 , hexmanic , Enjoy!


Normal Pov

"There's a special guest waiting at the entrance, Y/N, could you be so kind and go greet them?" Professor Kukui said, coming back from the door to his research room. In the last few weeks, he has been pretty busy.

Well, all three of you were; The professor, You and Lillie. You and the blonde girl were professor Kukui's two main assistants ever since the whole drama with the Æther Foundation and Lusamine ended.

Moon, your other friend, has been working for Looker and Anabel after that as well, Lillies' brother Gladion was now taking care of the Æther Foundation, making it a better place for both Pokémon and employees, and Hau has been working hard to become Alola's new champion, since Sun was the current one.

"I'm on it" You called, getting out of your personal research room, walking down the corridor to the door. All of you had a personal research room - there was also a bigger one where you would all discuss things together, but you used that one quite rarely.

You opened the door and froze. The person standing out there was none other than your blonde best friends' big brother; Gladion.

"Hey.. Y/N. You've changed quite a bit" the green eyed male spoke, looking down to you, since you were clearly shorter than him. But he was the one talking; He himself has gotten pretty different since the last time you saw each other;

His hair grew longer, he got even taller and his voice... was deeper and charming. His emerald eyes were as pretty as ever - you've always thought Gladions' and Lillies' eyes were pretty.

Before you could even greet him properly, the other blonde stormed at him full speed, hugging her brother as tight as she could - probably. "Big brother~ You're here!"

"I-I came to see if you were doing okay" Gladion stated, you could have sworn to see his face get redder. Lillie pulled away from the hug and excused herself, since she had loads of work to do. You and the tall blonde were left alone once again.

"I didn't see you in forever either but you give me no hug" you pouted, crossing your arms in front of your chest. Gladion sighed, doing that famous face-palm of his before stepping closer to you and pulling you in his strong arms - Such a nice feeling, very nostalgic.

You were always close with Lillie, in the past as well, since you lived next to their mansion when you were a kid, you used to go play there often. That's why when you became teenagers, you got pretty close with Gladion as well - you and Lillie were the only ones who were allowed to make fun of him and get away with it safely.

"What brings you here?" You asked, pulling away from the rather enjoyable embrace.

"As i said, i came to check if my sister was doing fine" Gladion said, and you could see him blushing again, "Also, i have something to discuss with professor Kukui".

You nodded and told the male to follow you. "Would you like some tea? Or maybe coffee?"

"I'll have a tea if that's okay" The blonde replied, following you to your private research room.

"We don't really have a living room, so you can wait in my room. I'll go talk to the professor and get your tea" you stated, waving as you walked off.

Your room wasn't that small; It had a big desk where you usually get your work done, a couch and a small coffee-table, and a lot of shelves, filled with books and other objects.

You were just about to knock at Professor Kukui's door, but he opened it before you could touch it. "Ah Y/N. Is there something?"

"Gladion is here, and he says he wants to talk to you" you said quickly - you did have other work waiting for you, so you should hurry up. The professor said he'd be right there, so you went to the kitchen and prepared a coffee for you, and some green tea for your guest.

When you came back to your room, you found the blonde sitting on the couch comfortably as he looked around. "Is this where you work?"

"It is" you flashed him a quick smile and placed the cup of tea on the small table, then headed for your desk and took a seat. "I hope you don't mind me working. I know it's not very polite-.."

"Don't worry, i understand. What are you currently working on?" The male asked, since Kukui was still not here. He could chat with you until he would arrive. You froze for a second when you heard that question and kept staring at the screen of your computer.

"U-Uhm.. it's a project the professor assigned to me. It's about a Pokémon; Lycanroc. Professor Kukui discovered a new form of it called 'dusk form', and he wants me to research it specifically" you said, making a few pauses here and there and waited for Gladions' response.

The male hummed an 'okay' and kept the conversation going.

But what you told him was a lie - that wasn't what you were working on; Lillie was assigned to that project, you were conducting your personal research, but you couldn't tell Gladion about it.

That was because his father was involved. Ever after Lusamine went crazy in the Ultra Space, you started researching more about Ultra Wormholes and Ultra beasts.

One reason for it was because Ultra beasts were still a mystery to others, the other reason you wanted to know more about them was, because you learned that Gladions' and Lillies' father Mohn disappeared in one of those Wormholes - and caused Lusamine to get obsessed with them.

You thought that maybe, if someone would research those mysterious Wormholes, you would be able to re-locate their father and eventually save him. You knew that that would make both blonde siblings happy - so you were working very hard on that project.

You typed things on your computer while Gladion spoke; Your thoughts were elsewhere, but you occasionally gave him responses. That until the tanned professor decided to join the two of you; "Ah, Gladion. Nice having you here!"

And with that, the two started talking. You weren't listening to them completely, but at the end of their conversation you knew that Gladion asked the professor something about Silvally. And it turned out that Kukui would need it to conduct further research on Pokémon moves.


It was slowly getting late. The sun was setting outside - not that you knew, since you were to focused on what you were typing into your computer rather than looking outside the window.

You heard a soft knock and told the person to come in. You took your eyes off the screen for a moment to see who it was, then focused back on what you were working on as soon as you recognized the person; "You're still here?"

"Yeah. The professor will need Silvally here, and he was kind enough to give a me a bedroom" Gladion explained, then walked a bit closer to you and glanced to your screen.

