His Voice ~ Red x Child! Reader

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Requested by JolieEucliffe and partly by princesspikapower , drpepperghost66 and CarylakaColyn , Enjoy~! :3

Important thingy: In this chapter, Green is the guy and Blue the girl, don't be confused! :3


Normal Pov

"Only these three showed up? Was our advertisement really that bad?"

"Nah, the art was pretty great, it couldn't have been that. Maybe we just didn't print out enough of them"


You were currently standing at the entrance of a certain house along with another girl and boy both about your age if not younger. The two who were talking stood in front of you; One was a rather good-looking young man with light brown - almost caramel colored hair, the other one was a young woman with long, brown hair.

There was another person standing next to them; Also a young man with raven hair and piercing red eyes. That male didn't talk though - it didn't look like he did at least.

What you were doing here, basically in the house of strangers, you ask? That's pretty simple; This trio handed out flyers a few days ago, saying they would organize a fun afternoon for children for only 5 Pokédollars.

Since you - a five year old girl - were interested, your mother allowed you to go in advance. The day this special event was held was today, and so it appears that only you and these two other kids showed up.

"There's no point in complaining, we'll just proceed with the program" The young woman said, holding her arms crossed as she talked with the brunette male, then turned around to you three and smiled brightly, introducing herself; "Hi kids, I'm Blue. What are your names?"

"I'm Gold!" The raven haired boy next to you wearing a cap said, the grin on his face wide. "I-I am Crystal.." The girl next to you said rather shyly. She had dark hair too, and pretty eyes. You were last, introducing yourself as Y/N.

"Nice to meet you all. These here are my friends Green and Red" The young woman said nicely and pointed on the brunette first, then on the silent young man next to her.

"Excuse me, but are you purposely dressed like that?" You couldn't help but ask. The young woman who introduced herself as Blue, wore a sky blue t-shirt, the brunette named Green had a green button-up shirt and last but not least the one who's name was red wore a red hoodie.

Blue looked at her male friends before chuckling; She did as if she didn't notice it before. Maybe it really was coincidence, or maybe it was just to make remembering their names easier for you kids.

"What are we gonna do?" The boy next to you asked. All three of you weren't much informed, you were just told that you would have lots of fun. The brunette male smirked and leaned a bit on that raven haired silent guy;

"There's a lot we can do. We have coloring books, books with cool stories, movies, toys and other games. There's a small playground next to the house, so we can go there too" He explained and was slightly pushed to the side by the male with black hair who just stood there, nodding in agreement.

Gold wanted to go play outside at all costs, Crystal too, but she didn't want to go to the slide with Gold while you actually preferred staying inside and coloring in some color books or make one of your three babysitters read you a story.

"How about each of us takes care of one of each of you personally, since you all want to do different things?" Blue spoke more to herself than with you others and ended up liking her suggestion. "I'll take care of Crystal, Green, you take Gold, and Red, you'll be paired up with Y/N"

Gold protested at first, insisting he wanted Blue as his personal 'maid' or whatever he said, but that didn't change anyone's mind. And so, the other four left the house, leaving you alone with the silent raven haired male.

You walked over to the shelf and tried reaching for the books that were on it. But of course you had to be too short to reach them, even when you stood on your toes - it wasn't enough. Just when you thought there'd be no end to your struggles, you almost fell over - which firstly would have caused you pain and secondly, the shelf might have started moving or even falling to the floor.

But just then, the silent young man caught you - his arm supporting your small and fragile body - while he held the shelf in place with his other hand. You looked up at him and whispered a shy "Thank you".

Your eyes also happened to meet his gorgeous red ones. They were really pretty, even though the expression on his face didn't show much emotion and was actually slightly intimidating. He nodded at you before gently letting you get your balance back.

The male took the pile of books and placed it down on the floor. He sat down next to it and patted the spot next to him - for you to get next to him, apparently. You grinned and crawled over to Red, taking one of those books which looked a bit more complicated to understand.

You weren't good at reading, but you managed to decipher the title of it, which was 'Golden Time'. You looked up at Red and shoved him the book in his hands, smiling. "Can you read this to me please?"

"..." The male shook his head and ruffled your head a bit. He refused without even saying a word, but his expression seemed like he was telling you he was sorry for it. You shrugged it off before looking for a coloring book.

Meanwhile, Red sticked his hand out and reached for some felt pens and crayons which were in cases on the floor, next to the sofa. He scooted them near you and watched how you used them to color the Pokémon's on the sheets of paper.

You were humming a tune you heard in the car this morning, and that made Red smile sweetly. But of course you were too busy coloring a Rattata to notice it. You flipped the next page over and furrowed your brow - you didn't know the Pokémon on this page.

"Hey Mister, do you know what Pokémon this is?" You asked, stopped humming as you turned your head slightly to the right. Red's hand brushed against yours as he took the felt pen you were holding out of your hand and wrote something on the paper next to the illustrated Pokémon.

His writing was really pretty - you found it strange since you always assumed that boys wrote uglier than girls, but his handwriting was prettier than the one of your female kindergarten teacher by at least ten times. You needed a bit time, but the writing said 'Espeon'.

"Espeon? What color is it?" You asked, thinking a little bit, but not remembering ever having seen a Pokémon named Espeon. Red smiled again, and this time, you saw it too, and pulled a Pokéball out of his pocket, slightly throwing it in the air and allowing the creature inside it get out.

