Car Ride ~ Touya (Black) x Reader

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Fluff chapter Requested by rainbowdragon5 , Enjoy!


Normal Pov

You raced to your bathroom, trying to slip into your jeans while you did so. "Why today of all days..?!" You muttered under your breath as you quickly brushed your teeth. Why all the rush you ask?

Today would have been another ordinary day for you, if it weren't for Professor Juniper to have sent you an email a few days ago. The email wasn't only sent to you; She sent it to your three good friends Touko, Cheren and Bianca, as well as to the person that always made your heart flutter; Touya.

The email said that Professor Juniper wanted us to join her on a meeting with her father, where you all would discuss something more about the latest accident with Zekrom, the legendary Pokémon. You would hold the meeting in Nacrene City - which wasn't exactly near here, but Juniper offered to drive you all.

Everyone mentioned - except for Cedric Juniper, the Professor's father, lived in Nuvema Town - so the young woman told you she would be in front of your house at about 9am today. And you guessed it; You overslept and it was currently 8.40am.

Most people would say, that 20 minutes were more than enough time to get ready, but you firstly weren't a morning person, so you would sleep until noon whenever you'd have the chance, and you needed your time in the morning; Slowly picking the clothes you would wear, take your time to do your hair and enjoy breakfast...

But that wouldn't be possible today. You had quickly grabbed a pair of light blue, slightly ripped jeans - which you finally managed to slip into - and put on a pastel pink hoodie with a cute Mew printed onto it.

You had just finished brushing your teeth when you started looking for your hair brush. "Where did it put it..?!" You grumbled, opening each drawer even though you would usually just leave it on the side of the bath sink - but it wasn't there today, of course.

Five minutes passed until it finally accrued to you that you might have left it on the commode in your room, so you quickly rushed back up stairs and sighed relieved when you found the purple object lying on the small wooden commode next to your bed.

You wanted to start brushing your hair, but then you glanced up to the clock in your room, groaning in disbelief. You were sure that if you spent too much time on your hair you wouldn't be able to eat anything - and we don't want that happening.

So you grabbed your hair brush and ran downstairs again, this time into the kitchen and threw your purple hair brush onto the wooden table. You quickly took the Moo moo-milk out of the fridge and a bowl out of one of the drawers, careful not to drop the porcelain.

Next thing you placed on the table were the box of cereals and a spoon. You quickly prepared a small portion of breakfast, much to your discomfort, since you liked eating a lot in the morning and a bit less over lunch.

Like you were expecting it, it was now five minutes to nine and you still hadn't done your hair. You groaned and put everything in the sink - which you'll be washing later on when you'd return. You were glad your parents were currently not at home - they hated it when someone made noise this early in the morning, and you were doing just that.

You winced in pain when the brush got stuck in your hair several times. Of all the times to be struggling with knots in the hair it had to be now. You winced once again, but this time it was because you heard the sound of your doorbell ringing.

"Great..." You muttered and didn't have much choice than to go and open the door, only to freeze at the sight of who was now in front of you; "Good morning" the brown haired male smiled at you, quickly and secretly taking a look at your whole figure.

"T-Touya!" You stuttered, embarrassed that out of all people he had to see you with messy hair. You couldn't help but look down at the hoodie he was wearing, and couldn't believe it was simple coincidence; Touya wore a pastel blue one which had a shiny Mew on it.

He followed your gaze and chuckled while noticing it as well. "Must be fate, huh?". You then giggled shyly while blushing, noticing Touya's red nose, cheeks and tips of the ears. "I-I'm almost done! I just need to finish my hair... you can come in if you want, no need to stand in the cold" You smiled and stepped to the side. It was November after all.

"Thanks" The male grinned sweetly and walked inside. You closed the door and lead the brunet to the kitchen where you both just stood there, you struggling with your hair again. Touya couldn't help but chuckle while watching you; "Do you need some help? Want me to go get Bianca?"

"No please" you let out a light laugh at the boys' sarcastic question; Bianca was the silliest, clumsiest girl you knew, if not the one on the whole planet - and you knew she was probably going to make it worse.

Touya chuckled again and stepped closer to you, placing his hands on both your shoulders and making you sit on the chair which now was in front of him. He got behind you while your mind progressed what just happened and softly took the brush out of your hand. "Let me do it, okay?"

You nodded silently, your cheeks heating up lightly as you just stared down at your hands, which you had placed on your thighs. You could feel the brunet's fingers caressing your smooth hair and eventually rubbing against the skin of the back of your neck. The feeling was very soothing and made you forget about the whole stress you had just a few minutes ago.

You could feel the male taking all your hair together, then him tugging your shoulder for you to give him a hairband, which you did. Touya ended up tying your hair in a high ponytail, and it looked prettier than when you would do it yourself - not that you were able to see it right now.

"I hope it's alright" Touya said, scratching the back of his head as you got up and twirled your finger around a strand of your own hair. You smiled up at the male and reassured him; "I bet it looks great, thanks. Now we better get going before we get Professor Juniper mad"

And with that, the two of you exited your house - you locking the door - and were greeted by Professor Juniper's car being parked almost at the entrance of your house. She let down her window to greet you, you greeting back of course and apologizing for making her wait.

You glanced at the closed window behind the one of the Professor and saw how well Touya made your ponytail in the dark reflection. "Let's get inside, Y/N. Cheren, Bianca and Touka took the seats in the middle row, but there's still three seats in the back row"

You nodded and stepped into the large car after Touya, climbing to the very back of it with him. The male helped you get a bit more comfortable and after everyone's approval, Professor Juniper started driving. You could have just sat in the front next to her in the passengers seat, but of course you were going to sit with Touya.

