More ~ Red Eyes x Reader

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Requested by Starry-Bunny-Dragon , Enjoy! :3


Normal Pov

"Where's Red eyes?" You asked slightly annoyed while you sat at your desk relaxed. Blue Eyes and Purple Eyes had currently come back from a mission you assigned them to.

You were like a second leader of the Pokémon Pinchers, since the organisation secretly worked for who you called "The Tea Freaks". Only you and Purple Eyes knew about them currently.

You sent Red Eyes on a mission too, but the blonde seemed to enjoy keeping you waiting.

"He hasn't come back yet. I think" The blonde woman answered with her arms crossed. You groaned before swirling around with your chair; "Okay, you all are dismissed. Get lost"

Another 30 minutes of doing paperwork passes by and still no word from Red Eyes. It pissed you off that you 'wasted' time worrying about him, but you couldn't change the fact that you liked him somewhat more than the other. Than any other person actually.

A deep sigh escaped your lips before you decided to get your lazy self up and go look for him personally.

If you weren't mistaking, you had sent the trio on a mission in the cave nearby. As soon as you got out of your underground hideout, you used a special gear Purple Eyes had developed to call a Staraptor.

Once on the back of the obeying Pokémon, you ordered it to fly you to your set destination. It was about a 10 minutes flight from the hideout, nothing to stressful.

After Staraptor had landed on safe ground, you made sure there were no Rangers patrolling nearby and then freed the Pokémon from your gears' control.

You shook off any feathers left on your clothes and started walking into the rather dim cave. It was a bit dark at the start, but your eyes soon got used to it.

When you were about half way to the heart of the cave, it started getting brighter and strange noises were to be heard. Probably some wild Pokémon around. Although it seemed like the sound of something getting thrown at a wall or ground, to be honest.

And you weren't wrong; it was both.

A blonde young man sat on the ground while leaning his back against the walls of the cave. He was throwing something that seemed like an old bone across the cave and a Pokémon, a Cranidos, went to pick it up and brought it back while squealing.

"Red Eyes?" You called out softly yet surprised as you approached the male who was currently frowning at you, "What are you doing?"

Cranidos panicked and ran away to an other corner of the cave, leaving you and Red Eyes alone. Not completely alone, since there were probably Zubats sleeping on the ceiling.

"What do you want" The blonde asked irritated and moved his gaze to the side, to avoid eye contact.

"Don't answer me with a question"

Red Eyes didn't seem interested the least bit in what you were saying, since he had his hand stretched out holding a berry in it towards the direction Cranidos ran off to.

You would have snapped like; "Are you even listening?!", but you didn't bother. Partly because you didn't want to re-scare the Cranidos who was sneaking back cautiously towards the berry.

"Why are you giving it food?" You asked emotionlessly, "Don't you know that we hurt these creatures?"

"Just because" he replied bluntly. Cranidos started to take small bites of the berry, one after another.

You were about to say something, but that was interrupted by your own gasp, caused by when you lost balance due to Red Eyes swinging his leg against yours.

You fell forward, but the blonde male caught you, so you hit his chest. It was strange; you were pissed that Red Eyes kept ignoring your questions, but being like this somehow calmed you.

"Stop asking so many questions" said Red Eyes while he turned you, so that your back leaned against his chest. The blonde then rested his chin on your head while he continued playing with the Cranidos.

"I'm the one who's supposed to order you around" you commented embarrassed.

Silence filled the air for a while until Red Eyes started to speak again.

"Just because I'm a member of the Pokémon Pinchers, doesn't mean that i don't like Pokémon" it seemed that he was referring to your previous question.

"Why are you working for me then? You know that they'll get hurt in our plan's process"

"Because of you", he replied simply, then leaned his face against your shoulder, "And because i need money"

Honestly, you ignored the second reason and questioned the first, "For me? And why's that?"

"Are you really that dumb" Red Eyes muttered, you could feel his breath on your neck, and that made blood rush to your cheeks.

"I'm trying to make it obvious that i don't want a Boss-Employee relationship with you", with that he turned you around again. Now you were facing him. "I want more. I want you"

You blushed 'til the tip of your ears. Red Eyes possessiveness.. you would never admit it, but it was seducing.

The blonde noticed your confused look, and so he pulled you into his chest and sighed. "I don't expect you to answer me now, but at least it came through that empty head of yours"

You would have mad a comeback, but it was nicer snuggling into Red Eyes' chest. "I'm not the only empty-headed here" you muttered, clear enough for him to understand.

"What was that?!"

"Isn't it obvious that i think of you differently than as an employee?" You whispered after pulling your head away from his chest and glaring at him.

"Tch prove it" the male smirked, provocatively.

And being the person you were, you gave in;

You positioned yourself so, that you were on your knees, and leaned your hands against Red Eyes' chest.

You slowly closed the gap between your lips and his, and so your eyes. You started kissing him softly, then more passionately. You asked the male for entrance, but the sadist just wouldn't give you permission.

"Are you trying to mess with me?" You mumbled into the kiss, before pushing your one knee between his legs, causing him to gasp.

That was the opportunity you needed. You let your wet muscle enter Red Eyes' mouth, and intertwined it with his, deepening the kiss by a lot.

Red eyes was pretty convinced by your actions, so he decided to kiss you back just as passionately while he trailed his hands down your back.

You two were your own little world. At least until Blue Eyes and Purple Eyes came to look for you and found their boss making out with their teammate.



My note to you:
Sorry if this one was a bit OOC ^^
+ I think the Ranger games and Characters should get more appreciation >3<

Fanart of the day:

Meme of the day:

Fact of the day:
Did you know, that Any Unown can be caught with a guaranteed chance when using a Dusk Ball or a Repeat Ball?

Author-chan's question to you:
Who is your favourite Pokémon Ranger?
Mine is Jack Walker ^3^ Sven is ranked second x3

Thanks 4 Reading!

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