An elegant, purple creature purred after the light caused by the Pokéball faded. Its eyes were light, its fur seemed really smooth and it had something red and crystal-like on it's forehead. Red then pointed on your coloring book again, and now that you looked at it closely, it was the same Pokémon.

You grinned widely and shyly reached your hand out to the Espeon, slowly touching its head. The purple creature emitted a meowing sound before rubbing its head against your palm, wanting to get petted even more.

You slowly started laughing, since holding Espeon like you did was pretty ticklish and ended up plopping down to Red with it. At first you were a bit scared by the male's reaction, but you grinned as soon as he wrapped his strong arms around you and his Pokémon, embracing you both.


Time went by pretty smoothly - not that it was a bad thing. Red let you play with his Espeon a bit more and ended up coloring into the book with you, helping you and even drawing some Pokémon himself.

After a bit, Blue, Green and the other two kids got inside as well. Crystal's clothes were full of sand - wonder why - so she went to the bathroom to clean herself up a bit, saying she was a big girl and she could totally do that on her own.

Green went to another room, dragging Red along, since he wanted to talk to him about something - so that left you with Gold and Blue in the living room. Gold got exhausted outside, so he fell asleep on the sofa while Blue was spending her time tidying up a bit and you were watching Barakamon on the TV.

You were just done laughing - after crying Hina threw herself onto Handa-Sensei and made him, herself and everyone else fail their so-called "Tarzan-experiment" and plop into the water - when you looked to the side at Blue.

You stood up, walked towards her and gently tugged her shirt. "Is something the matter?" The young woman smiled down at you after she had pushed one of the books you used earlier back into the shelf. You shook your head, smiling as well;

"No, not really. There's just something i've been wondering about..." You hummed and soon both you and the older female got back to the TV. Blue sat down and looked up at you since you were now 'taller' than her since you were still standing. "Does Red ever talk? He's always so silent..."

"Mysterious, isn't he?" Blue grinned and ruffled your hair. "He doesn't talk often. Actually, it's been a while since i've heard him talk" She admitted, her finger placed on her chin as if she was thinking about it more precisely. "Wanna go get him? Green and him have been away for quite a bit now - he should be in the room just next to here"

You nodded and proceeded with walking to that small corridor. Your footsteps got fainter as soon as you heard Green's voice coming from the room which was now in front of you - the door clocking your view.

You opened the door slightly and peeked inside, furrowing your brows slightly; "What kind of weird thing are you guys doing?"

Why you asked that? Well, you walked into the room - standing at the entrance - finding Green laying on the bed while having Red on top of himself; Red's back laying on Green's chest, not to mention Green was holding him as if he wanted to prevent him from going anywhere.

"W-We're playing mattress! Yeah, exactly" Green replied somewhat flustered, Red only looking at you with his usual emotionless expression. You weren't quite convinced by that, but...

"Can i play too? I wanna be the blankets!"

And so it turned out, that you hurried over to the bed and got on top of Red, your chest facing his and snuggled closer to him. That because Green couldn't bring himself to tell you no, and also because he had a more logic reason to explain this to Blue later now that you were involved.

Green soon started whining after a mere five minutes, saying you guys were heavy or that you should get off of him already, but you just kept on laying comfortably on the male, listening to the soothing sound of his heartbeat.

"You're so warm"

You shot your head up after hearing that. The voice was so deep and gentle, but for one moment it seemed that you just imagined someone saying that; Because Green kept whining - it wasn't him nor did he hear anyone else say anything - and Red just stared at the ceiling... You were sure you had heard it though...

After a bit of Green's kicking around, the three of you decided to get back to the others in the living room. Crystal was back too and Gold awake and hyperactive again. Blue suggested to play "Mensch ärgere dich nicht" next. Everyone except for Red agreed, so you decided to refuse too and spend more time with the silent male in the other corner of the room.

Red let his Pikachu come out of the Pokéball and ended up petting it silently while you intensively stared at them. You've always seen Pikachu's on advertisements on TV, but you've never seen one from this close up.

Red noticed you staring at them and looked at, waving you to get closer. You looked at him with big eyes and actually crawled closer. The male picked you up a bit, spread his legs and placed you in front of him, so that you were between his legs and leaning against his back.

He took your hand and softly placed it on his Pikachu's head. You grinned and continued caressing the yellow creature. Red was a bit tired, it was already evening after all, so he leaned his head on your shoulder and rested a bit like that.

You looked over at him from the corner of your eye, but all you could really see was his raven colored hair. You raised your other hand shyly and neared it to his head, ending up running your fingers through his awfully soft hair.

Red eventually snook his arms around your small body and held you in a back-hug for the rest of the time. You played a bit with his hair as well as with his cheerful Partner Pokémon. You were getting a bit sleepy yourself, but Blue's voice kept you from dozing off;

"Okay kids, your parents are gonna be here any time now. Let's get you guys ready to go home"

You yawned a bit, then blinked after having rubbed your eyes gently. You were just about to try to sneak away from Red, but in that exact moment, his grip tightened.


And there was that deep voice again. Red's voice... it had to be him who whispered that word in your ear. Your legs got awfully soft, so you couldn't do much against it even if you wanted to; so you turned around in Red's arms and hugged him, leaning your head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.




My note to you:

Sooo i noticed that a book on Wattpad can only have 200 chapters... now I'm like; oh well shiteu xD So, I'll be making a few more Oneshots dedicated to the more underrated characters and the ones i haven't written about before :3

Fanart of the day:

Meme of the day:

Author-chan's question to you:

Thanks 4 Reading!

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