You quickly closed the page you had open and turned around to him. "Do you need something?"

"Not really. But you shouldn't strain yourself too much, you've been sitting there since i came" Gladion said concerned.

"I won't. Thanks for worrying anyways" You smiled. After that, Gladion told you he would be in his room, and told you goodnight in advance.

You re-opened that page you were reading on before Gladion came in and continued with your work.

Hours passed, and you walked to the kitchen at least three times; Always making yourself a cup of coffee, then returning to work. Time didn't exactly fly, but before you knew it, it was already 8am.

You've been so busy working that you forgot you needed to sleep.

Lillie soon knocked and came into your room, bringing you your usual morning coffee; "Wow Y/N, i didn't expect you to be up so early"

"But you still brought me coffee" you grumbled - your fingers hurting from typing so much. Lillie blushed embarrassed and placed your cup onto your desk, then excused yourself again.

Nothing interesting happened afterwards; Professor Kukui and Gladion came into your room and talked a bit, left soon too. Only the blonde noticed the bags under your eyes, but didn't point it out.

You were very tired - it was already 6pm - but you were making big progress with your project. You were so tired, you didn't notice that you fell asleep, your head leaning on your desk while your computer was still turned on. (Don't get horny, computer T^T)

"Y/N" a soft voice called from the other side of the door - you of course didn't hear. The male called your name two more times before letting himself in. (Y/N could have been changing, Gladion, where are your manners?)

He was surprised to see you sleeping at your desk. Well, not that surprised, since he noticed you being tired earlier today, but still.

He walked over to you and tried to wake you up, unsuccessfully. He then glanced ta the screen of your computer and couldn't help but notice the title of the text you were writing; "Ultra Wormholes"

He sighed lightly before wrapping your arms around his neck and picking you up bridal style. "Why do you always have to be so stubborn..?"

The blonde carried you out of your room, to his own, and placed you on his bed, covering you with the of sheets. He sat down next to you and ran his fingers through your sooth hair, smiling at your sleeping form.


Warm sunbeams stroked your face, causing you to groan in annoyance - the feeling was quite unusual though. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, slowly opening them.

You were greeted by Gladions' sweet smile; "Good morning Y/N. Did you sleep okay in that bed?". The male then proceeded to walk up to you and stand in front of his bed.

"W-Why am i here?" you stuttered, your face turning red as you looked around confused.

"You fell asleep on your desk yesterday. I tried waking you up, but it didn't work. So i brought you here since i didn't know where you usually sleep" The male replied, taking a closer look at your face; The bags under your eyes were gone.

"O-Okay, thank you.. i guess" You mumbled, looking to the side as you stood up, "I-I need to go back to work"

You were just about to rush out, but the blonde grabbed you by your wrist and stopped you. You - being surprised and slightly startled of course - looked up at him confused. "I-Is there something"

"Why did you lie to me" Gladion said in a serious tone. Just a moment ago he flashed you that radiant smile, but he needed a mere two seconds to change that in a frown.

"W-What do you mean?" you stuttered - you weren't sure to what he was referring.

Gladion pulled you to him and threw you onto the bed, soon getting on top of you. He took both of your hands in only one of his and pressed them down above your head.

You had no idea why this was happening, but it made you feel very weak - your face very hot.

"Why were you hiding the truth from me? Don't you trust me?" The male whispered after leaning his face down next to yours. You could feel his warm breath against your skin, that causing you to shiver underneath the blonde.

Seeing that you still hadn't figured out what he meant, Gladion continued; "Why didn't you tell me you were researching Ultra beasts?"

Now it was clear. He must have seen the files when he came to pick you up last evening.

"I-It's just... i didn't want to bring back bad memories. You know, because of your father and mother" you explained weakly, turning your head to the side and exhaling lightly. "I know this might sound dumb.. but i have the feeling like your father can still be found somewhere"

"So you pulled all-nighters just for my sake?" Gladion growled, still frowning and glaring down to you. You were surprised by the fact that he knew about that too, as well as by the fact that he now cupped your chin and forced you to look up at him. "Don't think i didn't notice the bags under your eyes"

You stuttered a bit more, not knowing what to say, and you still didn't dare to look the man in the eyes. That until yours flew wide open as soon as you felt soft lips being brushed against yours.

Gladion was... kissing you?

But it didn't last long enough for you to kiss back. Gladion pulled back and loosened the grip onto your wrists, now smiling at you.

"I can't believe you.." the male said silently and pulled you into a warm embrace. You were still flustered about all this happening so quickly, but you put both your hands on the males' back and nuzzled his neck.

"Just promise me you'll take better care of yourself. Please"



My note to you:
Sooo~ Which book do you want me to publish first? The Gold x Reader one, or the Wallace x Reader? ^3^
+ Is there anyone else who ships Guren with Shinya? (Owari no Seraph) ANYONE?? T^T Plz just don't tell me I'm the only one T^T

Fanart of the day:

Meme of the day:

Fact of the day:
Did you know, that Originally, Pikachu had a dark patch on his stomach and was a lot chubbier? This was changed to make him easier to work with in the anime.

Author-chan's question to you:
Which is your favourite 'Electric-Mouse' Pokémon? (Pikachu, Pichu, Plusle/Minun, Pachirisu, Emolga, Dedenne, Togedemaru)
Mine is Pachirisu^^

Thanks 4 Reading!

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