You exchanged a few words with the three in the middle row before they went back to the conversation they were having while they were waiting for you. You sighed slightly tired and leaned back into the rather comfortable leather seat.

"Tired?" Touya asked in a soft voice - only you hearing it, since the others were pretty loud in the front, not to mention that the song 'Search for the Girl' was playing as well. You nodded sheepishly; "I kinda overslept... so i rushed a bit and now i'm tired again"

The brunet grinned and reached his arm out, gently cupping the back of your head and pulling you closer, then making your head rest on his shoulder. You just silently blushed and scooted a bit closer to the male. You could feel this calming warmth radiate from his body, and that made you snuggle up to him even more.


The calm and rather long car ride had to come to an end when Professor Juniper parked her car in one of the many private parking lots for visitors of the Nacrene City Museum. Everyone got out of the car and greeted by a refreshing autumn breeze. Shivers run up your spine, caused by the quick change of the temperature, but you immediately felt warmed when Touya pulled you closer to him.

"Okay, listen up everyone; My father wants to discuss the latest Zekrom incident with all of us, since you were all partly involved. He will show us something he discovered in the museum, the we'll head to the café across the street and go on with further discussions" The caramel haired young woman explained before leading the way to the mentioned building.

Cedric Juniper was at the entrance, and greeted you all with a warm yet slightly odd grin. The older lead you to a certain area inside the museum and started with his speech. You were listening carefully to what the Professor's father had to say at first, but as soon as Touya stepped closer to you and softly wrapped his one arm around you, pulling you closer to him, you slowly started loosing focus.

Thoughts like how you were wondering what exactly your relationship was with the brunet, since you were simply friends officially, but you didn't know if his affectionate small acts had secret meanings to them. And so, mentally having a conversation with yourself, Cedric concluded his rather long speech and lead everyone outside the large building.

"Do you really think N has something to do with this?" Touya asked referring to the speech Cedric Juniper just gave. You didn't catch everything the older said, but you did catch the part when he mentioned N, a friend of yours and Touya whom you met in Nimbasa City, at the Ferris wheel of the amusement park there.

"I doubt it, but you never know" You shrugged and soon everyone entered the rather small café. Both Juniper's showed you the way to a round table where everyone took seats; Touya sat next to you at your right and Bianca was left from you. Touko sat next to the blonde and Cheren next to the brunette. The two professors were more or less sitting across you.

This time it was the younger who started the discussion. Again, you were concentrated and carefully listened to each detail she mentioned until you felt a foot being bumped against yours. You dismissed it, assuming it was accidental, but then you felt a knee against your leg.

You inconspicuously glanced down under the table and saw whom that leg belonged to; Touya. You slowly moved your gaze up to the male's face only to see him having caught you checking - which caused your cheeks to redden in embarrassment. But you didn't pull your leg away.

Another hour passed by pretty slowly and you couldn't help but admit that this whole discussion you had the whole morning wasn't that interesting. I mean, you already knew most of the things Cedric mentioned, and the other things he said were mostly possible theories.

"Thank you for coming, youngsters. Just stay alert and out of danger, okay?" The older warned as everyone got up from their chairs. The younger professor paid for everyones drinks you ended up buying in middle of the meeting, then lead the way out.

She said goodbye to her father, stating she would report him as soon as there would be news. Yawning, you followed the others to the Professor's car - Touya walking beside you.

"Me and Y/N will be going in the back row again" Touya hummed as soon as you all reached Professor Juniper's car. Touko smirked at Bianca as if she knew something you didn't, but you simply shrugged it off and followed the brunet male into the back seats in the car.

"Careful" he warned you when your foot got stuck between two of the middle seats while you climbed over them. Touya helped you get comfortable once again and everyone stepped into the car and took their seats - the same ones like earlier this morning.

You saw Touya yawn after a few moments of Professor Juniper starting the car and grinned, scooting a bit closer to him; "Tired?". The brunet smiled, remembering today morning's conversation in the car - or well, not the conversation, but how the two of you rested on each other.

"A little" He then nodded and got closer to you as well. He leaned the side of his forehead against yours. Both your and his eyes slowly closed due to the tiredness. But yours shot open just a few minutes afterwards; When you felt Touya's hand on your knee.

You glanced at his hand, but didn't dare to move at first. Until you decided that you had your arm a bit uncomfortably, since it was pressed against Touya's, so you slipped it underneath it and pretty much hugged his arm.

But to your surprise, Touya took your hand in his and slowly intertwined your fingers together. You felt your whole body heat up, making Touya's hands feel even colder in yours. As if he noticed the difference as well, the male commented; "Your hand's really warm..." It was so softly whispered in your ear that you even felt shivers.

You gave his hand a light squeeze before closing your eyes again. The warmth radiating from Touya made you feel so at ease... so comfortable... you could almost see the affection emanating from him.

You wished you could stay cuddled up like that with him forever, and that this car ride would never end...



My note to you:
Touya and Black are the same Character^^ i used Touya because I liked the name more^^ He's also known as 'Hilbert', but don't you think Touya sounds better? :3





Another A/N:
I'm planning to release a book dedicated to the male readers who support me, hope you'll like it guys <3

Fanart of the day:

Meme of the day:

Fact of the day:
Did you know, that the only specific reference to any real-world animal in Pokemon is from Gastly's FireRed PokeDex entry? (it talks about an Indian Elephant)

Author-chan's question to you:
Which is your favorite 'Sword of Justice' Pokémon? Mine is Virizion :3

Thanks 4 Reading!

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